Proof of evolution—Darwin Filters V2 for HiBy RS6, RS8, RS2, FC6
Jul 25, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #31 of 113
That would be something for the UI team to work on for the next full firmware update 😅
Hmm .. and the more user requests make their way into the development cycle for the next full firmware update, the longer it will take to get released I am sure .. Perhaps not make too many suggestions then :wink:
Jul 25, 2023 at 12:41 PM Post #32 of 113
ok so I heard from you in pm that the V2 pack is working as normal, all functions including NOS toggle. So we just have to figure out what might be happening to the V1 downgrade file.

edit: I cannot replicate the issue here. Can you take a screenshot of the filter folder as it appears on your RS8 when you're trying to do this?
Thanks for taking a look Joe!



Jul 25, 2023 at 6:26 PM Post #33 of 113
Thanks for taking a look Joe!

I think, the fact that the graphs only come up with names, is also the case on the RS8 with the new filters, isn't it? This is in recognition of the fact that you are loading up custom filters (and so the graphs won't apply). It won't be smart enough to recognize that the "custom filters" you loaded up are exactly the same as the default filters, and make the stock graphs reappear. Unfortunately as of now I'm not aware of a way to make the program simply forget that there were custom filters and reload the original ones... would have to talk to the UI guys about this one as well.

Edit: you can do this--
1. delete all files in filter folder (but especially "filter.json")
2. hold finger on "settings" app and tap on "i" for app info
3. tap Storage.
4. "Clear storage" will effectively reset all your system settings, including the Darwin filter settings.
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HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 26, 2023 at 1:39 AM Post #34 of 113
Edit: you can do this--
1. delete all files in filter folder (but especially "filter.json")
2. hold finger on "settings" app and tap on "i" for app info
3. tap Storage.
4. "Clear storage" will effectively reset all your system settings, including the Darwin filter settings.
Unfortunately still not working. Now my plug in is also back to Mastermind with all static on one channel and unusable too. It cleaned up the graphics but did not seem to inject the actual filter files for audio.
We can continue via PM's so as not to derail the thread. Thanks.
Jul 28, 2023 at 1:01 PM Post #35 of 113
Just to close my issue out. @Joe Bloggs was able to get my RS8 back to default spec, unfortunately that nixed my plug in app Mastermind, so I don't have access to the Tube and Neve, etc. emulator's (which I used ALL THE TIME) I have Mastermind installed but it does nothing but give me tons of static. I am hoping it will update randomly again and give me back the plug called 'SimCodec' that was Mastermind, but worked. Again, thanks Joe!
Jul 28, 2023 at 1:47 PM Post #36 of 113
Just to confirm, the Darwin v2 filters will eventually be available through a firmware update and not a side load method?
Jul 28, 2023 at 1:58 PM Post #37 of 113
Just to confirm, the Darwin v2 filters will eventually be available through a firmware update and not a side load method?
That's my understanding. Most likely the next firmware update.
Jul 28, 2023 at 7:19 PM Post #38 of 113
Listening to Scarlatti on piano in 24 / 88.2 FLAC out to EE ESR MKII, a quite analytic IEM. Settings are NOS, MSEB "Analogue" and Harmonic Controller = 110 (mMy main rig is a tube amp.). Result is superb. I'm curious how the new Darwin V2 options can best this, but I guess there's only one way to find out when the FW update is released. Hoping great can get even greater with the update. Thank you @Joe Bloggs and HiBy for staying attentive to your customers even after sale. It is admirable, appreciated and I am sure many will stay with HiBy noting the long-term commitment to customers, except for maybe the commitment-o-phobes amongst us. I am on wife #3 but we're nearing 25 years so I don't think I qualify anymore! :thumbsup: :pray::v:
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Jul 29, 2023 at 12:14 AM Post #39 of 113
Just to close my issue out. @Joe Bloggs was able to get my RS8 back to default spec, unfortunately that nixed my plug in app Mastermind, so I don't have access to the Tube and Neve, etc. emulator's (which I used ALL THE TIME) I have Mastermind installed but it does nothing but give me tons of static. I am hoping it will update randomly again and give me back the plug called 'SimCodec' that was Mastermind, but worked. Again, thanks Joe!
I'm trying to get info for you on that. It seems to be a discontinued plugin developed by a third party.
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Aug 7, 2023 at 7:55 AM Post #40 of 113
Any ETA for RS2 update?
Aug 18, 2023 at 4:29 AM Post #41 of 113

Downloadable version of Darwin V2 OS filters for RS6 and RS8.

Unzip and copy contents into a folder on your player's internal storage called "filter" (create if not exist yet).
Reboot player or close all settings dialogs (swipe away and out in recent app tabs, etc.) until you see new filter names when going into Darwin controller.

1. Graphs in selection viewer will not yet be updated (will still be graphs for old filters).
2. As current firmware expects and displays only 11 filters, I have taken 10. 0th-order hold (which should sound very similar to the NOS switch outside, anyway) out of the list to make room for Darwin Ultra.

I followed your instructions but could not find the Ultra Filter. Where would it be? Low pass filter settings? Thanks for your help!
Aug 18, 2023 at 7:15 PM Post #42 of 113
I followed your instructions but could not find the Ultra Filter. Where would it be? Low pass filter settings? Thanks for your help!
Yes, what player are you using?
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 15, 2023 at 5:30 PM Post #43 of 113
Hey @Joe Bloggs do you have an ETA for the release of those new firmwares? I got the RS8 on my desktop tonight - fantastic DAP. Kudos!!
Nov 14, 2023 at 6:05 PM Post #45 of 113
NOS: Non-filter
NOS: zero-order hold (not selectable in current preview filterpack)
NOS: 1st-order interp
These are all NOS approaches. The actual NOS switch is closest to zero-order hold, so I thought I'd leave this out in the preview (out of necessity, only 11 slots available). Of the two that are available, NOS: 1st-order interp is closer to the actual switch than NOS: non-filter. Also, check out Darwin Ultra :)

Yes, using one of the NOS filters with the NOS switch off would let you do this.

Regarding the behaviour of the NOS switch,

Previously, joint tunings were issued, some of which had the NOS switch on. Such presets can be regarded from the respective manufacturers as "we liked it better when the NOS switch was on, but when the NOS switch was off, we like [such Darwin settings] the most. (But we still liked NOS better)"

I have consulted with the engineers again, and as it turns out, the implementation of Darwin V2 is such that Atmosphere Enhancement and Harmonics Control are available even with the NOS switch on. So I will simply redact the part about having to choose between NOS and Darwin features in the article :p
Noted and very helpful, thanks @Joe Bloggs. At the risk of being dense, is it still the case that to use the V2 filterset, however, NOS switch needs to be off?

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