Private Forum?
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 64


Needs more Soylent Greento become Omega Man
Jun 20, 2001
Ok guys, I posted this idea in the thread about Jan's post being deleted, and was wondering what yall thought. My idea is this...

Have a private forum in addition to the regular forum. The private forum would cost money, although probably not very much. It would allow for deeper discussion between experienced members, allow for a closer relationship with some of the sponsors, and you could get to know some of the members even better than you do now. Of course, newbies would still be very happy to have the regular forums, and I seriously doubt the private forums could ever replace the regular forums for any of us. It'd just be a way to raise some money for Head-Fi, and have a place where you can go to really talk about audio in depth, even more so than here.

I'm doing this on my own, just to see what the general feeling is toward it. Jude mentioned he'd like some feedback, and I thought this might be a good idea... Hope I didn't post something a regular member shouldn't with this Jude, but I'm really curious...
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:33 AM Post #2 of 64
I love moderators
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:52 AM Post #3 of 64
I voted against (but not the "elitist" one -- honest).

My reason is that we can conduct private conversations via chat apps like ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, etc. -- or even IRC.

And I'd much rather say in a post in the forums something like, "....I was chatting with Flumpus on MSN Messenger about how good this product sounds...."

As opposed to, "....I was chatting with Flumpus in the Head-Fi Private Forum (that you're not a part of!
) about how good this product sounds...."
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:56 AM Post #4 of 64
I am with jude on this,private always leads to left out then towards elitist.There are many ways to discuss certain topics in private without the cloak and dagger aspec
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:56 AM Post #5 of 64
I agree w/ Jude. The same purpose is fulfilled by AOL instant messenger and other similar applications. BTW, Jude, cool avatar.
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:57 AM Post #6 of 64
That's a very good point I've thought about. I honestly don't think members would view it that way, rather, a way to help out Head-Fi and have some nice discussions without sifting through newbie traffic. I know that sounds elitist, but I just wanna be honest here... and I don't mean to offend anyone

Anyway, an IRC channel has always intrigued me, and we tried it once but got no traffic. Maybe it would be better now? I hope so
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:09 AM Post #8 of 64
I agree with Jude as well. I know some headfiers already talk privately, why not create a thread and get everyone's icq# that are interested in chatting outside of headfi?
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:11 AM Post #9 of 64
Because this is to help with money for Head-Fi as well, not just to talk privately. If it was just to talk outside of Head-Fi, an IRC channel would be perfect. In fact I'm lookin' into that right now...
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:13 AM Post #10 of 64

Originally posted by rickcr42
There are many ways to discuss certain topics in private without the cloak and dagger aspec

By the way, rick:

The big cow speaks Spanish to the Nederlanders in Venice.


The big cow speaks Spanish to the Nederlanders in Venice.


~~AYIYylgjirGBknXSTJD2oKEV2/aWGxVXYOeu4zLSeGd3AX6+aADFeQQA29h7Qdno6TMlC2EWxBbn F9enRomR/iCYGmxcl7bphMKDJrfXxKTyo3OyA97STxPUvs1hRJlkRT/TpU8xK4RDtCRLkKR6wf9sB6TgJhp5bmACIzu6rKmRnMI4m/bgFfXL+

Apr 3, 2002 at 1:16 AM Post #11 of 64
If anyone's interested there is now a headfi channel on efnet.

If you go there, don't wait 5 minutes and if no one responds leave... It'll be tough to get one started because until it gets established, people may be away from their computers, stuff like that. And the whole time zone thing... So it's best just to stay and minimize, check every once in a while, and you're sure to catch someone there
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:22 AM Post #12 of 64
efnet? irc?

shoot i haven't participated in that stuff in years, what program do i need to get on again (i can't remember).
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:25 AM Post #13 of 64
Just download MIRC, and that should be enough to get you started. Just pick an efnet server, and it'll try alot til you finally get on one. Then just type /j headfi and you're in.
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:30 AM Post #14 of 64
I'm not the one who did the "Elitist" thing either, although I agree with our moderator Steve Martin, or was that Jude in disguise.

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