Precog's IEM Reviews & Impressions
Mar 25, 2024 at 11:23 AM Post #3,631 of 3,662
For me, it's hard to justify spending a lot for UIEMs. Especially when the more expensive one tend to stuff so many drivers in it, making it more are more uncomfortable.

While I did have some meh fitting CIEM but the FitEar CIEMs I had are CIEMs only when it shows in tuning and construction.

When it comes to 1k++ IEMs, I won't really consider UIEMs. The seal and comfort are just too far behind good CIEMs to be considered, never had a UIEM that truly disappear when wearing it for hours.
Mar 25, 2024 at 1:17 PM Post #3,632 of 3,662
Then finally, I have an article/video in the works about the idea of "what resolution is in audio" which I'm super excited to share my thoughts about

That’ll be a good read, years ago in the hobby I thought I had reached end game with Iriver H340/Ray Samuels Tomahawk & Dac - Etymotic ER4 for bass and resolution but I couldn’t listen for more than a few minutes with such a setup these days.
Mar 25, 2024 at 3:12 PM Post #3,633 of 3,662
For me, it's hard to justify spending a lot for UIEMs. Especially when the more expensive one tend to stuff so many drivers in it, making it more are more uncomfortable.

While I did have some meh fitting CIEM but the FitEar CIEMs I had are CIEMs only when it shows in tuning and construction.

When it comes to 1k++ IEMs, I won't really consider UIEMs. The seal and comfort are just too far behind good CIEMs to be considered, never had a UIEM that truly disappear when wearing it for hours.

There are several UIEMs which are semi-custom-like and very close to CIEMs. My Monarch Mk3 for example fits like a glove in my ears despite of the chunky shell.
Mar 25, 2024 at 4:06 PM Post #3,634 of 3,662
There are several UIEMs which are semi-custom-like and very close to CIEMs. My Monarch Mk3 for example fits like a glove in my ears despite of the chunky shell.
The semi custom only works if the semi custom shell is simialir in ear shape to your own. I think the Monarch is one of the most complained about shell designs.
Mar 26, 2024 at 5:41 AM Post #3,636 of 3,662
The Monarch MK3 is pretty okay in shape but it doesn't change that all UIEM will use ear tips to seal

CIEM can have the seal outside the ear cannal, require less pressure on your ears while achieving better seal
Apr 6, 2024 at 7:45 PM Post #3,637 of 3,662
Impressões QDC Anole V14


As impressões auditivas estão usando a configuração de estoque; todos os interruptores estão desligados. Esta será rápida porque o V14 é mais ou menos um VX em termos de ajuste. Você pode ler minha análise do VX aqui . Então, o que mudou , você pergunta? A maior diferença seria o triplo para meus ouvidos. O V14 não apenas tem um pouco mais de agudos médios, mas também devo salientar que o V14 usa quatro dos drivers Sonion EST. Você já conhece minha opinião sobre esses drivers - não gosto deles. E surpresa, mas também não gosto da implementação do V14. Enquanto o VX se inclinava de forma plástica nos agudos, o V14 mudou na direção oposta com um tato metálico e chocante. E para quê? Não se estende além do VX, nem parece particularmente mais rápido. Além disso, uso a palavra chocante porque a coerência do V14 foi prejudicada.

Agora, ouço uma melhoria nos transientes de médios e graves do V14. O V14 é mais inclinado para baixo em ataques transitórios de médio porte, se não for tão definido quanto o VX. No passado, eu critiquei o VX por não ter textura de graves. O V14 é uma melhoria substancial neste aspecto, ao mesmo tempo que mantém também essa extensão sem esforço. Na verdade, eu diria que este é um baixo BA muito bom. Em geral, a macrodinâmica registou uma melhoria. VX teve uma compressão ascendente consistente. Comparativamente, o V14 se inclina mais para a inclinação média para baixo, particularmente nos transientes de graves e médios. As notas não parecem leves ou plásticas. Mas aqui está o problema: essa justaposição é mais uma razão pela qual os médios e os graves soam "desligados" em contraste com o ataque mais nítido e ligeiramente áspero dos agudos.

Para ser claro, acho que este é um IEM muito bom. É certamente melhor do que qualquer outro BA/EST IEM que ouvi até agora e pode jogar no nível principal sem problemas. Tenho certeza que alguns irão considerá-lo um sucessor do VX! Mas se você está me perguntando? Embora melhore muitos dos meus problemas com o VX, outros dão um passo atrás. Acho que é mais um sabor diferente então. E não necessariamente para melhor. Este poderia ter sido um ótimo IEM, mas a resposta de agudos abaixo da média prejudica a grandeza para mim. E quando você considera que os agudos EST são supostamente um dos principais argumentos de venda do V14... bem, você pode ver por que não estou totalmente convencido.

Pontuação: 6/10

Pode aumentar a pontuação em um ponto no futuro, não tenho certeza. Acho que o VX provavelmente também precisa de uma reformulação da pontuação.
Cannyou help me? How with works vs S.crimson and u12t bro ?
Apr 9, 2024 at 1:10 AM Post #3,639 of 3,662
For me, it's hard to justify spending a lot for UIEMs. Especially when the more expensive one tend to stuff so many drivers in it, making it more are more uncomfortable.

While I did have some meh fitting CIEM but the FitEar CIEMs I had are CIEMs only when it shows in tuning and construction.

When it comes to 1k++ IEMs, I won't really consider UIEMs. The seal and comfort are just too far behind good CIEMs to be considered, never had a UIEM that truly disappear when wearing it for hours.

When I first started wearing IEMs, I could only wear most of them for a couple hours at most. Now I can wear most average sized IEMs for 8+ hours, so any extra comfort I get from my CIEMs is pretty much negligible. But it makes sense that for listeners with smaller ears, the CIEM route could prove the better option.

Cannyou help me? How with works vs S.crimson and u12t bro ?

I don't really recommend the Anole V14, I think its predecessor the VX is better (this shows in their measurements, as the VX measures with more treble extension).

It seems like you listen to metal/rock, so I'm guessing you'd prefer the Crimson and 12t more based on 1) those IEMs have more polite upper-midranges (or more bass to balance it in the case of the Crimson) and 2) dipped mid-treble (for the U12t) and more upper-treble to combat roll-off in those genres of music.

Hi. Does anyone have a comparison between the QDC Anole VX (clear vocals, switches on) and Hidition Viento (with the brightest tuning/switches on)?

IMO the VX's best setting is the default setting, the vocal setting just pushes up the 1kHz region and lowers the bass a bit. It's going to sound pretty weird/artificial to most listeners. The Viento has a much more conventional pinna notch at 3kHz and a good amount of forwardness there, so it'll sound more natural. If you buy the Viento, especially in the A configuration, you'd probably want the CIEM unless you can deep fit the universal model to smooth out the 8kHz peak.
Apr 9, 2024 at 8:48 PM Post #3,640 of 3,662
That’ll be a good read, years ago in the hobby I thought I had reached end game with Iriver H340/Ray Samuels Tomahawk & Dac - Etymotic ER4 for bass and resolution but I couldn’t listen for more than a few minutes with such a setup these days.

I don't think some of these Gen-Z'ers were even born yet when that chain was conceived .

I still have the original iRiver (presently A&K) MP3 file. I forget the catchphrase "Catch The Wave"? Next time I stumble upon I'll clarify on the catchphrase for archival purposes.

For more nostalgia, you can get a snapshot of the RSA (presently out of the portable game) Tomahawk here:

RWA (presently out of the portable game) iMod:

ALO Audio (presently Campfire Audio) Cryo Interconnects for RSA amps:


Yes, I still remember the website names by memory. Crazy hobby.

Newer generations have is so good. They even have fuzzy logic autocomplete powers so they don't even have to remember the whole website names.
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Apr 9, 2024 at 9:26 PM Post #3,641 of 3,662
I don't think some of these Gen-Z'ers were even born yet when that chain was conceived .

Ha..Ha, it was certainly unwieldy so I only considered it a portable setup in the sense that I could pick it up and move it elsewhere.

The iriver h340 is boxed up and working with all original accessories and packaging within arms reach, I’ll dig it out for pics and try it with my meteors and Sony xba-n3 tomorrow.
Apr 10, 2024 at 12:13 AM Post #3,642 of 3,662
Ha..Ha, it was certainly unwieldy so I only considered it a portable setup in the sense that I could pick it up and move it elsewhere.

The iriver h340 is boxed up and working with all original accessories and packaging within arms reach, I’ll dig it out for pics and try it with my meteors and Sony xba-n3 tomorrow.

Look forward if the h340 holds up. I used my iRiver for optical output which I guess was like a streamer before streamers were a thing.

What's funny is I lost my Shure IEM while I was backpacking China, but I could never remember the model number.

Then on the RSA Tomahawk link I posted above, I noticed this:


I'm 95% sure it was the Shure E500 that I lost. 500 bucks or so at that time. I think about that lost IEM sometimes because I always wondered if it had a "Butterfly Effect". Since it was likely the only IEM in all of Asia for a extended period of time, I wonder if the Shure was found and 'reversed-engineered'. I highly doubt that happened, but I think about it sometimes as IEM is now a thing in Asia and booming. My UE-10 Pro CIEM was definitely not a thing in Asia as when I procured it circa Y2K, only a handful of posters had them on global public forums. I forget the name of the competing forum, but I can recall it's web design in my head.

EDIT: On the Tomahawk link, I think they incorrectly put in "Hornet" when it should be "Tomahawk". Common mistake for web sites during that time.
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Apr 10, 2024 at 4:07 PM Post #3,643 of 3,662
Look forward if the h340 holds up. I

You asked for it, photo dump below, admittedly crap pics so don’t hate me :wink:


I wonder if it still functions?, don’t think I’ve switched it on for at least 6 years.


Everything still in place


It’s all there, case with belt clip, Dock for PC, Clip on battery pack for 4AA cells,


It’s alive………and still showing full battery?……how the actual ****?


I still remember how it functions


Dock works.


This is quite a nostalgia trip


Remote works and it’s far easier to control the player using this


I plugged in the Kiwi Ears/Crinacle Singolo as I couldn’t be arsed changing from 4.4mm to 3.5mm cables on my meteor/sony xba-n3 but it sounds perfectly fine with the Singolo, I played around with the eq setting and SRS Wow enhancement options and sat and listened for an hour, what a nostalgia trip using this player, almost 20 years old and still works fine.

All the files are of Ogg Vorbis VRB mp3 at high quality so still sound great, as far as I can remember I changed the battery for a larger version and I “think” I changed the hd for a 60gb version, I’ll have to check.

Everything works as it should except for the sliding hold button on the side of the HD-340 as I remember I broke a small tab on it when I took it apart to fit the larger capacity battery, but the hold function on the remote works fine and locks the player.

I’d love to rock up at a CanJam and wander over to a megabuck iem booth and plug in a £10,000 iem and begin chair dancing :smile:

I had quite a few iriver daps at one point including the og H100’s, H120 etc all boxed and working but I sold them on eBay years ago, still got a few apple ipod players in my drawer.

I think I’ve still got the first solid state dap release by Sony back in 1998ish which was like a long pack of chewing gum with a tiny screen and a whopping 64mb of memory, one album filled it up so I was still using my Sharp MD-MS722 mini-disc player most of the time.

How time flies and thank **** technology moves on
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Apr 10, 2024 at 4:15 PM Post #3,644 of 3,662
For me, it's hard to justify spending a lot for UIEMs. Especially when the more expensive one tend to stuff so many drivers in it, making it more are more uncomfortable.

While I did have some meh fitting CIEM but the FitEar CIEMs I had are CIEMs only when it shows in tuning and construction.

When it comes to 1k++ IEMs, I won't really consider UIEMs. The seal and comfort are just too far behind good CIEMs to be considered, never had a UIEM that truly disappear when wearing it for hours.
i mean you get a big hit to any kind of resale potential tbf with customs, couldnt see it being worth getting a custom molded pair of ritzy gear unless its finding a forever home(atleast to start with) especially when theres companies who make custom iem tips for fit issues adn with universals you can actually let people try your gear which is part of the fun of engaging with and making friends in the community
Apr 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM Post #3,645 of 3,662
How time flies and thank **** technology moves on

Agreed, it's difficult to fathom the American Artist / Rapper Tupac (2pac) has been dead (R.I.P.) longer than he was alive. Hopefully, Puffy (suspected in funding the hit) can get his karma soon as the murder case was never solved.

Thanks for sharing the oldschoolcool. Much better than looking at Classic Car photos.

I forgot about the multi-codec jukebox remote. Lifesaver.

I don't think there were different Rockbox themes for the remote, so the UI looks the same across the board. I'm not familiar with the Rockbox theme on the main UI. I wish I rolled that theme. I considered Rockboxing my iPod Mini again but the screen is cracked but there are kits available these days so who knows.

Oh, BTW I found the MP3 file. It's labeled "iRiver, Catch the digital flow!.mp3". Sounds Pokémon-ish. Sound like a modern catchphrase.

The Rockbox learning curve provided me the education I have today.

Presently, I build my own low profile DAPs with low latency realtime kernels and use the iPhone UI connected via the Custom DAP hotspot.

I also built my own Chord Hugo₂TT specifically for CIEMs which moves it up the food chain just behind the Chord DAVE.

Chord DAVE > Chord Hugo₂TT > Chord HugoTT₂ > Chord HugoTT


The Chord Hugo₂TT has a expansive soundstage for CIEMs:


I can't distinguish reality from virtual when Gaming on a low latency realtime kernel because the Soundstage Depth with CIEMs is just phenomenal. Rain drops, birds tweeting, dogs barking, etc. I can estimate their distance pretty well in-game. IRL, I train myself to listen to real life sounds to guesstimate distance more accurately now that I am obsessed with Soundstage Depth.

Without paying my Rockbox dues, I don't think I would have the present foundation.
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