Pet Peeves
Mar 24, 2002 at 4:53 PM Post #31 of 139

Originally posted by Russ Arcuri
New York has that too. We also have a central registry where we can get on a list that ALL telemarketers must refer to -- If you're on the list, you don't have to bother telling each invidual that calls to add you to their list. If you receive telemarketing calls after you've been added to the list, you can collect $100 from the company that violated the law. Yeah, this annoys me too... but come on, nobody has been killed as a result of the Mormons knocking on your door, or the Jehova's Witnesses visiting your neighbor. Both religions require their members to preach, but they're not required to kill you if you don't agree. Ask them politely to leave, and they will. You're confusing the religious crusades with modern missionary work. And the religious crusades were more about money and power than religion.

I would not be so quick to say "no one" as I'm sure I could find the occasional fluke. Moreover, the LDS and JW religions are decendants of religions that have indeed been involved and are still involved in wars fought for the sake of religion. That they cannot be blamed explicitly has more to due with the fact that they're relatively young and haven't yet gotten sucked into a war. I'm sure early on, the first Muslim/Jew conversation seemed harmless enough. And every religion is about money and power. It may not seem this way to the average eighteen year old sent out to talk to us about how Jeseph Smith stumbled upon God's lost word in upstate New York, but the Mormon church is certainly involved in political and financial endeavors. Everyone has an agenda.
Mar 24, 2002 at 5:05 PM Post #32 of 139
The moment I see someone behind me without their turn signal on accelerating faster than I am cruising, I stomp the pedal, no ****ing way they're getting in front of me, there's enough slow ******** in front already. If they turn on their signals however and I realize they're trying to get into the lane to turn, then I back off and let them through.

I hate those who leave ****ty tips or none at all, that's so disrespectful, unless the waiter/waitress was a total prick.

People who disrespect kind women.

People who claim to know something when they really have no idea.

People who try to show off too often.

Useless courses prior to post secondary school (pretty much all the clases).

Ugly women who wear slutty clothes and/or show too much skin.

Body Odor.

People who make fun of those needing to take a **** in a public bathroom. That's so childish.

People who put on a mask out in public (most of the entire urban/suburban population).


I like to insult things so I have to do a lot of homework

rofl, good one kelly.

I wonder if we dislike more things than we do like...
Mar 24, 2002 at 5:10 PM Post #33 of 139

Originally posted by kelly
I would not be so quick to say "no one" as I'm sure I could find the occasional fluke. Moreover, the LDS and JW religions are decendants of religions that have indeed been involved and are still involved in wars fought for the sake of religion. That they cannot be blamed explicitly has more to due with the fact that they're relatively young and haven't yet gotten sucked into a war. I'm sure early on, the first Muslim/Jew conversation seemed harmless enough. And every religion is about money and power. It may not seem this way to the average eighteen year old sent out to talk to us about how Jeseph Smith stumbled upon God's lost word in upstate New York, but the Mormon church is certainly involved in political and financial endeavors. Everyone has an agenda.

Well, suffice it to say I didn't intend to get into a big religious debate. I'm not even particularly religious, or a member of one of those religions that requires missionary work.

I believe that the vast majority of religious people really are trying to make themselves better people and/or do good deeds. You're quick to point out when religious fanatacism is used by those seeking money or power to wage war, but there's also a lot of good done in the world by religious groups and charities. To blame religion(s) for bad things but ignore the good things done by them is common but hardly a fair or balanced assessment.
Mar 24, 2002 at 5:21 PM Post #34 of 139

Originally posted by Russ Arcuri
Well, suffice it to say I didn't intend to get into a big religious debate. I'm not even particularly religious, or a member of one of those religions that requires missionary work.

I believe that the vast majority of religious people really are trying to make themselves better people and/or do good deeds. You're quick to point out when religious fanatacism is used by those seeking money or power to wage war, but there's also a lot of good done in the world by religious groups and charities. To blame religion(s) for bad things but ignore the good things done by them is common but hardly a fair or balanced assessment.

I don't ignore the good things people do, but I perhaps don't give enough credit to their religiously induced guilty concious for those acts of goodness. Perhaps my bias is more against flock mentality on the whole but I'd rather people find motivation to do good things within the framework of a personal philosophy than one indoctrined to them through manipulation, fear and supetstition. Still, you're right to suggest that I should pay more heed to the result than the means and indeed, I do like that a starving person can wander into just about any Church and be fed. Keep in mind, this was a pet peevs list and whatever good they've accomplished, religious people have more than earned their placement on my list.
Mar 24, 2002 at 5:35 PM Post #35 of 139
Enough of the religious banter. I personally don't care one way or another about religion,but most people get way to worked up about.
I would like to add another peeve.......TV commercials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, sometimes they are very funny and sometimes they show some great creativity. Mostly they are annoying and played way to often. VH1 is the worst, 5 minutes of commercial for every 4 minutes of show. That sucks!!!!
Mar 24, 2002 at 6:19 PM Post #38 of 139

Originally posted by Audio&Me
I hate cops.

ROTFLMAO, i had one bad experience that permanently put cops in my **** list. I don't hate them, but i don't care for them either way. If a cop speaks to me in a calm tone i'll respond back the same way.
Mar 24, 2002 at 6:41 PM Post #40 of 139
Yup, traffic can really annoy me, too. Especially the type of drivers that slows down considerably in front of a green traffic light, because it could go red... Or the type of drivers that waste parking space... Or the ones that don't seem to find their gas pedal, when the traffic light goes green - so that instead of 10 possible cars only 3 can actually pass the crossing in one green interval...

Nevertheless, with increasing age these problems seem to weigh less and less - maybe its growing respect for other individuals or whatever. On the other hand, my tolerance for people who fail to do their job properly hasn't increased - it's actually shrunk to zero. So, for example, waiters who need 20 minutes for bringing the bill, after I've asked for it, shouldn't exspect a considerable tip from me...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Mar 24, 2002 at 7:06 PM Post #41 of 139

Originally posted by Audio&Me
I hate cops.

I see no use for them. I mean, what is the point of the law if they are not going to inforce half of it.

It isn't fair to the people that get pulled over because they aren't liked by the cops. And if it isn't fair to them, then that means that it isn't fair to any of us.

I say, you either have a good/honest system of power or no system at all.
Mar 24, 2002 at 8:57 PM Post #42 of 139

Originally posted by gloco
There's nothing worse than when a thread gets closed because someone decides its "useless"

How many other "useless" threads get closed? Not many.
Mar 24, 2002 at 9:26 PM Post #43 of 139
oh boy, I luv the hate cops bandwagon!!!

Seriously though, cops have a honorable position. BUT THEY ARE ON A VAST OVERWHELMING SCALE NOT HONORABLE.

I especially LUV how when a bunch of kids beat up one guy the cops beat up the one guy some more and the other kids go running off into the bushes while they are beating the one guy!


Ive seen this alot here in savannah home of the drunks. I once saw cops slamming this kid around who just got his ASS HANDED TO HIM by 3 other kids. It was so lame, he was trying to call someone on his cell phone and the cops snatched his cell phone and started bitching at whoever was on the other end.

I've never had a good run in with a cop, they are all idiots, I don't discriminate when it comes to police.

And dont give em this "cops have to put up with soo much ****" ********, thats part of the HONOR of being a cop, YOU DEAL WITH THE ********!!!! If it makes you an ******* DONT BE A COP!!

Oh but they're just HUMAN.

They make mistakes too!!!

Poor guys with families.

You know what? Fart on them anyways, I hate cops.
Mar 24, 2002 at 9:30 PM Post #44 of 139
Controversial as ever... but, my pet hate...

American portrayal of English people in films... All stately homes, poshly spoken, tea and scones at 4pm... it just isn't like that at all!

I don't mean to offend anyone (in case there are people in the movie business here)... but, well I've said it now
Mar 24, 2002 at 9:33 PM Post #45 of 139
Damn right, useless pigs. If I wanted to be in law enforcement, I'd go ATF, not some pathetic local patrol scum bag position harassing civilians.

I'd also be giving people huge fines for driving too slow, and holding back traffic.

Failure to stop at a red light? If it's within a second or two, screw that, not going to waste time writing tickets. Failure to go at a green light, now that's something I'd enforce with extreme prejudice.

Another nerve racking fault of lame drivers:
Those that stop in middle of two lanes or prevent a right turn, especially when you're right behind them and need to go right.

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