Official NY/Regional Spring Meet, April 20 2013 impressions
Apr 22, 2013 at 8:04 PM Post #62 of 163
The young man was DutchGFX.

I thought that was his user name but wasn't 100 % sure.Thanks again DutchGFX for helping out running the power to the tables.Glad you & your Dad enjoyed the meet.
On a unrelated note Check out Frank Is review of the decaware amp on dagogo that he brought to the meet
Apr 22, 2013 at 8:45 PM Post #63 of 163
I thought that was his user name but wasn't 100 % sure.Thanks again DutchGFX for helping out running the power to the tables.Glad you & your Dad enjoyed the meet.

On a unrelated note Check out Frank Is review of the decaware amp on dagogo that he brought to the meet

No problems :) of you happen to know what username broight the 2x Stax Omego (orig and MKii) that'd be awesome, but if not don't sweat, I'll find them :)
Apr 22, 2013 at 8:51 PM Post #64 of 163
But best of all was really the people, chatting away during the meet, meeting new folks (GREAT time chatting and listening, Vertical), tipping up a few dixie cups, and the Terrace for dinner (big thank you to Jude as well).

Hey skullguise!  Yep, I enjoyed the chats & your system. Cool finding someone with varied music taste that seems to overlap with mine 

Glad your travels back were uneventful. Hope to see you at a future meet (maybe NYC in fall)...
Apr 22, 2013 at 8:53 PM Post #65 of 163
Hey DutchGFX,
How's the WA6 working out now that you've had it for a few days?
Sounded good to me during the short time I listened to it on you set up.
Apr 22, 2013 at 9:02 PM Post #66 of 163
I'll leave my impressions when I get the chance to type em all up, but to start, can the owner of the DIY amp my Q701's are plugged into please speak out or PM me, I have a question or two :)

No problems
of you happen to know what username broight the 2x Stax Omego (orig and MKii) that'd be awesome, but if not don't sweat, I'll find them

thats Wavoman (larry) further away from you in the pic I would quess it was Kerrys amp you are reffering to as he was setup on larrys table.
Apr 22, 2013 at 9:05 PM Post #67 of 163
thats Wavoman (larry) further away from you in the pic I would quess it was Kerrys amp you are reffering to as he was setup on larrys table.

Yeah that's what his name was! Do you have his username, I am on a quest to obtain that schematic haha, it made my Q's sing!
Apr 22, 2013 at 9:07 PM Post #68 of 163
a big thanks to bozebuttons for putting this meet together,and all the hard work involved!
thanks to yikes for running the not so silent auction.
thanks to vinnie from red wine audio for keeping me company,and navigating the gps on the way to this meet.
i spent waaay more time chatting this meet,than listening.
one system that wins an award in my book for best value(bang for your buck) is the $800 dollar king sound headphone and solid state amp combo. the sound was simply outstanding! i really do not know how they packed this much sound quality into an $800 dollar package.
i am sure drew at moon audio is going to sell a ton of these,once people hear them.
Apr 22, 2013 at 9:11 PM Post #69 of 163
Yeah that's what his name was! Do you have his username, I am on a quest to obtain that schematic haha, it made my Q's sing!

Kerry is his user name.he makes some great Diy stuff.
Apr 22, 2013 at 11:58 PM Post #71 of 163
So, I had a great time as always. 
I didn't really spend much time listening to gear. Much better to socialize and take pictures! 

George, one of the guys from the NJAS. 

Yes, we got some electrostatic awesomeness. 

Tom and Justin. 



A couple headphones

Nothing to see here. Just Sony R10....

Todd and Dave

BHSE goodness. 


Kerry and the "nikongod's $69 challenge amp" amp

Donald North, the DNA amp with Emission Labs tubes and someone from Emission Labs (sorry, I forgot your name :frowning2: )

DNA amp. 

More electrostatics. Because why not. 

WOOT! Someone listening to my stuff!

The man and his machine. 
Justin and the BHSE. 


Exchanging chit chat. 

Blue Hawaii. 
Not even sorry for playing with the colors to make it look blue. 

Todd rocking out. 


Todd brings you this assortment of fine whisk(e)y and bourbons. 


Kerry and Dave comparing headphones. 

Decaware Taboo

Moar R10, because just a little R10 is not enough

A small selection of the WOO gear. 

More people listening to my gear. 


RS-60 have that effect on people. 

The Monkey hanging out
Apr 23, 2013 at 1:24 AM Post #73 of 163
Just wanted to say thanks Tom for putting this together and thanks to everyone who dropped by for the afternoon. We couldn't have done this without any of you... I spent most of the day proselytizing about the wonders of DIY and a little bit of time with other gear. Talked to a bunch of really cool chaps, too many to name... you know who you are. Had heaps of fun driving there and back with Mink70, Rawster, and Colgin. Now on to the gear...
Spent some time at UE and checked out some IEMs I've had a hankering to try out for a while... the UE18 Pro, Reference Monitors, and UE900s. I liked the UE18 Pro the best. They reminded me of the Triple-Fis, but way better. I couldn't dig the Reference Monitors - their upper mids got to me. If I had the money I would have bought a pair of UE18 Pros right then and there. The UE900s were nice as well, but didn't justify a purchase from my Triple-Fis.
I also tried out one of the favorites of the meet - the King Sound Electrostatics! I liked them, but wasn't into the design. For $800 you get a whole lot - an amp and headphones ta boot. At the Moon audio booth I also got to try the Fostex TH600 and I was impressed. What a nice pair of headphones. Nice and well rounded. Not sure what amp it was hooked up to.
Next I made my way to the Woo booth because I saw a pair of TH900s for the taking... They were hooked up to the WA7 Fireflies. I was thoroughly impressed. A nice DAC tube amp combo. If I wasn't into DIY I'd be into buying something like this. The TH600 vs. 900 difference to me was a bit more refinement and less bass on the 900. I'm thinking I liked the 600 better.
The highlight for me was trying the Blue Hawaii with the Stax SR009 at Justin's booth. One word -- magical! I'd love having a combo like that. I did enjoy the LCD3 with the GS-X. I compared my LCD-2 Rev 2 with the LCD-3 and it made me want to drop the LCD-2 then and there.
So yes as some of you already know... I've decided to carry the torch and organize a meet for this fall. I figure in either October or November in Queens at the Adria. I'm going to try and get this organized ASAP and make an announcement sometime this summer.
Again thanks to everyone for showing up and making this a fun event.

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