Objectivists board room
May 30, 2015 at 7:24 AM Post #31 of 4,545
This (and a dozen variations for headphone and speaker listening alike) works on any and all audio going through my PC, with ASIO-level latency, with the help of Virtual Audio Cable and ASIO4All: (the VST Host itself being VSTHost)

For mobile I have Viper4Android processing all audio too.

That covers 99% of what I listen to.

Please provide the name of the product that has the orange screen. Looks very interesting!  The text is too small for me to read it.
May 30, 2015 at 7:27 AM Post #32 of 4,545
I think another brick in the wall against you guys is that your position comes off as so "negative". Cables don't make a difference, players don't make a difference, amps don't make a difference, then what does?

I think, rather than banging on how the things they are going on about don't matter, you may put the emphasis on giving them something that DOES matter to try out. Heck, if the audiophiles are so open-minded about something like "cable burn in" making a change for the better, who knows if they won't give something like this a serious try?

Two comments:

(1) Raw sound quality isn't everything. I admit it, I married what I thought was a nice looking lady, and I think she still is (and more). I don't want stuff that disturbs my tastes with poor appearance. Looks aren't eveything, but they matter. Particularly with regards to headphones, earphones and portable players, things like comfort, unobtrusiveness, battery life, and durability matter a lot. None of those things are very ABX-able although some of them may have been subject to some kind of a controlled test during their development.

(2) The problem with a lot of audiophile SQ evaluations is that they are highly prone to both false positives and false negatives. There is a lot of focus by rationalists on the false positives, but the false negatives are there by the boatload, and they matter just as much if not more. The congenital absence of level matching, time synching the media, and allowing sighted bias which includes both sight and life's experiences, (many or all of which are irrelevant to everybody else), can easily be shown to mask audible differences that are really there!

Fancy seeing you here :wink:

Raw sound quality isn't everything--which is why the top quality I look for in circumaural headphones these days is comfort. Pretty much the only part of headphone "auditions" these days is putting them on and how it fits--the sound I can deal with later. :rolleyes:

As for portable use, the only two good reasons for splurging a pair of CIEMs, in retrospect, were isolation and comfort--but oh what good reasons they were :etysmile:

I will admit that the looks don't hurt either :)

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May 30, 2015 at 7:28 AM Post #33 of 4,545
Nice idea for a thread Joe.
Just some musings - from someone who genuinely tires to be objective in my observances, but often does not understand the science behind it all.
  • We need a series of resource threads that can be written in easy to follow laymans terms, that someone new - without a lot of experience - can understand, and test for themselves.  An example - although it's probably full of flaws (and needs to be rewritten) is this on ABX etc
  • I'd also suggest a resource link to some of the really good videos that are around - like Ethan's workshops
  • I've really enjoyed some of the posts from Steve when it comes to cables.  But often the math is a little out my grasp (even though I'm a pretty smart guy).  A thread explaining the basics on cables - and why materials etc can't change audible frequency response (or when they could) would be good.  but again - in easy to understand laymans terms - with examples.  Spell out how the math works.  Treat it as a primer.
  • I really enjoyed Ethan's Audio Myths video.  I'd love to see a thread dedicted to examples (video is great) of psycho acoustic instances where the brain is fooled.  Poppy's part in that video was brilliant. The more people get the chance to learn in an entertaining fashion, and the more that we question our own human abilities - the more open we might be to the fact that human limitations should be celebrated rather than always trying to attain golden eared status.
  • Once the main threads are in place - then when you get someone claiming the bogus claims - just drop them the link to the appropriate thread, and suggest they have a read.  If they refuse and go on a rant etc - just ignore it, and them.  You can lead a horse to water ......

    The ffbookman stuff is an ideal example of not how to go about things.  You'll never change his mind, and he'll never test himself - so you're at an impasse.  The smartest thing to do is issue an invitation to set-up an independently monitored test, and then when he refuses, just simply block him - and don't answer any of his posts - no matter what he posts.  At that time it's a good idea to also start reporting him if he's deliberately going out of his way to provoke.
  • The worst thing I see from "the SS mob" is when questions are asked - and even if you think they are not genuine - the immediate reaction is to deride, denigrate, mock and ridicule.  Stan - for all I have learnt from you - yours are often the worst.  I know its done in banter - but anyone coming here to learn, and reading how the objectivists treat visitors, would immediately leave, never to return again.  If you want an example of how to post - follow nick-charles. Always calm, always rational, always written based on known facts, and with provided references.
I know its hard to remain calm - especially when you see some of the responses from people who are likely trolling for a response.  But often its better to explain your position, and then not insist on having the last word.  If it gets too much - block the offender and flag them.
I've learnt so much in the last 4 years - from all of you - and I am grateful for that.  But if learning comes at the cost of denigrating our fellow community members - are we really happy with that?
May 30, 2015 at 7:35 AM Post #35 of 4,545
Please provide the name of the product that has the orange screen. Looks very interesting!  The text is too small for me to read it.

You can click on the photo to enlarge it you know :wink:

You mean the paragraphic equalizers? That's Electri-Q, by AIXcoustic Creations, who are sadly out of business before I have had the chance to give them any :frowning2:

The free version did, and still does, everything I need in the way of parametric equalization, up to and including the extensive headphone tuning project, whose methods are outlined (rather poorly I'm afraid) here:

And the fruits of which can be found here:
(the ***-starred models being the models I tuned using this perceptual tuning method)

I suspect you'll want the free version, since the paid version doesn't even seem obtainable anymore... Thankfully I have a copy of it for safekeeping :wink:

It's a bit buggy, but I put up with it for being able to apply and plot a seemingly unlimited number of EQ points, and apply the EQ cleanly and without ringing (in "Digital Economy mode" no less--that's the mode I recommend for all-purpose usage)
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May 30, 2015 at 7:36 AM Post #36 of 4,545
The worst thing I see from "the SS mob" is when questions are asked - and even if you think they are not genuine - the immediate reaction is to deride, denigrate, mock and ridicule.  Stan - for all I have learnt from you - yours are often the worst.  I know its done in banter - but anyone coming here to learn, and reading how the objectivists treat visitors, would immediately leave, never to return again.  If you want an example of how to post - follow nick-charles. Always calm, always rational, always written based on known facts, and with provided references.

Hold it. Outside of the sound science forum, I state facts, provide numbers and usually get attacked by a mob. I get called names and refrain from returning in kind. I'll ask those to be nice, that usually doesn't work.
May 30, 2015 at 7:37 AM Post #37 of 4,545
I think another brick in the wall against you guys is that your position comes off as so "negative". Cables don't make a difference, players don't make a difference, amps don't make a difference, then what does?

I think, rather than banging on how the things they are going on about don't matter, you may put the emphasis on giving them something that DOES matter to try out. Heck, if the audiophiles are so open-minded about something like "cable burn in" making a change for the better, who knows if they won't give something like this a serious try?

Headphones, IEMs and Loudspeakers make a difference.
May 30, 2015 at 7:41 AM Post #38 of 4,545
Stan - all I'm doing is relating what I read.  Again you may see it as banter & you're not the only one who involves themselves in it.  Bigshot (RIP) was another.  Look at the posts from A.S. and how often the next dozen or so posts afterward would be full of inane ridicule.  Someone coming into the thread at that point would immediately see A.S. as the sane one, and everyone else as the bad guys.
I'm just stating it how I see it mate.  Like I said - I've learnt a lot from you and everyone else here.  But if we're going to perform a SWOT analysis on the SS section, lets turn the W's into O's.
May 30, 2015 at 7:44 AM Post #39 of 4,545
  Stan - all I'm doing is relating what I read.  Again you may see it as banter & you're not the only one who involves themselves in it.  Bigshot (RIP) was another.  Look at the posts from A.S. and how often the next dozen or so posts afterward would be full of inane ridicule.  Someone coming into the thread at that point would immediately see A.S. as the sane ione, and everyone else as the bad guys.
I'm just stating it how I see it mate.  Like I said - I've learnt a lot from you and everyone else here.  But if we're going to perform a SWOT analysis on the SS section, lets turn the W's into O's.

I said outside of Sound Science. Here, I got carried away with AS because he gets away with stuff over here that we would get clobbered with by the moderators elsewhere, very quickly. IMO, he repeats the same pattern to get attention, just say'in.
May 30, 2015 at 7:46 AM Post #40 of 4,545
But isn't the topic what happens in SS?  Not in the rest of the forum?
May 30, 2015 at 7:51 AM Post #41 of 4,545
  But isn't the topic what happens in SS?  Not in the rest of the forum?

I though the first post said, "express our opinions relatively freely here." So in theory I did, which IMO pales in comparison to the constant carrying on that AS conducted. His constant disruption is just too much.
He still owes that study on CD Mats, which I expect to be rigged.
May 30, 2015 at 7:53 AM Post #42 of 4,545
You can click on the photo to enlarge it you know

Did that but it didn't help. Old eyes with lots of correction but...

Since you are right there and so helpful, what's the best way to plug that  thing into the speaker output of my PC?

May 30, 2015 at 8:04 AM Post #43 of 4,545
You can click on the photo to enlarge it you know :wink:

Since you are right there and so helpful, what's the best way to plug that  thing into the speaker output of my PC?

It's easier if you just want it for your music player--get foobar2000, get the VST wrapper

Install Electri-Q, point the VST wrapper to where the VST .dll is installed...

If you want it to process systemwide audio like I'm doing, well, a remote desktop session may be in order... :p

Fancy a live (text) chat? My Skype ID is joe0bloggs (with a zero between joe and bloggs) :)
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May 30, 2015 at 8:12 AM Post #44 of 4,545
Did that but it didn't help. Old eyes with lots of correction but...

If you click the image, then at the pop-up, there is a button under the image which simply read "original".  If you click that, you get a maximum resolution image.
The one Joe posted is pretty big.
May 30, 2015 at 8:13 AM Post #45 of 4,545
Here's something that may put the frustrations of you guys in perspective...

Though the Sound Science subforum is a dusty corner of head-fi, it's a dusty corner of HEAD-FI, one of the largest audio forums out there. That, combined with the bang-on forum title, earned it...

3rd place in a google search on "sound science". Heck, the top two hits aren't even on the right topic, so you're effectively at the top!

So don't give up on yourselves as though nothing you say here matters. Compared to someplace like chang* or H2 audio, this place is positively the spotlighted spot in the middle of the Superbowl Arena. What you guys say here matters. So start acting like it and carrying yourselves properly in discussions and arguments. :cool:
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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