NY Area Meet, November 12, 2011 Impression Thread
Nov 16, 2011 at 12:21 AM Post #46 of 50
I finally have a few minutes to write a more lengthy post.  Thanks again for everyone who came out.  Thanks to Red Wine, the HiFiMen, Woo, BeyerDynamic, Beth Orliss, Audeze for supporting the community in so many ways.  Thanks for all the silent auction donations, Yikes' auctioneering skills and the enthusiastic bidding and thanks to those that donated to the cause.   The show will go on!
As far as listening goes, I found myself fatigued very early on.  I was having trouble identifying differences especially as the day wore on.  There were a few standout impressions however.
I missed the last meet spring meet and have been pretty much of a hermit lately.  As such, this was the first time I had the chance to listen to the HD800 in nikongod's rig.  With the Silver Ghost powering them, they sounded very good to me.  Anything you would want in a headphone.  Bass was well controlled, mids were full and lush, highs were smooth.  A man could be happy with a headphone like that.
I also enjoyed the privilege of hearing the SR-009s in several systems.  Ultimately, I thought they sounded best in Kerry's BHSE but the Liquid Lighting and WES also sounded good.
I really like the new Corvina from Red Wine paired with the LCD-3s.  Very involving and musical with all the detail you could want.  If I ever upgrade my amp again I'll have to consider the Corvina.
And last but not least, I had an opportunity to spend some time with the Beyerdynamic T1.  IMHO, I thought these were real standouts.  Everything about them works.  Fit, finish, sound quality, design, it's all there.

Now if I only had $1200 lying around I'd go grab a pair.
Nov 17, 2011 at 11:47 AM Post #47 of 50
Wow. Looks like you guys had another awesome meet. Not that I had any doubts, as Erik knows very well how this is done from much past experience.
I'm sorry I had to miss this one. Unfortunately, "life" intervened at the last minute, & I had to accomodate other demands on my time (which seem to be more & more lately). Glad to see that Erik's own very busy schedule didn't deter him from pulling off another stellar event. Kudos buddy!
Nov 22, 2011 at 1:33 PM Post #48 of 50
Sorry we missed you Jimmy.  See you next time, I hope.
Nov 22, 2011 at 5:20 PM Post #49 of 50
Little late, but just wanted to thank Erikzen, the MOTs and the other headfiers that help to make this a wonderful meet. I went there with the intent to listen to my He-6 through the Ef-6 and Little Dot VI and ended up with an opportunity to listen to a lot more.
Have to admit I loved the Woo tables, but had to make sure that wallet never left my bag. Can't wait until the next one.
Jan 4, 2012 at 9:55 PM Post #50 of 50

Thanks a ton to the organizers and those who donated (my daughter will love the HD585 phones I got her for Hanukah, but ssshhhhhh, it's a secret and part
of my long term plan to get her off of the white earbuds and mp3s and on to really musical phones and lossless music.........progress is being made and I
even got her to come to the last NNJ meet with me).

Marty (aka cat6man)

and it was a hit..........joyful sounds and hugs all around..............but what i really enjoy is seeing her sitting at the table doing her homework when she takes off the headphones
and says, 'dad, you need to hear this'............she now wants (!!) non-compressed versions of her favorite music in place of the mp3s on her ipod, and of course now needs a 160GB ipod classic to hold all that non-compressed music

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