Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
May 1, 2015 at 10:34 PM Post #10,261 of 36,116
Aleojandro PS: 100% agreed.

It is funny I had left this thread for very specific reasons, despite the fact that I enjoyed the creations, and when I come back out of curiosity, it seems these reasons come back all to vividly. Anything but blind adoration will be met by mockery, quite sad to see members, Noble and even a mod (I was quite surprised Warren) gang up on someone. This guy has remained civil and very articulate all through the argument, I honestly would have lost it.

It would have been 1000 times simpler for Noble to have said: send it in, we'll relacker that crack for free. Done. No huge expense and no huge risk for Noble if it normally "never happens".

As it happens, one friend told me thought the K10u was unevenly lacquered which was disappointing for 1.5k iem. He would never DARE say it on the thread. I wonder why...

You can all rip your shirts in fits of indignation now.

1). 3rd owner, there is no warranty, simple or not, policy is policy

Done. No huge expense and no huge risk for Noble if it normally "never happens".

The sacrifice of time is the expense, and time is something we don't have a lot of. I'm sure our customers that have pending orders would not be happy to know we are repairing out of warranty products, delaying their builds from legitimate first owners/.orders

2) I can't even begin to comprehend how a iem could be unevenly lacquered? Like the face plate was lacquered and not the shell?

If your friend or anyone else has a valid complaint submit photos and we will jump to rectify a situation. (And proof of original purchase) I'll be the first to say mistakes are made, we may do some great things, but we are human and falible..
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 1, 2015 at 11:33 PM Post #10,262 of 36,116
Aleojandro PS: 100% agreed.

It is funny I had left this thread for very specific reasons, despite the fact that I enjoyed the creations, and when I come back out of curiosity, it seems these reasons come back all to vividly. Anything but blind adoration will be met by mockery, quite sad to see members, Noble and even a mod (I was quite surprised Warren) gang up on someone. This guy has remained civil and very articulate all through the argument, I honestly would have lost it.

It would have been 1000 times simpler for Noble to have said: send it in, we'll relacker that crack for free. Done. No huge expense and no huge risk for Noble if it normally "never happens".

As it happens, one friend told me thought the K10u was unevenly lacquered which was disappointing for 1.5k iem. He would never DARE say it on the thread. I wonder why...

You can all rip your shirts in fits of indignation now.

Ok, let me be clear here.

So far, im in 99% agreement with the way noble and John works. No, they should not just Re-lacquer the iem for free. What is simple for Noble may not necessarily be the right move. These are 3rd hand iem's and any refurbishing process must be paid. We can argue whether the warranties should be transferable for the universals, but that is noble's prerogative, its in the T&C's, i know what i was getting into.

Yes, it is possible that the original owner lied and she dropped it multiple times. The thing about the internet is, you need to take people at its word if you find it reasonable. If John can tell me, there is no way on earth that the Dreve lacquer coating will never crack due to normal living temperatures (20-50C, lets not go into the winters in canada or desert heat), which means all cracks are user error, i will have no choice but to accept his words, unless i am willing to test things out on a new Noble Iem.  However, John has indicated in his post that a CIEM he had, was left next to a laptop vent, and the heat caused it to cracked. He said its an old laptop, ill be generous, heat from those things are can be pretty damn high hitting 70C. In which case, yeah, its a user error. My concern is the temperature for normal use. 

You know what, lets stop here, im tired of the word "Lacquer", my points are all in the previous post. Its clear that the red K10U is the only reported K10U with cracks, a very isolated incident. All i know is that, im going to baby my own K10U even more, and if it ever cracks, its only going to be due to "normal" temperature issues, and not old laptop vent temperatures. If it happens, well, lets cross that bridge when we get there.

Let me reiterate, other than this, Noble is one of the best CIEM companies ever. After hearing the Fitear's (which turned everything else to ****), the K10's were the first to make me smile for a long time. Their prices are very very reasonable in the world of high end audio, and a downright bargain if you compare it to non-japan Fitear prices. This lacquering thing is just a small dot on their impeccable history (for me at least).

Since there is a possibility that all this hoo-hah is for naught and the original lady owner was clumsy enough to drop them a few times. I'll apologize beforehand. John, im sorry for this. I did not think that the discussion will be this drawn out, but it is, and there is a possibility i am wrong.
May 2, 2015 at 12:09 AM Post #10,264 of 36,116
I think this whole issue has been fleshed out enough.
1. This is a uncommon problem (first time it's come up in this thread). It doesn't matter how it happened, or who done it, the crack is there now.
2. Noble is willing to fix it. You're sending them in to get them fixed for a few hundred dollars. End of story.
Now, let's move onto more interesting topics like.
1. How did the Wizard catch a space tiger?
2. Can sheeps be turned into K10s?
May 2, 2015 at 12:58 AM Post #10,268 of 36,116
Hi guys, 
So, I'm new here, my K10s are being worked on and I've read this thread (all 380+ pages) at least twice now in my anxious wait for my own pair. Regarding the lacquer issue...
  If John can tell me, there is no way on earth that the Dreve lacquer coating will never crack due to normal living temperatures (20-50C, lets not go into the winters in canada or desert heat), which means all cracks are user error

I too would like to ask the Wizard (with nothing but the utmost of respect) if any lacquer cracks due to hot living temperatures (Singapore, so constantly around 30C) would be covered under the warranty. I know it's near impossible, considering that I've never even heard of it happening before and that the Wizard lives in... Thailand I believe, so similar temperatures. But on the 0.000000000001% chance that it does happen to the first owner of a K10, would it be covered? And I also know that Noble has no control over the weather/temperature, so I'm not expecting it to be covered, just wondering. 
May 2, 2015 at 1:27 AM Post #10,269 of 36,116
I too would like to ask the Wizard (with nothing but the utmost of respect) if any lacquer cracks due to hot living temperatures (Singapore, so constantly around 30C) would be covered under the warranty. I know it's near impossible, considering that I've never even heard of it happening before and that the Wizard lives in... Thailand I believe, so similar temperatures. But on the 0.000000000001% chance that it does happen to the first owner of a K10, would it be covered? And I also know that Noble has no control over the weather/temperature, so I'm not expecting it to be covered, just wondering. 

I think that Dr. Moulton has already made it clear that this is not covered under warranty, but I may be mistaken.
May 2, 2015 at 1:41 AM Post #10,270 of 36,116
I think that Dr. Moulton has already made it clear that this is not covered under warranty, but I may be mistaken.

Yup, under his elaboration he did state:
""..... damage beyond the reasonable control of Noble..."   Noble can not prevent a product from falling off a desk, out of someone's hands, chewed by a dog/and or cat, theft, placed in the wash, lost or any other form of abuse, misuse, neglect or accident."
So I was just wondering if it would be covered if there was no user error at all, and if it is purely due to the earpiece being exposed to the weather. And yes, I know that Noble cannot control the weather either so technically damage caused by weather is not covered under the warranty, but just wondering 
May 2, 2015 at 3:31 AM Post #10,271 of 36,116
Imagine yourself being ganged upon in such a manner if you think you have a valid argument. Would you let go or continue, in a civil manner to present your argument, against the onflow of mockery.
Like a cheap high-school scene.

I turn on the tube and what do I see ​
A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me" ​
They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else ​
Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves ​
Victim of this, victim of that ​
Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat​
Get over it.​
May 2, 2015 at 4:23 AM Post #10,273 of 36,116
I turn on the tube and what do I see ​
A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me" ​
They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else ​
Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves ​
Victim of this, victim of that ​
Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat​
Get over it.​

Ahh man....
Take it Easy 


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