New Setup - Cans and DAC/Amp
Jan 2, 2022 at 8:59 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


New Head-Fier
Aug 15, 2011
Hi everyone, hope things are well.

I am presently on the hunt for a new desktop setup. Looking for something when I listen to music, game and play bass/make music. Have Grado SR60s, Koss Porta Pro, Technics EAH820 (need a recable) and a few other fun cans, but am looking for a CLOSED BACK can, that sounds good enough for tracking music, but also durable enough without sounding too compromised. The choices aren't terribly exciting and there are already plenty of threads, but am still having trouble making a decision. As time passes, prices change etc, and am still trying to decide. Hopefully some folk here can steer me a bit more.

The following headphones have caught my eye:

- Sony MDR7506 - classics, and durable. Would like to find real ones, and the CD900ST would be a nice option too.

- Audio Technica ATH40x and ATH50x - used to want the 50's and read nice things about the 40's being more balanced.

- Beyerdynamic DT770Pro 80ohm - They were on sale last week, the window may have closed on these as an option. Durable but Vshaped.

- Takstar 82Pro - Seen these mentioned, bit of a dark horse and havent been swayed by the reviews.

- Shure SRH840 - The 440 is closer to the 7506 price range, but I see the 840s have a bit more going for them.

- Sennheiser HD280Pro - They have come up, and not always a favourable review.

- AKG 361/371 - Another one I see mentioned, tho reviews seem divided.

The DAC/Amp situation is a bit more open...

- Topping DX3Pro+ - nice all in one, has remote control, and can be used as a preamp for my computer speakers.

- Schiit Stack - The Modi and the Magni Heresy as the Heresy is a bit more powerful. Being in Canada, there's a premium on Schiit.

- JDS Atom+ Stack - Well reviewed, and has a good following. Can do what I need. Also a bit of a premium on price in Canada.

- Drop THX 789 - No longer on sale, but was considering it yesterday in conjunction with my Steinberg CI2 interface until I can afford a standalone DAC.

So as you can see, I have a few options. The all in one nature of the Topping unit, combined with good reviews makes it a safe choice, but wonder about longevity. The headphone choices are not going to be end game, but am a big open back fan, so only see myself ever getting one or two great closed phones. Being in Canada also makes some stuff harder to get a hold of, but I am hoping the premium paid on some stuff will be worth it if that is the route taken. I welcome any further suggestions/recommendations. Thanks in advance.
Jan 2, 2022 at 9:13 AM Post #2 of 13
I have 2 closed headphones- the same Beyers you mentioned and a Dan Clark Audio closed Aeon X. I have that Schiit stack and lots of other Schiit and headphones. (And I’m also a bassist)

I am happy with the Schiit but I prefer the Vali 2+ to the Magni 3+. If I was in the market for a small solid state headphone amp I’d go with the JDS just because of the layout / interface and the push power button. But my current Schiit amps are just fine.

For headphones - I stopped using my Beyers. Yes they are built really well but they are tuned way too V shaped. So if I need closed I use my Aeons. Which are sooooooo comfortable and sound better.
Jan 2, 2022 at 12:00 PM Post #3 of 13
Schiit or jds stack is a good choice.
DT770-250ohm sounds better than 80ohm.
Why closed? Grado 225e is pretty good
Jan 2, 2022 at 2:22 PM Post #4 of 13
The AKG 371 is a pretty neutral headphone and would work well with recording and tracking and comfortable as well definitely more so than the HD280 Pro’s which I also own. They are also easy to drive and might do well straight out of the Steinberg so maybe no need for another amp but don’t have one so can’t say for sure.
Jan 5, 2022 at 8:29 AM Post #5 of 13
Thanks for the replies.

The reason for closed over open back is that I want something for when my open back Grado aren't sufficient. My plan long term is to buy some nicer open backs. Just need some utility cans, but willing to make a bit of a concession and get ones that sound good and pleasant. Long term I will buy some Hifiman or Sennheiser HD6XX.

The Schiit Stack vs JDS Atom+ vs Topping DX3Pro+ is probably my biggest hurdle ATM. I know I will pay more for the stacks. Probably about $50 more in Canadian dollars. Not a deal breaker... But curious if that would be enough to sway you one way or another. The JDS does look like it's gonna do everything I would want, short of maybe having a remote.

The plan is to run the RCA output to an Allo Volt+ amp that drives my desktop speakers. Just wish I could find a better DC adapter/connector for it. Stupid weird sizes.

Thanks for the tips so far!
Jan 13, 2022 at 7:40 AM Post #6 of 13
I'm gonna sit back and wait on a good pair of headphones to come up on a deal (probably shoulda got the DT770Pro on sale), and go ahead with my DAC/Amp for now.

Still scratching my head over this...

- DX3Pro+ vs JDS Atom+ stack... I feel like sonically there is little difference from what I've read. The biggest drawback to the JDS would be the plastic enclosure vs non plastic. Otherwise I'm more concerned about Topping vs JDS in the reliability dept over time.

- Schiit Stack... Still an option, but I've read the volume pot has been an issue in past, and other than that, I see no issue with their product. It does what I need (preamp as well as amp), and has a coax input too. It definitely looks great. Haven't seen them compared to the new JDS Atom+ stack, just the old one. Id be interested in comparisons. Have been leaning towards the Heresy version if I go down that road ... Good choice?

The last issue in deciding would be that since I am in Canada, there's some extra costs involved. JDS and Schiit sell direct, and there is a JDS dealer in Canada who is fairly priced. Amazon in Canada has the Topping for $259CAD. That's about on par with most sellers. The JDS and Schiit shipping options are around $25-30USD, so not too bad.

- Would you choose a "local" retailer or buy direct if the price was somewhat equal? (Assuming there's only additional taxes on cross border purchase of JDS or Schiit stuff - anyone in Canada have experience to share?)
Jan 13, 2022 at 5:37 PM Post #7 of 13
Jan 13, 2022 at 6:54 PM Post #8 of 13
I'm gonna sit back and wait on a good pair of headphones to come up on a deal (probably shoulda got the DT770Pro on sale), and go ahead with my DAC/Amp for now.

Still scratching my head over this...

- DX3Pro+ vs JDS Atom+ stack... I feel like sonically there is little difference from what I've read. The biggest drawback to the JDS would be the plastic enclosure vs non plastic. Otherwise I'm more concerned about Topping vs JDS in the reliability dept over time.

- Schiit Stack... Still an option, but I've read the volume pot has been an issue in past, and other than that, I see no issue with their product. It does what I need (preamp as well as amp), and has a coax input too. It definitely looks great. Haven't seen them compared to the new JDS Atom+ stack, just the old one. Id be interested in comparisons. Have been leaning towards the Heresy version if I go down that road ... Good choice?

The last issue in deciding would be that since I am in Canada, there's some extra costs involved. JDS and Schiit sell direct, and there is a JDS dealer in Canada who is fairly priced. Amazon in Canada has the Topping for $259CAD. That's about on par with most sellers. The JDS and Schiit shipping options are around $25-30USD, so not too bad.

- Would you choose a "local" retailer or buy direct if the price was somewhat equal? (Assuming there's only additional taxes on cross border purchase of JDS or Schiit stuff - anyone in Canada have experience to share?)
If you can buy an American, or any foreign product, through a Canadian dealer, do it. Provided the added cost is not too much. You really don't want to be trying to return stuff to America, Europe or China.

I try to buy within Canada whenever I can. Headphone Bar in Vancouver is my go-to store and I am NOT local. I am in Nova Scotia. They have great sales, especially on open-boxes.
I have never had much luck with Amazon products. I always end up returning them or selling them.

It has taken me the better part of six years to figure out what I like and don't like. It is so personal and individual the only way to know for sure is trial and error.

I have gone through more than 35 pairs of headphones and at least a dozen amps looking for that sweet sound.

I am not familiar with any of the specific components that you listed, but would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

P.S. Having just preached buy in Canada, when you can, my last three transactions were:

1) HiFiman HE6seV2's for $599.00US from Adorama in New York (Awesome headphone with the right amp).

2) Focal Elegia's for $379.00US, again from Adorama.

3) LSA HP-2's (made by Kennerton) from Underwood HiFi in the US. Price was $799.00US and is my best headphone.
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Jan 13, 2022 at 7:58 PM Post #9 of 13
2) Focal Elegia's for $379.00US, again from Adorama.
That is an incredibly good deal for the Elegias!.. It would be almost rude not to buy them to be honest. Here in the UK they are significantly more 😞

How do you find them sonically? Do they lean towards any particular genres as am a lover of all music but on the hunt for some enjoyable EDM cans.

Would appreciate any and all advice, any suggestions of cans you would recommend for EDM kind Sir!

The DAC/Amp situation is a bit more open...

- Topping DX3Pro+ - nice all in one, has remote control, and can be used as a preamp for my computer speakers.

- Schiit Stack - The Modi and the Magni Heresy as the Heresy is a bit more powerful. Being in Canada, there's a premium on Schiit.

- JDS Atom+ Stack - Well reviewed, and has a good following. Can do what I need. Also a bit of a premium on price in Canada.

- Drop THX 789 - No longer on sale, but was considering it yesterday in conjunction with my Steinberg CI2 interface until I can afford a standalone DAC.

So as you can see, I have a few options. The all in one nature of the Topping unit, combined with good reviews makes it a safe choice, but wonder about longevity. The headphone choices are not going to be end game, but am a big open back fan, so only see myself ever getting one or two great closed phones. Being in Canada also makes some stuff harder to get a hold of, but I am hoping the premium paid on some stuff will be worth it if that is the route taken. I welcome any further suggestions/recommendations. Thanks in advance.

Would a Jotunheim 2 not be an option for you?

Cheers 😀
Jan 13, 2022 at 8:15 PM Post #10 of 13
That is an incredibly good deal for the Elegias!.. It would be almost rude not to buy them to be honest. Here in the UK they are significantly more 😞

How do you find them sonically? Do they lean towards any particular genres as am a lover of all music but on the hunt for some enjoyable EDM cans.

Would appreciate any and all advice, any suggestions of cans you would recommend for EDM kind Sir!

I am not into EDM, so that question might be better asked of our closed back guru, @Malevolent.
I am trying to move a very V-shaped set of headphones right now called the WP900's by Audio Technica. I don't care for the sound, but I am told that they are best with EDM/hip-hop.

I find that the Elegia's are mids first and then bass. Nice full sound, but just a little bass light. Especially compared to the Beyer T5's.

They are definitely huge bang for the buck at this price. Not perfect, but pretty damned good.
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Jan 22, 2022 at 9:13 PM Post #12 of 13
Aren't sufficient for what? Loudness? Isolation? It's very easy to buy nice open backs, given that's what most better sounding headphones are.

I used a pair of 7506's once ... once. I understand they're a reference, but "reference" sometimes just means they're kept in constant production so that if they get ruined you can get another pair and not upset your workflow. They are light and whatever bass they do have doesn't intrude too much on the mids, which is what has helped them stay out of the way of whatever's being monitored. But I wouldn't confuse them with "accurate." You use them for field recordings, live recordings because you need to block out the sound of the actual performance in order to hear what the mics are doing. That's it.

Actually that's not it. Monoprice 8323 "DJ" headphones do it better. 10 years ago they were $33 and now they're $17. They clamp your head like a vise your sweat from the friction and heat as much as from the seal, also don't sound great but they're "clear" and work fine for field recordings so long as you already have a handle on what your mics can do. If you need to totally rock out to something while someone is quietly reading a book in the same room the Monoprice 8323 will let you do that. And the cord is detachable/replaceable, so there's that. Part of my toolkit, but never for music enjoyment.

The jist of the responses here and of what you're interested in make far more sense that cheap closed-back models do, IMO.
Jan 23, 2022 at 12:07 AM Post #13 of 13
Here are some "nicer open backs," made for the studio (with a ridiculously long cable): ATH-R70X
Usually $350 US but here they are for $289.

Here's the Canadian translation, don't know if they are still such a discount:

My other main headphones (lots of IEMs too) are Grado SR325. The ATH-R70X have a less forward midrange, more bass extension, a much bigger soundstage and a wonderful sense of top-to-bottom clarity. They are also astonishingly light and comfortable; photo is my avatar.

I had the Sony 7506, and they're not even close -- artificial, peak-and-valley sound. If you want guitars to leap out and bite you -- and sometimes you do -- the Grado sound is unbeatable. But for a spacious, objective listen -- what the producer produced -- these are great. I did an in-store tryout, not ideal but revealing enough, with the ATH-M40X and ATH-M50X and found them both stuffy and blurred in the midrange compared to the Grado sound I was used to. The ATH-R70X look and sound entirely different.
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