New listening impressions of Stax C32 prototype and Shipping SR-009
Mar 21, 2011 at 11:34 PM Post #407 of 1,514

I've owned both a KGSS and SRM-717  and while they are both good (one is more neutral and the other has a warmer presentation), neither are anywhere near the level of a BHSE from the few times I've heard at meets.



Did you hear the BHSE and KGSS with the SR-007 using the same source and music?
Can you be more specific about what was better about the BHSE relative to the KGSS?
Some people say the SR-007 has somewhat better bass with the BHSE, but other than that I haven't seen anything concrete.
Mar 21, 2011 at 11:48 PM Post #408 of 1,514

On some types of music (such as vocals), headphones can match (but not exceed) good speakers as long as you don't mind the sound coming from inside your head. On other types of music (such as classical symphonies), headphones don't provide an experience which is even remotely close to full-range speakers.
Sure it's an opinion, just like saying that flying in a jet is better than flying in a turboprop.

No, it's like saying that listening to speakers is better than listening to headphones, and that's clearly not an opinion shared by all.
Mar 22, 2011 at 12:32 AM Post #410 of 1,514
As long as there are a demand for expansive headphone, headphone companies will find a way to meet the supply.
As I remember back to 2002, there are not much over $1000 earphone/headphone in the market.  And now, over $1000 earphone/headphones are everywhere.
So 009 is priced around $5000, if there are high demand on it, I believe we will see more companies will build some crazy expansive headphones in the future.
for 4700 dollars these better be amazing

Mar 22, 2011 at 1:06 AM Post #411 of 1,514
To be honest... if these are that much better then the 007, and the 007 is already on par (if not better) then the orpheus... 4000-4500 is totally acceptable.
I'm willing to bet though, the actual street price down the road will be more like 2500-3500.
Wasn't the original 007 msrp something like 3000?
Mar 22, 2011 at 1:25 AM Post #412 of 1,514
Haha no.  But I'm seriously considering them.  I'm really happy with my current set of Zu Soul Superflys but have been curious about getting a pair of Quads for a while.  I'll most likely go for the SR-009 before doing anything to my speaker setup though since I'm envisioning myself moving to a smaller apartment soonish.
Ya I might just try to get it from Japan but it will obviously depend a lot on how much it is here.  Hopefully they compensate a bit on US MSRP for the weak dollar.  Btw, are those your Quads?

Mar 22, 2011 at 1:33 AM Post #413 of 1,514
The KGSS and 717 were off of the same PS Audio PWD source which I'm very accustomed to.  Both were very fine amplifiers and believe it or not, I preffered the 717 to the KGSS since the later seemed a little bit on the drier side with my O2 MKIIs.  Neither of the amps though were able to extend / control the bass extremely well on the O2...and the highs seemed a little on the rolled off side.
The BHSE (at Canjam) and BH (n3rdling's at LA Meet) both impressed me in how linearly they were able to drive the O2 and everything seemed just right (other than the somewhat enclosed soundstage).  This is why the original Omega was more impressive in my opinion.  Anyhow, the 009 seems to fix my little issues I had with the previous two stax flagships, so even though they are mighty expensive, I'll try to find a pair once my amp is ready.
Did you hear the BHSE and KGSS with the SR-007 using the same source and music?
Can you be more specific about what was better about the BHSE relative to the KGSS?
Some people say the SR-007 has somewhat better bass with the BHSE, but other than that I haven't seen anything concrete.

Mar 22, 2011 at 1:41 AM Post #414 of 1,514


On some types of music (such as vocals), headphones can match (but not exceed) good speakers as long as you don't mind the sound coming from inside your head. On other types of music (such as classical symphonies), headphones don't provide an experience which is even remotely close to full-range speakers.
Sure it's an opinion, just like saying that flying in a jet is better than flying in a turboprop.

As was once said to Scarlett, Frankly I don't give a damn what speakers sound like.   I go to enough live concerts to realize that few if any speakers sound like a live concert.  Google "phantom channels" to find out what the problem is with loudspeaker reproduction.  I am tired of raising this issue myself.  My best phones (007A and Sigma/404) don't sound like speakers they sound like live music.
Mar 22, 2011 at 2:14 AM Post #415 of 1,514

To be honest... if these are that much better then the 007, and the 007 is already on par (if not better) then the orpheus... 4000-4500 is totally acceptable.
I'm willing to bet though, the actual street price down the road will be more like 2500-3500.
Wasn't the original 007 msrp something like 3000?

I believe the original SR-007 MSRP in Japan was 180,000 Yen in 1997. The SR-009 is more than double that... You may be referring to the original US price for the SR-007 which was something ridiculous like $4K back in 1999. I got my SR-007 new in 2007 for $1400 (the Yen was weak back then.)
The problem this time is that the price is extremely high even in Japan AND the Yen is very strong...
I think I'll pass since I already own the SR-007, and I listen to headphones only when listening to speakers would disturb someone. I basically switched mostly to listening to speakers after getting a good speaker setup shortly after getting the SR-007 - I couldn't find an advantage to listening to the headphones other than not disturbing others.
Mar 22, 2011 at 7:55 AM Post #416 of 1,514
As long as there are a demand for expansive headphone, headphone companies will find a way to meet the supply.
As I remember back to 2002, there are not much over $1000 earphone/headphone in the market.  And now, over $1000 earphone/headphones are everywhere.
So 009 is priced around $5000, if there are high demand on it, I believe we will see more companies will build some crazy expansive headphones in the future.

Even if they aren't quite as good as super-expensive old obsolete faves like the R10 or Qualia, at least you will be able to buy spare parts for the 009......
Mar 22, 2011 at 8:09 AM Post #417 of 1,514

On some types of music (such as vocals), headphones can match (but not exceed) good speakers as long as you don't mind the sound coming from inside your head. On other types of music (such as classical symphonies), headphones don't provide an experience which is even remotely close to full-range speakers.

Yet again you are stating opinion as if it were fact.
Mar 22, 2011 at 11:45 AM Post #420 of 1,514
My estimate was 360KYen so I wasn't that far off.  That's less than replacement drivers for the HE90 so I'm not complaining. 
Not to my ears it isn't.  Not by a long shot.

For me it is completely the opposite, the HE90 is a highly flawed transducer which is very much a one trick pony and falls flat just as soon as you ask it to something even remotely complex.  The SR-Omega is superior on every level even though it also has some flaws, mostly to do with the appalling chassis design.  The SR-007 is an even further refinement, gone is the crazy driver design and instead the money is spent on the chassis where it really matters. 

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