New Beyer DT1350
Apr 15, 2012 at 6:27 PM Post #1,531 of 4,010
Nice comments digital freak. Don't worry about the early negative comments and thoughts about the DT1350's. I auditioned them locally after reading so many reviews and even with my Alo rx2 driving lossless tracks into the Beyers I still found them to be particularly average. Well perhaps not average but certainly lacking in bottom end in a big way. I was almost tempted to buy some audio technical esw7's instead. I am glad that I ignored my initial views and relied upon the many glowing headfi reviews. These cans paired with the iBasso pb2 with balanced wiring are heavenly. I am loving them.

So you're saying don't listen to any review that's less than glowing, don't trust your own initial auditions, just listen to the positive hype and everything will be dandy?  Interesting philosophy... 

Gee you certainly misinterpreted my comments....

As the rebuttal from Digitalfreak should have indicated to you, I listened to the DT1350 with hundreds of comments and reviews in mind and had already decided that it was likely the closed portable can for me. My early listening impressions were very lackluster. I was even aware of the temperamental fit and seal issues but the sound was not like this is why so many people rave about them. They had nice mids but were not overly spacious. There was no other strengths other than the funky industrial design and build that really grabbed me..

In the end I took a risk and thought that I would give them a proper try and buy them based on the interpreted reviews and my own observations. Now with my iBasso PB2 with the Class A opamps from HiFlight and some quality re-wire work from Qusp these are seriously great sounding cans.

You can sit back there being judgmental all you like but the proof is in the pudding....and I am going to be digging into the DT1350 pudding for a long time to come.....
Apr 15, 2012 at 7:05 PM Post #1,532 of 4,010
Misinterpreted maybe, but what you just said is totally different than what you said before...  I'm not judging you for your headphones or impressions, just commenting on the idea you expressed in your previous post.  forget it...
Apr 16, 2012 at 12:05 AM Post #1,533 of 4,010
Just to clarify for anyone arriving: you need to amp these with something more substantial than an ipod if you want large and lovely bass. These are 80 ohms and require a power source to get anywhere near their best. An EQ is recommended as even though the high-mid/treble is not old Beyer it is still at the forefront which is great for medium volume listening but can become incredibly fatiguing and sibilant when amped to MAX volumes. These are not just portable headphones. You really cannot do any better in any market IMO for 300 bucks atm.
I would say comfort is a deciding factor more than anything. These can and will press into your ears if you want the perfect seal. I usually take a break every 30m or so. Fit is very easy once you get used to it. Hardly even know it is there besides your ears getting warmer and sweatier on long runs.
Apr 16, 2012 at 11:44 AM Post #1,534 of 4,010
By who? You? Yeah I guess it's just you, unless someone else wants to back you on this. It seems as though almost every other post you make on this thread is about EQ. It does get tiresome, most people know what EQ is and people either use it or they don't because there are pros and cons to using EQ. Yes, there are signficant cons if you bother to do research.

 An EQ is recommended

Apr 16, 2012 at 12:06 PM Post #1,535 of 4,010

Yes, there are signficant cons if you bother to do research.

I think this depends on the implementation.  The EQ in my DX100 is done at 48 bit depth and this done very well with its internal dac.
Apr 16, 2012 at 12:11 PM Post #1,536 of 4,010
Is this what Swarthy was talking about?

Edit: And just to be clear. 48 bit depth would minimize degredation but it would not prevent harmonic distortions that reverberate throughout other parts of the freq spectrum correct?
I think this depends on the implementation.  The EQ in my DX100 is done at 48 bit depth and this done very well with its internal dac.  

Apr 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM Post #1,537 of 4,010
I rarely use EQ except for when I owned a Cowon J3 but I often find that from my iPod classic via my CLAS that it does tend to distort. To me it sounds like a compatibility issue. It was sounding like sound break-up due to excess volume. I didn't have it too loud but it wasn't quiet either.
Apr 17, 2012 at 4:49 AM Post #1,538 of 4,010
Has anyone experienced that the soft leather bands under the headband falls off after a while? Mine are starting to detach in the ends and it seems like the glue/tape does not stick to the headband anymore. 
Apr 17, 2012 at 9:24 AM Post #1,540 of 4,010

I think that Beyer use a different glue on the headband and earpads because it never happens with the T50p but my earpads had to be glued also. Mind you I had removed them to open the cup for some mods.  

Has anyone experienced that the soft leather bands under the headband falls off after a while? Mine are starting to detach in the ends and it seems like the glue/tape does not stick to the headband anymore. 

Apr 17, 2012 at 9:38 AM Post #1,541 of 4,010
I do not like to glue it permanently onto the beadband. So I prefer a set of new set of cushions for the headband. I think I will ask Beyerdynamic product support for what to do about this. 
Apr 17, 2012 at 12:11 PM Post #1,542 of 4,010
The Bostik Contact Bond isn't a permanent thing, at least from what I observe on mine. I applied a modest amount, and while the leather is secure (as opposed to literally coming off before), I can still pull them off. 
Apr 18, 2012 at 4:21 AM Post #1,543 of 4,010
Sorry to pee in your cheerios. I know the discussion about EQ can get tiresome but no more really than any other of the posts on here that blather on about absolutely nothing. At least I am providing feedback that works. I am just trying to post what I feel at the time I am listening and if anything changes I note that. So far without EQ I cannot even get near the sound I want.
I happen to agree with many posters that these can become a bit sibilant. This is what differentiates the best cans from mere 300 dollar ones. YOU DO HAVE TO EQ to get a close to perfect sound on these or simply you can just be happy listening to low to mid volume music and I guess most people are as many don't even seem to be properly amping them or just using them for portable which is great.
Pros and Cons to EQ bah humbug. There are next to ZERO cons if you are doing it right and keeping your signal paths clean. Ipod this and that of course you are going to get some distortion with an ipod and what not. We should all know this. I am not using this type of equipment which is why I directly said these can also sound very very nice out of the box on an ipod because it doesn't have near the capability to drive these to levels I am listening at on my Denon. You don't need 48 bit depth either that is nice if you have it. Anything in the 32 bit domain and up should work wonderfully on the proper hardware. ffdshow supports this and so does my Denon so it's a win for me.
I can have no EQ and torch the **** out of my ears at high volumes with awful high end sibilance or I can slide the high end down a bit along with the bass in small .1 dB increments for hours on end to get maximum impact and realization of balanced sound. Sorry I made you pissy. But as I first said I was going to put a lot of time into these and post my results. Notice I don't post as much anymore because nothing really new is happening. These are fantastic phones but I would beware if you have comfort issues or if you are not at least properly amping them. That was my final conclusion. I fully recommend people use an EQ to maximize their purchase. Not everybody stumbling on this topic is some legend on the forums.
I don't get what you are saying either. I listen and critique with my ears not some article on full spectrum distortion caused by EQ. Without an EQ quite simply I would not be happy with these nearly in the way I am with one. It is that simple. An EQ may cause very very low level of noise. This is not anywhere near the known treble peaks in these headphones that many have reported. And most people reviewing these are not pushing them to their limits either. I am just trying to recommend the product to people who can make their own decisions based on fair feedback.
My whole system uses a fairly nice 32 bit floating point processor for EQ. I certainly do not hear any problem with it and I am a severely critical listener.
So far the pleather on mine is holding nicely and they have been through some hour plus sessions and tons of smaller ones.
Apr 18, 2012 at 5:32 AM Post #1,544 of 4,010
Listen swarthy, the fact that you can't hear harmonic distortion caused by your EQing gives you ZERO credibility with me and those who actually care about high FIDELITY. You use words like "perfect" to describe EQed up cans and yes this gets tiresome because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about and you love to repeat yourself and blanket apply your personal conclusions on other people. I'm happy EQing makes you happy go ahead, but don't assume nobody else has ears too. Beats by Dr. Dre Studios has an EQ chip built into the headphone, perhaps this can also be called "perfection"

I consider you be a blight on this thread and wonder why you haven't created a seperate thread related to EQ or EQing Dt1350s. Just sayin.
YOU DO HAVE TO EQ to get a close to perfect sound on these
Pros and Cons to EQ bah humbug. There are next to ZERO cons if you are doing it right
I listen and critique with my ears not some article on full spectrum distortion caused by EQ.

Apr 18, 2012 at 6:25 AM Post #1,545 of 4,010


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