Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Nov 19, 2013 at 12:00 PM Post #18,061 of 48,580
OK, this live streaming feature of the PS4 is pretty sweet. I enjoy watching people play games. Probably my favorite next gen feature I've seen so far.

My bad. Doing three things at once, lol.
Nov 19, 2013 at 12:06 PM Post #18,062 of 48,580
  Deciding between two setups, input would be appreciated. Currently have dt770 pro-250s. Two options I'm considering are:
SoundBlaster Z > Magni > dt770
RazerSurround > Modi > Magni > dt770
I've demo'd the razer software and it's is not too shabby for what it is. Is SBX much better if at all? This is for game immersion with headphones only, I don't like any type of software on while listening to music and I watch movies on an actual 5.1 setup. 
I love DH for its superior positional cues but I just can't deal with all the reverb.

How about
SoundBlaster Z > DT770
Nov 19, 2013 at 12:25 PM Post #18,063 of 48,580
  How about
SoundBlaster Z > DT770

Was concerned about the quality of the amp, sound cards aren't known for integrating the best of amps. I couldn't find the specs of the one on the SB-Z. 

I'm a fan of the Schiit stack so I preferred to go that route if SBX Pro Studio and RazerSurround relatively on par with each other in games. I don't plan on using the virtual surround software in any other situation aside from gaming.
Nov 19, 2013 at 1:42 PM Post #18,064 of 48,580
Do a search on youtube for RazerSurround - a fair few comparisons between the technologies. Switch to stereo/no surround effects.
Nov 19, 2013 at 2:07 PM Post #18,066 of 48,580
RazerSurround is a legitimate program. No malware or third party installs. Starting Jan 1st it won't be free. It's free right now to get word out about it. But since it's technically a paid program you won't run into toolbar or other third party garbage. It's not the best out there; but for free and if it's all you can get, it'll do.
Nov 19, 2013 at 2:13 PM Post #18,067 of 48,580
  Do a search on youtube for RazerSurround - a fair few comparisons between the technologies. Switch to stereo/no surround effects.

There aren't many but from what I've listened to, it's hard to decide without extensive personal testing.

For instance I listened to one on battlefield 3, with this game there is so much going on that it's tough to compare. There was a short segment by a fountain where rear sounds with the razer software were rather muffled.

I listened to another video with bioshock infinite where the razer surround actually seemed rather effective when voice panned around. Maybe it is certain frequencies where razer noticeably mucks up the sound?
Nov 19, 2013 at 2:17 PM Post #18,068 of 48,580
  Was concerned about the quality of the amp, sound cards aren't known for integrating the best of amps. I couldn't find the specs of the one on the SB-Z. 

I'm a fan of the Schiit stack so I preferred to go that route if SBX Pro Studio and RazerSurround relatively on par with each other in games. I don't plan on using the virtual surround software in any other situation aside from gaming.

I've assumed the headphone amplifier built into the SB-Z & SB-Zx is not as good as the headphone amplifier chip (TI 6120A2) built into the SB-ZxR and Essence STX & ST.
(I myself would rather use a Magni or O2 amplifier, over any amp built into a sound card)
But for the cash you would spend for the Magni/Modi combo, you could get headphones better then the DT770 Pro 250-Ohm.
I guess it comes down to finding out how good the Razer software is?
Nov 19, 2013 at 2:42 PM Post #18,069 of 48,580
Mad, I'd be interested in your view on Ghosts. Amazon reviews are hating on the popular franchise, but everyone I've actually talked with in person actually likes it after a few games adjustment. CoD4 with stopping power Is where I've been playing for years... so reports of powerful guns killing in two or one shots sounds normal to me, and I like the idea that the maps have multiple routes and fewer choke points. Another thing that people have "hated" but sounds like a good highlight to me is the de-emphasis on air suppression kill streaks, I always thought that the relentless airborne death took away from the regular gunplay. A mode like Black Ops' sticks and stones would be really addictive for me...

I could give you mine :)
Weapons are higher damage than Black Ops 2. There are a few two shot AR's in the game, the most used would be the MSBS. From Drift0r: It has 55dmg per shot, and is a 3 round burst rifle. Think of the Type 95 from MW3, or somewhat similar to the M16 in cod4, although it has a higher rate of fire. The MSBS currently has a time to kill of about 1/16th of a second or roughly 4 frames (out of 60 frames per second). 
The game can play a little slow, because of how loud footsteps are, and how fast you die. This places a high priority on stealth, and some lobbies are really campy.
IMO the best streak setup is support. There are no Lock on Launchers (Except for the one in the support streak loadout), but air streaks are pretty weak and are able to get shot down with regular guns pretty easily. The Loki (15 assault kill streak) is terrible, and the rival streak in the support loadout Odin is a lot better. 
The new game modes are pretty decent, I really enjoy Hunted, Blitz, and Cranked. Cranked is pretty full of tryhards, so it can be annoying. 
I forgot to mention the maps. They are huge, and clearly meant for 9v9 game modes. The 3 lane map design that Blops2 had is gone. They are some good, and some really bad. Overall Blops2 maps were a lot better IMO. 
Nov 19, 2013 at 2:44 PM Post #18,070 of 48,580
I'm having a ridiculously hard time deciding between bassport-modded Q701 with Annie earpads and Fidelio X1. 
 Is the bass of the X1 very significantly more immersive and cinematic than the modded Q701's?
I do more SP than MP (about 70-30 split) and I don't really play "MLG style" so immersive bass is important to me, but if it's not a substantial difference between the headphones, I'd rather spend 45 dollars less on the Q701 (if someone could show me somewhere I could get the X1 for less than 300 bucks + tax, that would also be appreciated).
I'm going to be using a Xonar DG solely for Dolby Headphone and a very analytical Audio-GD NFB-11.32 as a DAC/amp in the interest of letting the headphones do the talking with no coloration from the DAC/amp. I've heard the Q701 plays nice with it, but know nothing about the X1's synergy with it. 
Nov 19, 2013 at 2:45 PM Post #18,071 of 48,580
i have read what i can, but i am so ignorant of headphones i couldn't' follow most of the talk!  so sorry for the dumb questions
1.  I am only using the headphones for gaming on ps4, nothing else.  I am not too particular about sound quality, but obviously don't want them to suck, almost all my gaming is online and i care more about hearing things like footsteps, then "perfect sound".
2.  from what i have read i am about 90% sure i am going to go with the plyr1.
3.  it has to be wireless and work with ps4
so here are my questions
1.  any reason not to go with plyr1?
2.  any better price than amazon? (160 plus shipping)
3.  anything else i am going to have to buy?
4.  anything else i should be aware of..
thanks in advance   
Nov 19, 2013 at 3:08 PM Post #18,073 of 48,580
  I'm having a ridiculously hard time deciding between bassport-modded Q701 with Annie earpads and Fidelio X1. 
 Is the bass of the X1 very significantly more immersive and cinematic than the modded Q701's?
I do more SP than MP (about 70-30 split) and I don't really play "MLG style" so immersive bass is important to me, but if it's not a substantial difference between the headphones, I'd rather spend 45 dollars less on the Q701 (if someone could show me somewhere I could get the X1 for less than 300 bucks + tax, that would also be appreciated).
I'm going to be using a Xonar DG solely for Dolby Headphone and a very analytical Audio-GD NFB-11.32 as a DAC/amp in the interest of letting the headphones do the talking with no coloration from the DAC/amp. I've heard the Q701 plays nice with it, but know nothing about the X1's synergy with it. 

If I were in your shoes, I would get the x1. That said, I have the akg annies, and with a slight bass boost from the Asus control panel, their immersion is outstanding. 
Nov 19, 2013 at 3:20 PM Post #18,074 of 48,580
Those lame 3 lane maps are what make CoD fun, not this huge BF style map nonsense.
Nov 19, 2013 at 3:29 PM Post #18,075 of 48,580
  I'm having a ridiculously hard time deciding between bassport-modded Q701 with Annie earpads and Fidelio X1. 
 Is the bass of the X1 very significantly more immersive and cinematic than the modded Q701's?
I do more SP than MP (about 70-30 split) and I don't really play "MLG style" so immersive bass is important to me, but if it's not a substantial difference between the headphones, I'd rather spend 45 dollars less on the Q701 (if someone could show me somewhere I could get the X1 for less than 300 bucks + tax, that would also be appreciated).
I'm going to be using a Xonar DG solely for Dolby Headphone and a very analytical Audio-GD NFB-11.32 as a DAC/amp in the interest of letting the headphones do the talking with no coloration from the DAC/amp. I've heard the Q701 plays nice with it, but know nothing about the X1's synergy with it. 

The X1 will still have significantly more bass.  The bass mod won't be able to make up for differences between them.
Keep in mind the bass isn't the only difference between them.  The Q701 is still lighter and drier and the X1 is warmer. 

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