Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Sep 23, 2013 at 6:26 AM Post #16,981 of 48,579
im waiting to try a HE-500 with games ....  with the right amplification/and source that would sure rock the foundations  ......
must try ....

I didn't like any planar at all with gaming mostly due to their imaging. When I compared T90 with HE-500 for gaming the latter had no chance. Tonality is good for gaming, yes, like the LCD-2s bass but imaging leaves a lot to be desired. Purely on the creation of a coherent space with width, depth, less on the sheer size as some more closed in headphones can still rock for gaming like the Ultrasone Signatures.
Sep 23, 2013 at 6:27 AM Post #16,982 of 48,579

Sounds perfect.

Okay I'll try and stay focused and keep on the path towards them.

Sep 23, 2013 at 8:39 AM Post #16,983 of 48,579

OOOH, pretty.

I know.  :xf_eek:  

I think T90 will be my last stop though.  I read very mixed opinions on it, but I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt.  I'm glad I tried it too, because it's pretty darn impressive in some areas like resolution, airiness, soundstage, and separation.  It beats the K712 in those areas.  I want to give it a full review since I couldn't find all that much substantial info out there on it, other than some random impressions and a couple short vague-ish reviews.

I'm gunning for the HD800 though.  The T90s have given me a taste of that higher level of detail, and it can sometimes be tough to go back to the blurrier grainier sound of X1 and K712, as much as I love them.  F
or better or worse, 
the only way from here is is forward.
  The only sad thing is I will most likely have to sell some cans to reach the HD800.  So I may have a tough decision to make.  Of course, the HD800 might make most of them redundant, but I'm thinking it would be nice to have one "fun" (or at least warmer and bassier) can around to compliment the HD800s more neutral approach.  Not sure which one though...

Ideally I could get them all in the same room together and compare them first, which would mean either an Ohio meet or maybe asking to get a loaner HD800 from someone in Ohio for a few days...

Speaking of the SR009, whenever the next Ohio meet happens there will be at least one if not TWO SR009s there!

I'm almost afraid to listen to it though, as I don't want to hear that level of headphone and then sadly remember the pricetag it comes with...
...BUT, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to hear them either.  :evil:  

Well, your love for the TR90 seems to have been brief, lol! The HD800 has always seemed ultimate, so the sidestep to the Beyer segment strange at first, but then I can relate with my curiosity in the DT880, especially after the "Battle of the Flagships" extended review. Only thing, I love musical mids, and I have no idea about the "battle" author's tastes besides that one review. Maybe I'm just jealous cuz I don't have the money or circumstances he does to hear such rare headphones at such a young age, but I'm biased not to accept his opinions out of hand, though I do value the data he provided.

I'm also with Mad, so far my main clear increases in enjoyment of the K712 are not due to sound... Mid-Fi is where the value is at, I can appreciate the difference between the K712 and what's come before but I already was loving music with the Q701. The music seems retuned, but I still love the music, and now I can appreciate increased headband comfort and a really convenient cable. Even the tube amp is a little superfluous: it tamed some harshness and added a little magic, but if it didn't improve the realism of virtual surround I wouldn't even bother plugging it in. What if really good, revealing audio caused me NOT to enjoy something recorded on a budget, or mixed by someone less than a master? Here's the main crux of climbing the audio mountain, as I see it: I've definitely improved my audio, wouldn't go back and can perceive a few ways forward, but am I really loving music more than my girlfriend who listens to broadway musicals and country via iPhone and Koss KSC75 (which I bought her, but she'd as happily use her torn up iBuds and new EarPods when her last pair of Koss broke) at every commuting opportunity, and dances while walking? We both are happy remembering a tune and humming along, both feel the music, I've just spent $500 to get where?

That elephant in the room being said, I do repeat that I wouldn't go back. My joy and love for music may have peaked long ago (probably while playing "Yesterday" and "The Pink Panther" during orchestra waaay back in elementary school, new experience), but with my new gear I find myself playing longer, choosing to grab my headphones instead of sleeping in on my days off (day off today, I'm awake at my girlfriend's, but now that she left for work I feel my stuff calling me back to my place), and I'm just as happy listening to music at night as I am playing a game. I didn't care about music as much and mostly played games back when I had the AD700, my music and movie (and game) collections have increased significantly since I got my Q701, so I concede the possibility that I could be more addicted to audio if I tried more headphones. I'm not set in my ways yet. I have enough vacation time accrued that I could possibly go on a short road trip to Ohio :wink:

Still, full review of the T90 would be great. My next "audio gear" purchase will be (I think) my first smartphone.
Sep 23, 2013 at 11:59 AM Post #16,984 of 48,579
The WORLD SUCKS. At least "my world" does
Why There isn't a specialized store everywhere on the planet that would let us test every single sound card\headphones\speakers\amps... (DAMN IT).
Because I bought the Siberia V2 and they ain't anything amazing and were so damn expensive already. Bought the Turtle Beach X12 and it's the worst pile of crap I have ever heard (definitely worse than the 5€ first Chinese headset I ever bought which sounded a little like Siberia V2 a lot of years back, just had a little more bass and a little less clarity and a worse microphone, but not impressive quality difference for the price difference "5€ to ~80€").
Keep Cool
Sep 23, 2013 at 2:45 PM Post #16,987 of 48,579
  So... I don't know why this hasn't been posted up yet but Creative has announced their SoundBlaster Omni, the successor to the Recon3D USB.
And sadly, it doesn't support DTS decoding and has is not usable with consoles.

Needs and optical IN.
Sep 23, 2013 at 3:13 PM Post #16,988 of 48,579
I am new to this forum, although I've read alot in the past here. I used to be a PC Gamer and always appreciated good sound. I currently owe a Sennheiser HD595 with a Creative Soundblaster ZX (including the 600ohm amp). Recently I've started using my PS3 (GTA V Hell Yeah!). I really started enjoying it, so I've decided to get a mixamp and a DX mic :wink:
Anyways while looking for headphones I stumbled upon this thread quite quickly and I want to thank Mad Lust Envy and all the other contributers for this pearl! 
P.S. Have you guys read about the new Asus Orion which will support multi platform? I have no experience with Asus headphones/sets but I can imagine it could be a decent/cheap headset.
Sep 23, 2013 at 3:24 PM Post #16,990 of 48,579
I'm also with Mad, so far my main clear increases in enjoyment of the K712 are not due to sound... Mid-Fi is where the value is at, I can appreciate the difference between the K712 and what's come before but I already was loving music with the Q701. The music seems retuned, but I still love the music, and now I can appreciate increased headband comfort and a really convenient cable. Even the tube amp is a little superfluous: it tamed some harshness and added a little magic, but if it didn't improve the realism of virtual surround I wouldn't even bother plugging it in. What if really good, revealing audio caused me NOT to enjoy something recorded on a budget, or mixed by someone less than a master?

Mid-fi is the best value obviously, but I do listen enough that I can justify owning one hi-fi can and I know it will get used and appreciated.  
Testing the T90 I was surprised that even some older recordings and stuff that I never thought of being perfectly recorded can still sound better on the T90.  Like some soundtracks from the 90's and some 50's/60's jazz.  The T90 still extracts more detail from them that I didn't even think was there.  That makes me feel better about the HD800, knowing my music library can still work with it.  Now, if the recording is a hissy sibilant compressed sounding mess, than something like the T90 or HD800 isn't going to fix anything or due it any favors.
So are you planning on keeping the K712 and Q701 both or something?  I thought you would sell the Q701 and then get some angled pads for the K712.  I don't think it's worth owning both of them as they're too similar once you mess with the pads.
Sep 23, 2013 at 5:44 PM Post #16,993 of 48,579
Its going for around $290 atm here, and I haven't seen it go back down to the 250 range in awhile. So 330 is just a little more than what we're paying. I bougbt it for $300 myself, and it was still worth it.
Sep 23, 2013 at 7:26 PM Post #16,995 of 48,579
After going through your extensive Headphone Gaming Guide MadLustEnvy, I decided to go with the MA-900 which looks like a great overall headphone for its price and high comfort rating. I think I made a decent choice since you're using them also. I currently have the Grado SR-80s and they are very uncomfortable since I wear glasses.

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