Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jun 7, 2013 at 1:56 PM Post #14,101 of 48,579
I like it's sound signature for music, it's wireless... for $45... it's a no brainer to me. Not sure it'd get much use with what you already own being around.
Jun 7, 2013 at 2:09 PM Post #14,102 of 48,579
I like it's sound signature for music, it's wireless... for $45... it's a no brainer to me. Not sure it'd get much use with what you already own being around.

That's what I'm worried about too, but I don't have anything for console gaming. That's also because there's no need yet, but I'm sure in 3 months when the girlfriend and I are living together entirely, it's going to be a necessity... unfortunately. I think I'll grab them and put them away for the time being. The risk is low enough, I suppose. If it doesn't work out, some will get a great deal on them.
Jun 7, 2013 at 2:31 PM Post #14,104 of 48,579
So I guess I got THx Tru Studio working. I guess I'm just too used to Dolby headphone, because THx TS just isn't the same. Ah well.

What sucks is that even though my laptop has an optical out, I can't get it to do anything but 2 channels, even if it supports Dolby Digital. Makes no sense. Was hoping to at least get the PLYR 1 to work properly on it.
Jun 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM Post #14,105 of 48,579
yes sorry, i'm a complete newbie to hifi.
But i wanted to skip the entry level headphones and bought the Annies straight away (they weren't so expensive at 370 $ with exchange rate to €, in Austria they cost about 750$) so i wouldn't have to upgrade soon (or ever).
Jun 7, 2013 at 3:18 PM Post #14,106 of 48,579
I have a 75% discount on Skullcandy items today. Was thinking about getting the PLYR1 since it's only $45. I know you generally liked it, MLE. I'm hesitant since it's closed and wireless, but what do you guys think? Worth it to just try? Beyond gaming, does Skullcandy make anything worth trying with this discount?

What is the code? Or is it a one time use only? I have a pair of PLYR 2's I got for half off long ago and they are awesome for late night TV watching. I would def. pick up another pair if they are on sale again.

Jun 7, 2013 at 3:29 PM Post #14,107 of 48,579
So I guess I got THx Tru Studio working. I guess I'm just too used to Dolby headphone, because THx TS just isn't the same. Ah well.

What sucks is that even though my laptop has an optical out, I can't get it to do anything but 2 channels, even if it supports Dolby Digital. Makes no sense. Was hoping to at least get the PLYR 1 to work properly on it.

That makes absolutely no sense. The entire point of optical is to carry more than two channels. There has to be a way to address that. Driver issues is the first thing I'm thinking.
Jun 7, 2013 at 3:31 PM Post #14,108 of 48,579
What is the code? Or is it a one time use only? I have a pair of PLYR 2's I got for half off long ago and they are awesome for late night TV watching. I would def. pick up another pair if they are on sale again.


It's a company thing not available to the public. Otherwise, I would have been posting it all over the deals thread.
Jun 7, 2013 at 6:48 PM Post #14,109 of 48,579
so, today i got my annies and i've got a question.
everybody wrote they are extremely hard to drive, and so out of curiosity i plugged them into my  Galaxy sII and they are pretty loud. (I'm going to buy a essence stx or an xonar phoebus for my pc).

Is this normal or did i get a fake?

Hey Minion,
For a good while I used only a lowly FiiO E5 to amp my Q701 ($20 amp, basically just volume control on the line-out from my iPod). And it was still great, gave me more chills than I'd had in a long time. Thing was, the perception of depth, or distance, seemed to be better fleshed out, the acuteness improved with quick note decay, and more dynamic when I played Xbox hooked up to my AV receiver and Q701s. When I went back to the E5, it seemed flat by contrast. Sometimes I still may plug my Q's straight into my iPod Video for the sake of simplicity and slipping it into my pocket while doing house chores, but I'll go out of my way to use a nice amp, and I always use an amp these days while gaming in headphone surround. So you can get by without a headphone amp, but it's a step up to use a nice amp with nice headphones.

The Koss KSC75, on the other hand, I just plug that straight into my DSS.

That makes absolutely no sense. The entire point of optical is to carry more than two channels. There has to be a way to address that. Driver issues is the first thing I'm thinking.

Actually the entire point is to carry a digital signal really fast... and even so, the cable doesn't have enough bandwidth to send 6 channels (5.1) of audio at once unless you compress it using DDL or the DTS equivalent.

I saw a code to get V-MODA's at a great discount through my new employer, but I don't have an employee email yet. Think I could also get Momentums that we carry in the store, or other Sennheisers. I'm saving for a car first though, been wanting one for a few years (like every time I have to drop a few thousand on repairs).
Jun 7, 2013 at 9:55 PM Post #14,110 of 48,579
I saw a code to get V-MODA's at a great discount through my new employer, but I don't have an employee email yet. Think I could also get Momentums that we carry in the store, or other Sennheisers. I'm saving for a car first though, been wanting one for a few years (like every time I have to drop a few thousand on repairs).

Man how I wish my employer got that discount. Alas, telecommunications is not retail, so we certainly don't qualify.
Jun 8, 2013 at 2:26 AM Post #14,111 of 48,579
So stoked. Sleeping Dogs deal on Dealzon for less than $6. PC gaming can be ridiculously cheap.
Jun 8, 2013 at 7:50 AM Post #14,115 of 48,579
The U7 uses Dolby Home Theater V4, which I hear is inferior to Dolby headphone. I'd personally go with whatever has Dolby Headphone. Since I can't get my soundcard to output Dolby Digital 5.1 to it's optical out (so my receiver or PLYR 1's base can decode into Dolby Headphone), I think I'm gonna buy the Xonar U3. It has Dolby Headphone. It's fairly inexpensive, and I'll just run a cable from it's headphone jack to my amplifier. THX Tru Studio is decent, but I miss my Dolby headphone.

That being said, setting up virtual surround seems to be an outright pain in the ass. For instance, on my Recon 3Di, EVERY SINGLE TIME I plug in my headphones, the sound settings default back to 2 channel. In order to get virtual surround, it HAS to be seti to 5.1 surround. So yeah... constantly having to go into the sound options to fix that is soooo stupid.

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