Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jan 27, 2013 at 10:51 AM Post #11,281 of 48,579
Hello, I need a pair of headphones for gaming, I'm among the Sennheiser HD 419, Beyerdynamic DT 235, JVC HARX900 (btw, it looks very heavy), Superlux 668B and Samson SR850.
Thanks in advance...

Samson SR850's are AWESOME for the price. Only negative is the pleather pads they come with (if you don't like them) and a bit of microphonics.
A set of replacement velour pads fixes that.
Extremely comfortable (just bend the metal bars if they clamp too much)
Not sure on the price where you are, but I got 2 sets of SR850's delivered to Australia for about $60 plus 2 sets of velour pads for about $20 (I think it worked out to about $38 each for cans and pads setup)
They are that good and cheap to the point that I'm tempted to buy a set to send to MLE to pass around down the chain for reviews.
If I had to choose between decent cans or decent processor/dac/soundcard for gaming I'd go the decent processor and get these cans every time.
Hell - postage on these costs more than the headphones (I think it was $9.99 plus $20 postage or something stupid - get 2 sets like I did and sell 1 set to cover most of the costs)
MLE (or any of those in the gear rotation loop) - seriously - if you can organise to get a set (for around the prices I'm finding them at), review them and pass them round with the other gear for others to have a listen to, I'll send you the cash (paypal etc) - I got mine from: (can't remember which superlux pads fit the SR850's - it's late, I'm sleepy - they were hand stitched, fit, comfy, cheap - I think they're the ones on page 2 - the 660's etc, but don't quote me)
Jan 27, 2013 at 11:38 AM Post #11,282 of 48,579
Samson SR850's are AWESOME for the price. Only negative is the pleather pads they come with (if you don't like them).
A set of replacement velour pads fixes that.
Not sure on the price where you are, but I got 2 sets of SR850's delivered to Australia for about $60 plus 2 sets of velour pads for about $20 (I think it worked out to about $38 each for cans and pads setup)
They are that good and cheap to the point that I'm tempted to buy a set to send to MLE to pass around down the chain for reviews.
If I had to choose between decent cans or decent processor/dac/soundcard for gaming I'd go the decent processor and get these cans every time.
Hell - postage on these costs more than the headphones (I think it was $9.99 plus $20 postage or something stupid - get 2 sets like I did and sell 1 set to cover most of the costs)
MLE (or any of those in the gear rotation loop) - seriously - if you can organise to get a set (for around the prices I'm finding them at), review them and pass them round with the other gear for others to have a listen to, I'll send you the cash (paypal etc) - I got mine from: (can't remember which superlux pads fit the SR850's - it's late, I'm sleepy - they were hand stitched, fit, comfy, cheap)

Thanks, the difference between samson SR850 and superlux 668B is only the impedance and detachable cord? which one is more durable?

Are ebay's samson, originals? the price difference vs amazon sellers is too big, and the boxes isn't the same
Amazon box:
ebay box:
How about these ear pads:
They are more cheaper with free shipping besides...
Jan 27, 2013 at 11:56 AM Post #11,283 of 48,579
thank you so much for sharing your experience with me...

My experience is all I have, but I'm happy to share it :D
Maybe someday I'll try out the Samson's, but it's kinda hard at this point where I'm a bit past budget-Fi and feeling pretty happy with what I have. Maybe after I hear back about a steady job (kinda ashamed to admit, I applied at Wendy's yesterday... but I need income).
Jan 27, 2013 at 12:19 PM Post #11,284 of 48,579
The ebay box is for a 2-pack (2 sets of cans). Not sure what box you get if you order a single - maybe the box you listed, or just a plastic bag.
I'm pretty sure they're legit - fair few in Oz on another forum have bought from that link and no complaints, plus... why would you knock-off a $40 pair of no-name cans that copy a $200 AKG style - you'd do the knock-off of the $200 set. Samson/Superlux are pretty much already a knock-off (or on OEM?) - just that they get it right occasionally.
Again - not sure on the pads - I guess that outside diameter - outside diameter = pads fit? I think it matches an AKG cup and a Superlux one, but not sure of which - maybe 668 or 661???
I think the bass is better in the Samson than the Superlux (haven't heard the Superlux). 
Durability - doesn't seem fragile at all. Would be less concerned tossing them around than my HD650's and it's not just due to the cost. I'm sure I could throw both sets across the room and the SR850's would survive more tosses. They are cheap, but don't sound it, nor feel it (with the velour). They do look like a $40 pair though.
Jan 27, 2013 at 12:56 PM Post #11,285 of 48,579
The ebay box is for a 2-pack (2 sets of cans). Not sure what box you get if you order a single - maybe the box you listed, or just a plastic bag.
I'm pretty sure they're legit - fair few in Oz on another forum have bought from that link and no complaints, plus... why would you knock-off a $40 pair of no-name cans that copy a $200 AKG style - you'd do the knock-off of the $200 set. Samson/Superlux are pretty much already a knock-off (or on OEM?) - just that they get it right occasionally.
Again - not sure on the pads - I guess that outside diameter - outside diameter = pads fit? I think it matches an AKG cup and a Superlux one, but not sure of which - maybe 668 or 661???
I think the bass is better in the Samson than the Superlux (haven't heard the Superlux). 
Durability - doesn't seem fragile at all. Would be less concerned tossing them around than my HD650's and it's not just due to the cost. I'm sure I could throw both sets across the room and the SR850's would survive more tosses. They are cheap, but don't sound it, nor feel it (with the velour). They do look like a $40 pair though.

Ok, I'll buy with more confidence then, I've never bought on ebay before...
I already have this in my cart:
these ear pads:
This canare cable:
I just need a 1/8 stereo 3 pole connector, could be any cheaper or some brand in particular?
Jan 27, 2013 at 1:54 PM Post #11,286 of 48,579
I wonder, has anyone here tried the HD800? They must be awesome for gaming with that wide soundstage. It's probably not very cost effective though since it is well over 1K (even used) and it is very amp finicky.
Jan 27, 2013 at 2:45 PM Post #11,287 of 48,579
eBay has pretty good buyer protection, not 100% but they help settle disputes on the side of the customers. Besides, for $40, the eBay seller has more to gain my building a reputation rather than making one bogus sale.
Just make sure the cable you're buying works for your intended use, or you know how to terminate a cable into a connection yourself. I don't know how, but it's cool if you can :)

P.S. if you don't understand what I mean by "bogus," (we have many international readers), I mean fugazi, fake, scam, imitation, not genuine.
I wonder, has anyone here tried the HD800? They must be awesome for gaming with that wide soundstage. It's probably not very cost effective though since it is well over 1K (even used) and it is very amp finicky.

There is a guy who floats in here occasionally who has an HD800 and used it for gaming. He likes it, but frankly... Even if you love gaming, you're just not going to see much more benefit for soundstage over your Annies or even AD700. Now, if you're using the HD800 with a great music system, high quality audio (game audio is always somewhat compressed & surround processing is a distortion), AND you have really good ears, you might be able to tell a difference. But on a purely audio basis, and especially gaming basis, summit-Fi gear like the HD800 won't make you a better player or suddenly make you enjoy bad games.
If spending more money increases your enjoyment, that's up to you to determine. The capability difference between the AD700 to the Q701 is smaller than the jump from earbuds/cheap headphones to AD700; for me, the enjoyment increase made by that difference is only just enough to make a preference in my mind. I think after $200-300 (excluding poor value, overpriced items), you're mostly just adjusting to personal taste instead of upgrading refinement. That's just my opinion though... Maybe the HE-400 will blow away my perception of a SQ plateau.
Jan 27, 2013 at 3:07 PM Post #11,288 of 48,579
Thanks, I'm grabbing more trust on ebay.
Too bad as I hear from another user, these ear pads do not fit, I can't find another economic velour ear pads.
Jan 27, 2013 at 3:57 PM Post #11,290 of 48,579
Hello everyone, i'm new here and i need some advice.
I'm buying headphones and something to drive them properly. Main use for them would be gaming for fun (currently mostly semicompetitive World of Tanks, but sound positioning plays no role there), like 60-70%, movies 20%, music (all genres) 10%. I'll be using them only with my PC.
So far I've been using HD 555s on X-fi sound card but after changing mobo (no PCI for my old X-Fi) integrated sound card for a while. HD 555s have seen a lot of usage (bought them used years ago) and pads are worn out and are starting to hurt my ears. So it is clearly time for upgrade.
After searching and reading i decided on Beyerdynamic DT-990 Premium 250 Ohm (25€ cheaper than 600Ohms and as i understand not much difference?). But i'm still not sure what to chose to drive them. I'm leaning towards Xonar STX. Is that a proper choice or i need amp?

Usually, I'd recommend the X-Fi Titanium HD, but if you don't intend on getting an external amp, the Xonar Essence STX has what amounts to a FiiO E9 built-in. That could help with the DT990.
The STX would be an ideal match. Wait, Xonar? I thought the STX was an Asus Essence?

The full name is the Asus Xonar Essence STX. The Essence models are more like the Xonar audiophile flagships, though that doesn't quite explain why the Xonar Phoebus is within the Essence's pricing...
Jan 27, 2013 at 4:18 PM Post #11,291 of 48,579
Goes to show Mad's knowledge is focused on headphones, amps, and games :wink:
I wonder if the Xonar Essence One (an external DAC/Amp soundcard thingie) offers Dolby Headphone and a gaming suite, or if it's just stereo audio?

Edit: nope, no gaming features on that One, just a lot of hi-Fi stereo options.
On another note, I guess I can close the tab with the manual for Mad's receiver now, huh?
Jan 27, 2013 at 4:21 PM Post #11,292 of 48,579
Which earpads did you buy for your SR850's?

I'm pretty sure it was these:
Jan 27, 2013 at 4:26 PM Post #11,293 of 48,579
Evs,that is why I stated that it is probably not cost effective. It's the old law of diminishing returns. Most (if any) games won't benefit from a wider soundstage once you pass a certain point. Ditto for the audio fidelity.
Jan 27, 2013 at 4:34 PM Post #11,294 of 48,579
I'm pretty sure it was these:

Looks very similar to this:
Jan 27, 2013 at 5:07 PM Post #11,295 of 48,579
Goes to show Mad's knowledge is focused on headphones, amps, and games

That's why I think the two of us make good foils regarding audio equipment for gaming.
My knowledge skews more toward PC sound cards overall, not the stuff you hook up to them. That's changing little by little, though; having auditioned a popular headphone like the HE-400 gives me a greater perspective on things, and I'm looking forward to an AKG K70x audition later on.

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