Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jul 17, 2014 at 11:55 PM Post #24,661 of 48,582
The HD558 have just enough bass to be called decent bass, also the 50-Ohm HD558s can be used with or without a headphone amplifier.
Amazon will sell used HD558s for under $100.
The Beyer DT770/DT880/DT990 need to be used with an amplifier.
The DT990s are full bass and full treble, which slightly over shadows the mids, but the mids are clear
DT880s are more well balanced, treble is a little on the bright side.
I would rather use open headphones like the DT880/DT990, but the DT770s are fairly good closed headphones.
Check out the Audio Technica ATH-AD900X open headphones, they are only 40-Ohms and will work plugged into anything.

Ah PurpleAngel, just the man I need, I listened to you before and the result was a major win :D
I do plan to get a sound card like the sound blaster Z which supposedly comes with an amp so I dont know if that works, or the Omni usb soundcard (I plan to use my 5.1 speakers too), I have the asus xonar DS and I dont like it tbh, so the sound card is also confusing me, because I was told in the creative Z thread that the xtremegamer sound card preforms a lot better because it uses CMSS3d rather than SBX which gives better gaming experience, I don't want to just get a  gaming sound card only I also want my music to sound good too
hmm would you recommend the HD558 for for a good all rounder and its a lot cheaper than the other options, but Byer headphones look pretty tempting tbh haha, I just want something to be good for competitive gaming and fun sounding, a lot of people told me that the HD558 might be a bit dull, also  I use the HTF-600 and I thought I make an upgrade.
Thanks for the help :) 
Jul 18, 2014 at 2:36 AM Post #24,662 of 48,582
Hi, im new here and i have some doubts.
Im used to have a AD700, i was very happy with him, but unfortunaly he stopeed to works 1 side. Im looking for a new headphone, i already read a lot about that but i still cannot decide what headphone i should buy. Im thinking in 3 options, AD700X, HD558 and HD598. The 700x and 558 are in the same price, the 598 is 50$ more, my focus is ALL in FPS games, i discussed with a friend and he told me the new ad700x use new sound drivers wich make the soundstage worst than the older ad700.
Anyway, i want to know the best headphone i can get with $200 for FPS games, preferably if i can buy on Bestbuy or other big store in USA (im from Brazil, i will ask for a friend to bring to me).

The other factor i consider is the comfort!

I guess thats it, thanks for any answer!!
Jul 18, 2014 at 5:33 AM Post #24,663 of 48,582
Hi, im new here and i have some doubts.
Im used to have a AD700, i was very happy with him, but unfortunaly he stopeed to works 1 side. Im looking for a new headphone, i already read a lot about that but i still cannot decide what headphone i should buy. Im thinking in 3 options, AD700X, HD558 and HD598. The 700x and 558 are in the same price, the 598 is 50$ more, my focus is ALL in FPS games, i discussed with a friend and he told me the new ad700x use new sound drivers wich make the soundstage worst than the older ad700.

Anyway, i want to know the best headphone i can get with $200 for FPS games, preferably if i can buy on Bestbuy or other big store in USA (im from Brazil, i will ask for a friend to bring to me).

The other factor i consider is the comfort!

I guess thats it, thanks for any answer!!

Tried look at Denon ah-d600? should be able to find them at a best buy.
Jul 18, 2014 at 7:46 AM Post #24,666 of 48,582
With 200$ You can buy AKG K612 afaik
Jul 18, 2014 at 9:14 AM Post #24,667 of 48,582
TAC to be out in 2015.
  From David Lowey, Turtle Beach,

A big advantage with DTS Headphone:X is what our audio engineers can do with speaker angles to create a very immersive, realistic soundscape for gaming.

Most surround sound mixes put the center channel about 8 feet in front of the listener perceptually, which is the default for TV and Film because the dialogue is coming from the screen. With a first person shooter and many other game genres, much of the center channel audio comes from the player's character. The sound of their feet in the snow, their own voice, their inbound radio, gunshots, the sound of spent cartridges being ejected from the gun, etc. With DTS Headphone:X we pull the center channel in towards the players' midsection. And for the first time we can adjust the height of audio, so we tilt the center channel up. Then we take the rear channels, move them up, and then angle them down because in a first-person shooter you spend a lot of your time crouching or prone.

Because the DTS Headphone:X 7.1 surround sound tech is too new to be a native part of the new consoles, these first generation DTS Headphone:X 7.1 surround sound headsets utilize Dolby transcoding within the consoles. (The wired Z60 has its own USB DAC.) That transcoded signal is then transcoded again into DTS Headphone:X 7.1 surround sound through an intermediary like the Turtle Beach headset base receiver, Elite Tournament Audio Controller (due out in 2015), or the Z60's DAC. (Future models will work off of DTS from the beginning). DTS Headphone:X 7.1 surround sound is the default way in which the headsets reproduce sound, and it's a core feature likely to spread to much of the Turtle Beach product line.

What kind of lame excuse is this? The PS3 can use DTS Interactive already.
Jul 18, 2014 at 9:36 AM Post #24,668 of 48,582
  I thought MCC was going to be released "in time for the Holidays", which translates to "mid- to late-December".  Either way, I'll be grabbing it; this is my first Xbox and I've never played any Halo so it should be interesting.
But yeah, there are a LOT of good games coming out between Destiny and Halo MCC.  Dragon Age, Shadows of Mordor, Sunset Overdrive, FH2, Evolve, etc etc.  I didn't even list the games that I'm not interested in (CoD, Drive Club, AC Unity, etc).  I'm sure there will be distractions if Destiny doesn't hold up!  It's going to be a good autumn for gaming!!

Probably the best season for gaming I've seen in a long time. MCC is releasing on November 11th of this year. And the halo 5 beta on December 27th. I have been a big halo fan since CE so I am very excited about this.

Also pumped for sunset overdrive and evolve.

Man you guys just got me so pumped for the upcoming gaming season. Also made me super excited that some of you have chosen the X-Box One over the PS4 (I need some new XBOne friends). I'm one of the lame kids that gets both consoles every gen to play with everyone and mainly end up on one for the most part. Lol I can't wait for Destiny and MCC. I was 98% X360 last gen, I think that trend will continue with XBOne/PS4. Hope I can link up with some of you guys on Live when I get my One.
Jul 18, 2014 at 1:10 PM Post #24,669 of 48,582
Tried look at Denon ah-d600? should be able to find them at a best buy.

Those are $400 cans, not really in the right price range.  Plus, if he's complaining about soundstage on the AD700x, he's definitely not going to want closed cans.
Jul 18, 2014 at 1:15 PM Post #24,670 of 48,582
  Ah PurpleAngel, just the man I need, I listened to you before and the result was a major win :D
I do plan to get a sound card like the sound blaster Z which supposedly comes with an amp so I dont know if that works, or the Omni usb soundcard (I plan to use my 5.1 speakers too), I have the asus xonar DS and I dont like it tbh, so the sound card is also confusing me, because I was told in the creative Z thread that the xtremegamer sound card preforms a lot better because it uses CMSS3d rather than SBX which gives better gaming experience, I don't want to just get a  gaming sound card only I also want my music to sound good too
hmm would you recommend the HD558 for for a good all rounder and its a lot cheaper than the other options, but Byer headphones look pretty tempting tbh haha, I just want something to be good for competitive gaming and fun sounding, a lot of people told me that the HD558 might be a bit dull, also  I use the HTF-600 and I thought I make an upgrade.
Thanks for the help :) 

So just want to clear a few things up:
1 - Every sound card has an amp.  You can't listen to sound without one.  The amp on the SBZ/Omni is decent for a sound card, but a dedicated headphone amp will 99% of the time be an improvement.
2 - The difference between CMSS-3D and SBX is there but I wouldn't say it "performs a lot better".  Personally, I had a lot of reservations buying a discontinued sound card that costs a lot of money just for a different surround processor that is only better if the game can take advantage of it.  The SBZ/Omni should be just fine, but if you want the best of the best, you're into diminishing returns territory (a lot more money for a little more improvement).
I don't have any experience with those headphones so I can't recommend anything, but wanted to make sure you were clear on the sound card stuff.
Jul 18, 2014 at 1:21 PM Post #24,671 of 48,582
Lost interest connection last night, Ev, while we were playing. Will be on again tonight. Will be streaming, again, too...
Jul 18, 2014 at 1:42 PM Post #24,672 of 48,582
I played until 2:30am last night.  Paying for it today, but so worth it.  
Jul 18, 2014 at 2:33 PM Post #24,673 of 48,582
What kind of lame excuse is this? The PS3 can use DTS Interactive already.

That's pathetic, I agree. It also sounds like it is being tuned for COD or just FPSes in general... I dare to think what that might do to other games/genres...
Jul 18, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #24,675 of 48,582
After hooking up the SB Omni with my new HP100, I am extremely pleased with the quality of these headphones!
The tracks that earlier sounded a bit muted now sound much more vibrant at only 30% volume with the Omni.
And even my wife, who has no idea about audio or gaming, tried on both pairs of headphones as I played Escala - Palladio and Bravely Default Live Concert, and her remarks were that the HP100 sounded more "airy" and "open" and that she agreed that overall sound quality was much better.

Thank you all for your recommendations!  I'm still debating whether to replace the HP100 pads; I tried removing the stock pads but I couldn't figure out how to do it without damaging the headphones themselves.

A couple questions:
1) What settings do I use on the Omni to allow for SBX virtual surround in games?  I know it's different than DH so it doesn't require a Dolby 5.1 signal, but the "Cinematic" tab allows me to check either "No encoder" or "Dolby Digital Live."  Does this setting matter, or do I merely need to worry about the "Surround" option in the main tab?
2) Stillhart (and any other HP100 users), do you change the EQ at all for your headphones?  If so, do you have any overall recommendations?  I messed with the Omni presets a bit and I think I enjoy the "Classical" preset the most, but I don't really mind zero preset either... just curious.


Glad you are enjoying your OMNI, mine has been working great. I set windows volume to 100% and then set the volume inside the game to 10 or 20 %. Experiment to see if you like the windows volume at 100%. I thought it was a hair better.

For the SBX set the SBX pro studio ON anf the effect it about 30%. The Dolby section leave off, this is if you want to pass a Dolby stream to an external device.

Make sure to he into windows sound panel and set your setup to 5.1 and also in game set to 5.1 sound. The SBX processing will take that and mix it to to your headphones.

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