Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 1, 2013 at 4:09 AM Post #18,511 of 48,583
The bass hump on the Superlux is MASSIVE compared to the AD700, which would alter our perception of it's sound signature quite heavily. The upper mid and lower treble regions have between a 5db to 10db difference, which is also night and day and give a completely different upper range presentation.

I highly doubt they sound anything alike. The Superlux looks v-shaped, while the AD700 is mid and treble oriented.

I haven't heard the Superlux. Just going off those graphs, I have a good idea as to what to expect from it especially when comparing it to something I do have good experience with.[0]=3301&graphID[1]=413&graphID[2]=&graphID[3]=&scale=30&graphType=0&buttonSelection=Update+Graph

In fact, the superlux as almost an identical graph as the Portapro/sportapro all the way up to the upper mid hump. Both of those are pretty bassy. The complete opposite of the AD700s. You can't analyze sounds as well with headphones with that much bass emphasis.
Their sound signatures are definitely not the same, but both are good headphones for gaming. From what I've heard from reviews the bass isn't as nearly in your face on the SR850 compared to the poratpro/sportapro, but I don't own either Koss headphones so I can't be certain. The SR850 aren't as good for competitive as the AD700 because they have quite a bit more bass, but in my opinion the only thing the AD700 is any good for is competitive gaming and I want a headphone that I can use for single player, music, and movies too.
Dec 1, 2013 at 7:07 AM Post #18,513 of 48,583
So....I've bought a Logitech G430 headset. Don't ask me why, impulse purchase.  I payed like 100 dollars for it, and its the weirdest, most failed, but at the same time amazing product I've ever bought. Let me explain,  in the package you get the Headset, with a typical 3,5 mm headphone jack, and you get a small USB soundcard with a 3,5 mm output in it. The soundcard works with Logitech's own drivers that gives you ability to EQ sound, set up the 7.1 surround sound in can adjust each of the speakers, their loudness, etc. 
Anyway, the headset and the USB sound card don't work properly together.  The headset is just to hard to power. Its 50 ohms and has 90 db/v sensitivity. It's almost as hard to get it loud as my Beyerdynamic T1's.  Ridiculous.  Plugged into a Musical Fidelity M1HPAP amp, I have to turn it up almost as far as with the T1's to get same loudness.  When plugged into the USB soundcard, its just not loud, at all. On the loudest setting, it barely on a decent usable volume level. And then when you play something dynamic or bass heavy, or you hear and explosion in a game or a movie, the headphone distorts, because it's not getting enough  power.  Pretty much, the package is useless. BUT, get this. When you plug the Logitech headphones in a headphone amp, man does it sound good. Seriously, for 100 dollars (60 or less in the US) these are actually seriously good headphones. They're quite balanced and very natural sounding. They naturally have a big soundstage, very good imaging and central image. They're not mid-bass heavy, but  are slightly sub-bass heavy. They have a thumping, deep bass, subwoofer like bass, not overly lifted though, still very tight and controlled.  
So headphones on their own are worth the buy, but don't get the G430, get the G230 instead, they're identical. 
Now to the star of the show.  The USB soundcard.  I have no clue what it does, how it does it, but this thing walks all over my Asus Xonar Essence ST soundcard. This thing can be worth 15-20 dollars most, but the surround sound, the feeling of space, the imaging, the depth of space around you, and the fact it does not significantly change the tonality of the sound when surround sound is enabled, is just amazing.  Quite simply put,  this is the best surround sound I've ever heard on headphones.  The good thing is, you can plug any headphone into it, since its 3,5 mm.  Even when I use my cheapest headphone, Sennheiser HD202, it turns them into a gaming and movie watching beasts. Soundstage and feeling of space, the experience and dynamics, the REALITY of the sound, the detail, everything about this USB stick is amazing. HD202 + Logitech USB sound card sound better in games than T1's or K701's plugged into the Asus ST with dolby headphone enabled. I don't know how, it just does.  Another thing, when you enable the dolby on Asus, it changes the sound. It changes tonality, for the worse. The Logitech drivers do it for better. Human voices actually sound MORE realistic with the surround enabled. It actually feels like a person is standing in front of you.  The behind surround channel are amazing.  You know the dolby headphone video on youtube with the match stick box shaking around you? You know that feeling of the sound coming directly behind you and then it goes down and back up? This is what this Logitech sound card does to EVERYTHING. It just makes it sound real, not different, doesn't change tonality too much, don't add loads of echo or boom like most surround sound effects do, it just takes the flat, boring sounds, and arranges them in a very precise virtual space around you. AND, it actually works with music, because it improves it. I was listening to some DSP jazz albums on the HD202's, and it sounds amazing. The resolution of the sound goes up, detail goes up, imaging is over the top, feeling of space insane, you can almost touch the instruments. I feel like my main headphone setup that consists of T1's M1HPAP and M1DAC was destroyed in anything surround sound related.
Honestly, I would pay 100$ for the Logitech USB soundcard alone, because it beats any other soundcard or surround sound in headphones I've ever tried before. Sure it doesn't have a lot of power, but add a headphone amp between the headphones and the USB stick, and you have a winner.  So, what to take out of this....when you buy the Logitech G430 package, you get a great headphones and an AMAZING sound card, but they don't work properly together without the addition of the headphone amp. 
Dec 1, 2013 at 12:37 PM Post #18,514 of 48,583
The bass hump on the Superlux is MASSIVE compared to the AD700, which would alter our perception of it's sound signature quite heavily. The upper mid and lower treble regions have between a 5db to 10db difference, which is also night and day and give a completely different upper range presentation.

I highly doubt they sound anything alike. The Superlux looks v-shaped, while the AD700 is mid and treble oriented.

I haven't heard the Superlux. Just going off those graphs, I have a good idea as to what to expect from it especially when comparing it to something I do have good experience with.[0]=3301&graphID[1]=413&graphID[2]=&graphID[3]=&scale=30&graphType=0&buttonSelection=Update+Graph

In fact, the superlux as almost an identical graph as the Portapro/sportapro all the way up to the upper mid hump. Both of those are pretty bassy. The complete opposite of the AD700s. You can't analyze sounds as well with headphones with that much bass emphasis.

So if you used the Koss as a base of judgement what would you give it's competitive score out of 10.

Also is the Samson SR850 the same thing with velour pads or what?

 Anyone else recommend the AntLion Modoc?
Dec 1, 2013 at 2:02 PM Post #18,515 of 48,583
Can anyone else confirm this, because this would be amazing.

On a scale of competitive —well rounded —"Fun", which you can look at as detailed and bass lean — well-rounded — colored sound with exaggerated bass and perhaps a V-shaped freq response, the AD700 is definitely in the competitive side of the scale, and FWIR the Samson/Superlux (though the headband is similar) is on the opposite side of "Fun" headphone. They both have fans, they're just different headphones, and tend to make different things stand out more. Both fare better than average walmart crap.

So if you used the Koss as a base of judgement what would you give it's competitive score out of 10.

Also is the Samson SR850 the same thing with velour pads or what?

 Anyone else recommend the AntLion Modoc?

Eh, I think the Koss KSC75 I have is a little colored, a bit of extra bass but also sharp treble, so while you don't get a natural sense of soundstage, you do get good positional image and "which way?" directionality. 8 or 8.5 for me, competitive score. Dunno what I'd give the other headphone.

Keep in mind pads have a big effect on sound, with velours you may get decreased bass but also more diffuse imaging. Personally, I really like velours too.

The ModMic is a practical way to give any headphone that headset "feel," plus it's removable. The only downside is it costs more than the already good DX mic Mad uses and the clone I found on Amazon. I would avoid the Zalman.

The last thing I'd say is in regard to the Amp question. If you're just starting the headphone hobby, start with just the nicest headphone you like that you can afford. That way you have a better, longer term investment. Later, improve and rediscover your headphone by adding a decent amp. The exception to that strategy is something like the Koss KSC75, buying a good value for the short term for a specific reason like using as a walk-about headphone that you can beat up without feeling bad.
Dec 1, 2013 at 3:06 PM Post #18,516 of 48,583
  I'm about to get hold of the Philips X1 (for free - lucky person) and will hopefully buy an AKG 702 Anniversary/K712 pro in the new year. I did a search and saw that MLE would spring for the Audio-GD 11.32 in a heartbeat; thing is I'm wondering if the slightly warmer, more musical Audio-GD 15.32 would fit the bill given the choice of headphones above. I've read that the 11.32 is a bit cold sounding even though it's great for detail. I'll be gaming in DH (via a cheapo Xonar - HT Purpleangel) and listening to uncompressed music too.
I'd seriously love any advice on this as it'd be a very long term investment:

If you are serious about getting an akg 7 series I would get the warmer amp. Which btw get the k712 over the annies, cheaper these days and they are an upgrade. 
Dec 1, 2013 at 4:34 PM Post #18,517 of 48,583
You know? I still have a 30 day trial code for PS plus that came with my ps4. First member with atleast 500+ posts that quotes me can have it via PM.
Dec 1, 2013 at 4:43 PM Post #18,520 of 48,583
I don't want it. I just want you to have to give it to the second person. I fixed your spacing too. :p

You know? I still have a 30 day trial code for PS plus that came with my ps4. First member with atleast 500+ posts that quotes me can have it via PM.

Axel, what happens if I quote myself?!?

Dec 1, 2013 at 4:52 PM Post #18,523 of 48,583
Axel, what happens if I quote myself?!? :blink:

What happens if I am the fourth person quoting you and I want ze code, but I quote the wrong post and I don't have a ps4 yet (availability)?

You and Change will probably just evolve into a Kakuna and a Metapod, a lotta hardening going on around here.
Dec 1, 2013 at 4:56 PM Post #18,524 of 48,583
What happens if I am the fourth person quoting you and I want ze code, but I quote the wrong post and I don't have a ps4 yet (availability)?

You and Change will probably just evolve into a Kakuna and a Metapod, a lotta hardening going on around here.


Dec 1, 2013 at 5:03 PM Post #18,525 of 48,583
What happens if I am the fourth person quoting you and I want ze code, but I quote the wrong post and I don't have a ps4 yet (availability)?

You and Change will probably just evolve into a Kakuna and a Metapod, a lotta hardening going on around here.

PS4 will be available online tomorrow at Sears. Not sure what time it goes live. It'll sell out quickly. Cyber Monday FTW.


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