Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:32 PM Post #36,286 of 48,583
I don't know if I'm the first person to make this observation, but it seems virtual surround quality is directly related to impulse response, noted on a bunch of models at, where the more quickly it is able to dissipate energy means the timing will be more precise and the better the effect will work.
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:36 PM Post #36,287 of 48,583
I don't play video games at home as often as I used to. It's not that I don't like to, it's just that after 8 hours of playing them at work I'd like to do something else for a change.

I don't blame ya, man. The job must be sweet though! I'll try to catch you online during your work ours.

Do you play games at work (like a nighttime Security Guard I know), or do you get paid to play games for work?

He's a dev for an indie studio, Harebrained Schemes, I believe? They released Necropolis just recently.
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:39 PM Post #36,288 of 48,583
Do you play games at work (like a nighttime Security Guard I know), or do you get paid to play games for work?

I'm a video game tester, I get paid to play games that are yet to be released and find bugs in them.
I don't blame ya, man. The job must be sweet though! I'll try to catch you online during your work ours.
He's a dev for an indie studio, I believe. They released Necropolis just recently.

I don't actually work at Harebrained Schemes, I'm what's called an external QA. Devs hire us to test games for them.
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:42 PM Post #36,289 of 48,583
I'm a video game tester, I get paid to play games that are yet to be released and find bugs in them.

You worked on Necropolis, though, right? Or were you just testing it?
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:46 PM Post #36,290 of 48,583
You worked on Necropolis, though, right? Or were you just testing it?

I still am working on it. We're doing a bit more stuff than just finding bugs, we also provide feedback on game design, balance etc. I even have my own easter egg in that game.
Aug 22, 2016 at 8:38 AM Post #36,291 of 48,583
I'd always use the superior chain to do the D/A conversion and amping and since the Bimby is somewhat a "always on" device anyway (to sound best) there is no point to switching to the X7's Line Out at all. 
Plus the X7 LO is inferior to any good DAC I've used. Something like the V800, Anedio D2 is absolutely dead silent. 

 since they are talking about it I ask here too
What choice would believe that improvement on the X7 with my TH-X00 and HE-400i?
    - Amp like Violectric V100 connected to the output line of X7.
    - DAC / AMP like Grace M9xx connected to the optical output X7.
    - Neither.
Aug 23, 2016 at 5:34 AM Post #36,292 of 48,583
Looks like the PS4 Slim doesn't have an optical out, for some horrible reason. They better not do the same with the Neo, or I'm boycotting.
Aug 23, 2016 at 5:47 AM Post #36,293 of 48,583
They probably will. It's time for a 11.2 setup my friend. You should start making some space for serious rumble and roar. 
Aug 23, 2016 at 6:18 AM Post #36,294 of 48,583
Hah, living 'at home', all that would be wasted. I actually used the HE400 after like 2 months, today, while playing 'Inside'. Great game, from the creators of Limbo.

Once I build a PC (waiting on Kaby Lake, assuming the rumor is true that they'll make the newer processors for both LGA1151, and a new socket, so I can just get a mobo with a new socket to last a few years), I'll opt for a decent stereo bookshelf speaker setup to hook up to the X7LE. Any affordable recommendations? Perhaps I'll ask Creative to send out their speakers they made to pair with the X7. Who knows.

edit: Though looking at it, looks like the Kaby lake will be on LGA1151 for this year, and whatever next gen socket is NEXT year. I don't think I can wait that long. My laptop is dying. Definitely mobo related.
Aug 23, 2016 at 6:57 AM Post #36,295 of 48,583
I always recommend the JBL LSR 305/308 speakers. You can get them for a great price. I used to own the Neumann KH120A and still liked the JBL a lot. 
Imo waiting for new gens is a waste. I'll never do it again and until last years always did. If you check the prices you can score with buying from upgraditis affected PC gamers that take good care of their hardware, buying something new is a waste of money when you can get stuff so much cheaper with really low performance disadvantages. 

My brother recently paid half of the price a 6700k+Z170 Deluxe Mainboard + Ram because the guy switched to a six-core. Everything like new, with all accessoires complete. 
Aug 23, 2016 at 12:12 PM Post #36,297 of 48,583
Hah, living 'at home', all that would be wasted. I actually used the HE400 after like 2 months, today, while playing 'Inside'. Great game, from the creators of Limbo.

Once I build a PC (waiting on Kaby Lake, assuming the rumor is true that they'll make the newer processors for both LGA1151, and a new socket, so I can just get a mobo with a new socket to last a few years), I'll opt for a decent stereo bookshelf speaker setup to hook up to the X7LE. Any affordable recommendations? Perhaps I'll ask Creative to send out their speakers they made to pair with the X7. Who knows.

edit: Though looking at it, looks like the Kaby lake will be on LGA1151 for this year, and whatever next gen socket is NEXT year. I don't think I can wait that long. My laptop is dying. Definitely mobo related.

I was going to wait for Kaby Lake too, but I don't think I can hold on either. That's the problem with buying a PC. It never seems like a good time to pull the trigger because there's always something better just around the corner. Last time I bought a PC, 18 months later Windows 7 and DX11 came out. GRRR!
In regards to speakers, what would you call affordable? I currently have a pair of Montior Audio Bronze 2s that I'm very much enjoying. In fact, I have some Wharfedale Diamond 10.0s that need a home if you're interested.
Aug 23, 2016 at 12:32 PM Post #36,298 of 48,583
I'd probably get these, as I heard nothing but good things about them, and it's from the same line as the soundbar I used to have. The bookshelf speakers are said to be the best of the entire line, and the price seems decent.

Assuming the X7LE can power them properly.

I have a large desk 78", but even so, these look gigantic, lol.
Aug 23, 2016 at 2:47 PM Post #36,299 of 48,583
The Pioneers should be great with the X7LE. I really really like my Chane bookshelf speakers, but you know I have the standard X7 and the power deficit compared to my Yamaha receiver is noticeable, I don't know if the LE edition would help enough (maybe). The Chanes are "true" 8 Ohm speakers, while the SP-BS22-LR Pioneer bookshelves are 4 Ohms and the kind of speakers the X7 LE was designed for (alongside the EMU speakers, haven't heard those).

My PC upgrade has the opposite problem. I built a desktop like 3 and half years ago, and I just don't feel like a whole new computer has enough performance increase to justify buying a new one without spending more money than before. That said, if my PC completely died today and I needed a whole new system, then I'd just happily buy the current generation (and probably spring for something VR-capable), or maybe a powerful used last-gen setup on the cheap.
Aug 23, 2016 at 5:37 PM Post #36,300 of 48,583
You know whats frustrating about being a serious gamer? Getting serious sound.
What the best graphics card? You can find that easily within 20 seconds. Buy it. Done.
Best processor? 20 seconds. Best monitor? Maybe a few hours of researching.
Sound? I've spent dozens of hours researching sound, spend hundreds on cans, headsets, amp/dacs, soundcards... and I still don't feel I know what the best setup is in terms of competitive advantage. That is just frustrating.

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