Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
May 8, 2015 at 1:21 PM Post #30,691 of 48,583
  Sell Your wife/car/dog and keep them all

My girlfriend will legit hit me in the nuts if I keep them all. I promised I'd only keep 1. LOL
May 8, 2015 at 1:49 PM Post #30,693 of 48,583
  Well I get my HD700's today (Picked up the Sub $400 amazon warehouse deal), I will have the HD800/HD700/HD650 all here for 3 days and only one will stand the test. I need an all day comfort headphone that excels in both gaming and music. The headphone has to compliment my closed/bass heavy m50X, V-Moda M100 and Beats Studio 2013's. This is what I am looking for in order of importance; comfort, sound-stage, positional accuracy, immersion.
Quick Poll: Which headphone do you think will stay while the others get returned, only one can stand?
1. HD800
2. HD700
3. HD650
Vote Now
Will report back on which headphone I kept and why a few days from now.

The beauty of the HD800 is the fact that it is unique. Unless you really, really (and I mean really) love treble, I'd keep the HD800.
May 8, 2015 at 2:53 PM Post #30,695 of 48,583
May 8, 2015 at 3:12 PM Post #30,696 of 48,583
Though I prefer racing in third person on Driveclub, I sometimes change the view to cockpit just to hear the engine roar with my 1540s.

I only do replay in 3rd person view. Thats when I can enjoy the sound better. For realism, cockpit view is for me. I can never play a racing game in 3rd person (except when i was a noob in GT3 lol)

I can imagine the 1540s being a good headphone for Racing games.
May 8, 2015 at 8:41 PM Post #30,697 of 48,583
I only do replay in 3rd person view. Thats when I can enjoy the sound better. For realism, cockpit view is for me. I can never play a racing game in 3rd person (except when i was a noob in GT3 lol)

I can imagine the 1540s being a good headphone for Racing games.

I reach for it every time I play Driveclub. Been reaching for it for a lot of games, actually, now that I finally picked up another clip on mic a short while back.
May 8, 2015 at 9:24 PM Post #30,698 of 48,583
Well I get my HD700's today (Picked up the Sub $400 amazon warehouse deal), I will have the HD800/HD700/HD650 all here for 3 days and only one will stand the test. I need an all day comfort headphone that excels in both gaming and music. The headphone has to compliment my closed/bass heavy m50X, V-Moda M100 and Beats Studio 2013's. This is what I am looking for in order of importance; comfort, sound-stage, positional accuracy, immersion.

Quick Poll: Which headphone do you think will stay while the others get returned, only one can stand?

1. HD800
2. HD700
3. HD650

Vote Now

Will report back on which headphone I kept and why a few days from now.

I don't know what your personal preferences are, but the HD800 murders the other two, hands down, IMO.
May 8, 2015 at 9:27 PM Post #30,699 of 48,583
If I had the budget, the HD800 would definitely be on my radar. Hopefully someone brings one to the Florida meet we are trying to put together.
May 9, 2015 at 2:45 AM Post #30,701 of 48,583
If I had the budget, the HD800 would definitely be on my radar. Hopefully someone brings one to the Florida meet we are trying to put together.

That oughtta be a fun meet. Florida represents pretty hard on Head-Fi.
May 9, 2015 at 1:03 PM Post #30,702 of 48,583
Well I get my HD700's today (Picked up the Sub $400 amazon warehouse deal), I will have the HD800/HD700/HD650 all here for 3 days and only one will stand the test. I need an all day comfort headphone that excels in both gaming and music. The headphone has to compliment my closed/bass heavy m50X, V-Moda M100 and Beats Studio 2013's. This is what I am looking for in order of importance; comfort, sound-stage, positional accuracy, immersion.

Quick Poll: Which headphone do you think will stay while the others get returned, only one can stand?

1. HD800
2. HD700
3. HD650

Vote Now

Will report back on which headphone I kept and why a few days from now.

Bought the HD800 in early 2010, picked up the HD650 in late 2012, then the HD600 in early 2014. I finish the collection early this year when the HD700 was on special. Each headphones bring something different to the table. Even after spending a solid month with the HD700 in February to March and even though I love how the HD700 sounded. It wasn't until I switch back to the HD800 that I realised that it was on another league compared to the HD700.
If I had to rate all the headphones on sound quality and price/performance.
In your situation I'd keep the HD800. Lucky for me my girlfriend lets me keep all my headphones.

Sound Quality Alone

Price/Performance (Base On Purchase Price I Paid)
HD600 $200 AUD
HD800 $875 AUD
HD650 $300 AUD
HD700 $599 AUD
May 9, 2015 at 4:07 PM Post #30,705 of 48,583
For the first 5 minutes of listening to the HD700's I couldn't stand them and I wasn't sure why. I've owned them before and I did like them. I was afraid that I had been spoiled from having the HD800's and 650's, it turns out the previous owner had the Right Wire plugged into the left ear cup and the Left wire plugged into the right ear cup. I was listening to Hotel California and I was like, the instruments don't sound like they are coming out of the right places... Sure enough, the person prior to me had them plugged in wrong LOL.
At this point, the HD650 is wonderfully musical, they do a great job making all kinds of music sound great but their comfort is horrible, their sound stage is mediocre and they don't have the greatest positional accuracy. At this point the 650's are falling far behind in the other 2 headphones, BUT their price per performance in incredible. I paid $196 for the HD650's after tax and shipping. That is an insane deal that probably wont be had again. I paid $388 after tax and shipping for the HD700's, also a great deal. 
I am thankful I have a few more days to figure this out, right now though here is my breakdown:
HD800 - Best overall sound, the headphones are a little big and loose on my head and and sometimes too revealing, making poorly recorded music sound worse. Also they are over $700 more then the HD700. 9/10 Gaming, not as immersive as other headphones.
HD700 -  Comfortable, left ear just touches inside cup and causes some discomfort. Slightly bassier sound, treble peak is a little annoying, less revealing then the HD800's, less sound stage. $388 is amazing for the sound! 9.5/10 Gaming, slightly more bass = more immersion.
HD650 - Veiled sound, more intimate then the other 2, less positional accuracy but overall more musical then both the 700/800.. Hot and clampy, can't wear all day, 7/10 for gaming, immersive and fun but average accuracy especially in the rear and smaller stage. If this was for music listening only I'd rate the headphone a 9/10.. Little more sparkle in the treble and it would be the perfect sounding headphone for me personally for music, though it still have a comfort issue.
Thanks for your time guys, will post my final decision tomorrow or Monday. 

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