Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 26, 2013 at 1:25 AM Post #19,411 of 48,581
  Ah okay do you guys think the Matrix M-Stage Headphone Amplifier or Maverick Audio Tubemagic A1 will be good with the K702? 

What I found with the K702 is that it's not as power hungry as people say it is, although it does demand some power to sound right. Rather it's more amp and system finicky than anything, the headphone is simply picky. I have read a lot of good things about the K7xx series and the Matrix M-Stage pairing. The Tubemagic A1 will depend heavily on what tubes are used in the amp.
Dec 26, 2013 at 1:27 AM Post #19,412 of 48,581
So, I ordered a chromecast from Amazon at the student discount of $25 and must say I'm pretty impressed at the streaming quality this little gadget provides. I can't wait until they integrate more apps with it... seeing that they just added about ten just recently.

My reason for grabbing one was a) it was cheap and b) I wanted another device to stream Netflix and stuff to keep from excess wear on my PS4.

I was using my PS3 for Netfilx but recently had to sell that, too... yikes :/

I know Roku would have been a better option for slightly more money, but I wanted to give Google a shot since they impressed me with their recent Nexus 7 and now the Nexus 5... which, by the way, is working flawlessly with Chromecast. From the looks of it there are going to be tons of more apps integrated in the near future.
Dec 26, 2013 at 1:40 AM Post #19,413 of 48,581
The Matrix M-stage is one of the most recommended amps for the K702.

As for the 990, either the E9K or E12 will suit it well.

Ooh, a new Mstage? What's changed? I have always wanted to try one. When the Asgard came out, my desire for the Mstage dwindled, but pretty much everyone I know has stated the MStage to be better than the Asgard. As for the Asgard 2, I dunno how it stacks up to the Mstage, but I think the fuller/warmer Mstage would probably be more ideal for my tastes than the very neutral Asgard 2.

Yea, supposedly it's the same amp but with a new design and upgraded DAC.
To be honest, I prefer the M-Stage over the AG2. For some reason it just pairs better with dynamic headphones... as opposed to how the AG2 paired better with MD.
Dec 26, 2013 at 2:21 AM Post #19,414 of 48,581
So, I ordered a chromecast from Amazon at the student discount of $25 and must say I'm pretty impressed at the streaming quality this little gadget provides. I can't wait until they integrate more apps with it... seeing that they just added about ten just recently.

My reason for grabbing one was a) it was cheap and b) I wanted another device to stream Netflix and stuff to keep from excess wear on my PS4.

I was using my PS3 for Netfilx but recently had to sell that, too... yikes :/

I know Roku would have been a better option for slightly more money, but I wanted to give Google a shot since they impressed me with their recent Nexus 7 and now the Nexus 5... which, by the way, is working flawlessly with Chromecast. From the looks of it there are going to be tons of more apps integrated in the near future.

The chromecast is a wonderful streamer if you have a device to control it easily. I stream from my computer to the chromecast and it's wonderful. Netflix and YouTube at your fingertips easily on the TV. Totally worth the money even at full price. Sure the Roku is a bit better. But it's also twice the price.
Dec 26, 2013 at 2:41 AM Post #19,415 of 48,581
I'm waiting for the day when we don't need an external device to streamcast things. Like before I replaced a Samsung LED I bought it with the Panasonic VT60, the Samsung TV I had mirrored whatever was on my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 perfectly. I miss that, seeing as now my TV is a Panasonic, and doesn't mirror my Samsung phone. :frowning2:

Could've sworn I got it to work before, but I can't be arsed to figure it out.
Dec 26, 2013 at 3:24 AM Post #19,417 of 48,581
Anyone here tried one of those smart TVs?

Honestly I've been underwhelmed by smart TVs. Sure they are convenient for having all the apps on the TV itself. But a dedicated playback device will always give you a better user experience. I use my Blu-ray player and it gives a better experience then my friend's 2 year old smart TV.
Dec 26, 2013 at 4:36 AM Post #19,418 of 48,581
Ooh, a new Mstage? What's changed? I have always wanted to try one. When the Asgard came out, my desire for the Mstage dwindled, but pretty much everyone I know has stated the MStage to be better than the Asgard. As for the Asgard 2, I dunno how it stacks up to the Mstage, but I think the fuller/warmer Mstage would probably be more ideal for my tastes than the very neutral Asgard 2.

1)  They added a muting relay during power ON and OFF.
2)  Changed 0-10-18-20 dB gain switches to a fixed 15dB gain instead.
3)  DAC version has a new DAC.  I'd still probably go with a stand-alone-DAC though.
4)  Maybe switched the opamp...
5)  Sexy new face plates!

I imagine it will sound nearly identical to the old model.
Also, IMO the M-stage isn't that warm sounding.  It doesn't sound that different from other solid-state amps I've tried in that regard.  If anything my iCan sounds slightly warmer.  I can't compare to the E09K as I didn't have them both at the same time. 
Compared to other amps I've owned though, the M-stage does have a bit better dynamics, wider soundstage, and (it seems like) more air...

Dec 26, 2013 at 4:57 AM Post #19,419 of 48,581
1)  They added a muting relay during power ON and OFF.
2)  Changed 0-10-18-20 dB gain switches to a fixed 15dB gain instead.
3)  DAC version has a new DAC.  I'd still probably go with a stand-alone-DAC though.
4)  Maybe switched the opamp...
5)  Sexy new face plates!

I imagine it will sound nearly identical to the old model.
Also, IMO the M-stage isn't that warm sounding.  It doesn't sound that different from other solid-state amps I've tried in that regard.  If anything my iCan sounds slightly warmer.  I can't compare to the E09K as I didn't have them both at the same time. 
Compared to other amps I've owned though, the M-stage does have a bit better dynamics, wider soundstage, and (it seems like) more air...

Dec 26, 2013 at 5:00 AM Post #19,420 of 48,581
For the money, I still think I'd go with Audio-GD though. Brand bias and all, lol. The good thing with the MStage is that it has an aux input, something the A-GD stuff lacks up until you hit the Compass 2 and above price ranges. I'd consider getting another Compass 2, but with the warmer dual Wolfson DAC chips, not the super neutral Sabre ES9018 one on my last one, as well as the warmer DIR chip. Since SS amps tend to sound samey, I'd try going with the warmest setup A-GD if I were to get one. Not like it'd happen though. I just really like A-GD's power specs for the money. The last thing to worry about with them is power. At least 2 watts for every planar, and nearly double the mw for 600ohm cans compared to the popular amps.
Dec 26, 2013 at 5:09 AM Post #19,421 of 48,581
I wish I could afford to try these with some beyer velours...
Amazing price if you ask me... and only on sale for 5 more days...
Dec 26, 2013 at 5:34 AM Post #19,422 of 48,581
For the money, I still think I'd go with Audio-GD though. Brand bias and all, lol. The good thing with the MStage is that it has an aux input, something the A-GD stuff lacks up until you hit the Compass 2 and above price ranges. I'd consider getting another Compass 2, but with the warmer dual Wolfson DAC chips, not the super neutral Sabre ES9018 one on my last one, as well as the warmer DIR chip. Since SS amps tend to sound samey, I'd try going with the warmest setup A-GD if I were to get one. Not like it'd happen though. I just really like A-GD's power specs for the money. The last thing to worry about with them is power. At least 2 watts for every planar, and nearly double the mw for 600ohm cans compared to the popular amps.

I wonder just how the PCM5102 version does. Yes, it is the cheapest but I don't think that matters.
Anyone tried that?
Dec 26, 2013 at 5:41 AM Post #19,423 of 48,581
I doubt many would go the PCM route. I trust the Sabre and Wolfson dacs. I don't know anything on the PCM ones. Probably not much if any noticeable difference for most people, either way.

Change, I don't trust Beyer velours to keep the sound signature well enough. Definitely not the 880/990 velours which would easily ruin the sound of any closed headphone.

Wow, the DT880 pro is going for under $200. Gotta be the best deal I've seen on them in awhile. Has to be the cheapest, most well rounded pair of open cans with some upper range sparkle, though for gaming... not so sure.
Dec 26, 2013 at 5:48 AM Post #19,424 of 48,581
Change, I don't trust Beyer velours to keep the sound signature well enough. Definitely not the 880/990 velours which would easily ruin the sound of any closed headphone.

I was told the 770 pads are the best at not altering the sound much...
Plus, this is the open version... and since it has a mild bass emphasis, the pads may tame it down a bit while opening the soundstage more. That would make the HP200 ideal for gaming, IMO, and a great option at that price range.
I really need to try these out...
Dec 26, 2013 at 5:54 AM Post #19,425 of 48,581
The 770 velours aren't actually all that comfy. Definitely a far cry from the 880/990 velours. I'd take the Alpha pads over the 770 velours, actually. Or better yet, dem 1540 pads.

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