London Calling meet impressions
Oct 19, 2013 at 12:41 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 110


Reviewer at Sound Perfection Reviews
Formerly affiliated with HiFi Headphones
Feb 1, 2011
Meet was great, nice to meet loads of great people.
Oct 19, 2013 at 12:57 PM Post #2 of 110
Great meet indeed. It was nice to put some faces to names while listening to a variety of rigs. Nice chatting with Oliver about the HD800s, Ra97oR (who didn't take the wonderful headphone stand when he won in the raffle), elton and his sweet K1000s, Can'tScareMe and Theo, whose rigs I went back to multiple times. Loved the selection of sandwiches, there was plenty to eat and drink & I look forward to attending the next meet.
Oct 19, 2013 at 3:11 PM Post #3 of 110
Cracking job Nadeem and hats off to all the great people I met for the first and second time round on this meet.
To all those who set their gear up and let us all try it with such generosity a special thank you to you all. I wish I could have tried everything but I talk too much!
I wish I could have met everyone but there's always a next time. Hopefully. ....
Oct 19, 2013 at 3:12 PM Post #4 of 110
Yes, very enjoyable day.


I finally got to hear a pair of Fostex TH900 phones, though was very surprised how good in comparison the new top of the range Mad Dogs were as well.

Price wise I will certainly be looking at these instead of the TH900 phones I think, plus the added bonus of cable swapping to be had if need be.


Surprised how good a couple of budget phones in the £100 - £150 price range from Yamaha & Sony were, certainly contenders for everyday travel duties.

Looking forward to the next one, and big shout out to Head-Fi member 'Sceptre' who had some great gear, and was very generous and helpful with all his nice toys...:)


Lastly, big thanks to Nadeem for organizing the event, job well done...
Oct 19, 2013 at 3:53 PM Post #6 of 110
well done on a great day. Lunch was really good.
I really enjoyed the new Alpha Dog mod of the Forex and got to listen to some Audio-techinica stuff for the first time, and that Pioneer A19 was just awesome to look at and sounded great with the HD800s. This time round I was a little underwhlemed by the Audeze - not sure why
Oct 19, 2013 at 3:59 PM Post #7 of 110
A big thanks to Trevor, Chris for helping out today, much appreciated. And of course Rich (Craftyclown ) for his video skills today with his colleague.

Hope you all enjoyed Russ Poole's set today and please have a download of his music from bandcamp, he's a great guy and has real talent. See here:
Oct 19, 2013 at 4:26 PM Post #8 of 110
Didn't feel like I did much to help Nadeem but I had your back! :) A pleasure to be among such a nice bunch of people. The day flew by. All was top notch including Russ Poole an amazingly talented man and pretty brave to perform with no stage or PA. Just him his guitar and voice.
Special thanks to Dora for being so friendly. Let's hope Nadeem feels that he can devote his time and energy to putting on another meet. He would be a very tough act to follow.
Oct 19, 2013 at 4:39 PM Post #9 of 110
Awesome day! is really nice to meet all you guys and got a chance to hear some really nice gear.
is sad that i didnt get the headphone stand in the lucky draw XD
Oct 19, 2013 at 4:52 PM Post #10 of 110
Great day, met some fantastic people and heard some fantastic 'phones.
Lots of thanks to Nadeem and the sponsors for some good kit and great ambience (and fellow H-Fiers of course!) - Ambience; less helpful in the case of a 'Head-fi' meet...
Also, I think in future, these meets should come with a disclaimer:
"Warning, may cause you to confirm high value purchases and consider others. (We accept no liability for bankruptcy as a result of attendance)"
Oct 19, 2013 at 7:23 PM Post #12 of 110
Hey guys thanks to everyone who there today bloody brilliant and big shout and thanks to Naved i don't know if i spelled that correctly but yeah was absolutely mad so glad i could make it anyway bless all who contributed met some great guys can't wait for the next one  !!!!! 
Oct 19, 2013 at 8:38 PM Post #13 of 110
Great day once again, thanks to Nadeem and co for making it possible for like minded people to all congregate in one place and forget about our kids, wife's (or husbands, see I was pc there) and mortgages for 6 hours even though I was late through my own fault and lost an hour of Head-fi wonder i will never get back.

The laid on buffet was stella, especially the chicken Tikka wrap!

Thanks to all who are kind enough to let us hear their own personal gear and was able to decide what to bankrupt myself with next.

Shout out to the guy who inspired me at the April meet to get a Vorzuge amp and acknowledged each other today across the room whilst we had headphones glued to our heads but never got around to having a chat (passing amps in the night and all) with you to say thanks for blowing £350 of my money on the amp! You know who you are ; )

Pick of the day for me was the Grado PS1000 which my Vorzuge actually drove like a Range Rover through mud albeit I would not endeavour using them with anything less than a dedicated desktop dac/amp. to get full potential from a essentially a £2K can.

Impressed with the Beyers also but have now heard the HD800 on three different set ups and despite been in awe at it's ultra clean and refined attention to fine detail and out the box imaging still sit on the fence with these and cannot figure out why?

Learning all the time from these meets, like remember your jack adaptors! Doh! -
Thanks to IFI table for letting me borrow their one for a while! IFI, nice sounding gear that is made to tank like reference hi-fi standards with attention to detail with everything from design, build and sound.

Great meet made great by great like minded people's.

Until next time.....
Oct 20, 2013 at 2:26 AM Post #14 of 110
Big thanks to Nadeem and everyone else involved, I had an excellent day. Great crowd as usual. Highlights for me include (but definitely not limited to) trying the invitcta with my k3003, just amazing. Also those alpha dogs, probably the most comfortable phones on the planet..

Oh, and I won some good Schiit in the raffle :)
Oct 20, 2013 at 2:34 AM Post #15 of 110
Big, big thanks Nadeem! Sorry I didn't get to meet you properly. The day was superb!! My first ever head-fi meet and I got to see so many people that I'd only known by name until now - brilliant! Great people and great gear! Stonkingly brilliant day, can't wait for the next one :)

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