Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.
May 23, 2016 at 11:26 AM Post #602 of 10,273
 Hello, all !
The zealously musical open back.

(review by grizzlybeast)

Review, here:

Really like the Vali. 
I want people to not be influenced by hype in the review but let me just say it here.
this thing roxks! ! 

May 23, 2016 at 6:49 PM Post #603 of 10,273
Can someone explain the differences between Magister (899$) & Magister Light (490$), please?
May 24, 2016 at 6:41 AM Post #604 of 10,273
I have the opportunity to come across the Kennerton headphones at the Munich High End Audio and I was completely amazed by the Odin and Vali. I have heard the Magister back in Hong Kong, a beautiful closed back but not particular attractive at that particular setup. I was considering upgrade my Alpha Dog to EtherC at that time, so I didn't pay a lot of attention to the Kennerton and that is definitely a serious mistake.

First of all Odin in Karelian Birch is such a beauty, it is definitely an eye-candy to all headphone lovers and it shines alongside the Viva 845 head-to-head, consider the price and size different, the Odin in Karelian Birch are offering extreme C/P in terms of appearance.

The moment I put Odin on, I was stunned, stand still, and with my mouth wide opened. One of my reference headphone is HE6 and I have Schiit Ragnaork, Liittle Dot MK6, Cayin iHA6 and HA1AmkII driving the HE6 at home, the Odin and Viva 845 shares a lot of common with my home setup but better in almost every perspecitve. I love Planar headphone but always wanted to feel more punch from them, the HE6 is the closest I had in my collection but the Odin just nailed the bullseye right on. I asked the gentleman besides me for more detail (and product broucher) for the Odin, and turn out that is Pierre from Casques Headphone, and he quickly introduce me to Mr Valentin Kazanzhi, CEO of Kennerton for more detail.

Because I was managing a booth that was 10m away from Kennerton's booth, so end up I dropped by the Kennerton's booth everyday, and I even borrowed one of the Odin to try it out with the Cayin iHA-6 and HA1Amk2. Mr. Kazanzhi has dropped by several time to check out his headphone with our gears. Over the several days, we have tested the Odin, Vali, and all the Kennerton IEMs with various Cayin gears.

To cut a long story shorted, by the end of the show, we are so excited by the synergy of Cayin's amplifier and Kennerton's headphone that we decided to swap our products for subsequent shows and events, and I have ordered a set of Odin for my personal collection from Mr. Kazanzhi before he pack up and head to Stockholm for the next exhibition. Mr. Kazanzhi was kind enough to promise an express service for my Odin and I am looking forward to that ever since.

When I receive my old-wood Odin, I'll share more photo with fellow Kennerton users, and how it fit into my bedside headfi rig. :beerchug:
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 27, 2016 at 3:31 AM Post #610 of 10,273

I was able to compare the Odin mk1 (first production batch) with the Odin mk2 (second production batch).

Odin mk1 owners do not have to be disappointed because for the moment, the mk1 Odin sounds better than the mk2 for the simple reason that one is perfectly burn-in and not the other.
According Pierre, you must count 150 h of running so that the mk2 Odin sounds with the same fluidity and smoothness than the mk1 Odin, see perhaps with even a little more transparency by virtue of its internal wiring for Litz wire (for the Odin mk2).

For the moment, the lack of burn-in of my mk2 Odin (compared to my mk1 Odin) is characterized into a lack of fluidity and smoothness, and a certain relative harshness.

In short, to any new owners of the mk2 Odin, don't consider your new Odin mk2 right away; It deserves several dozens of hours of running to begin approaching the potential and the wonderful sound of a perfectly "burn" Odin (more than 50 hours see more than 100-150 hours of burn-in are necessary; you will enjoy then, a lot more, the better fluidity, smoothness and even greater listening pleasure: you will spend of a (relative) rough sound to a perfectly smooth sound, both soft, natural, living, dynamic and accurate.

Moreover, the sensitivity of the Odin mk2 and mk1 is really very close to, and limited by the precision of my microphone and measurement conditions to +/-0.5 dB for a test of the 4 drivers Odin to my disposition (mk1 L/R and mk2 L/R) on a frequency 500 Hz test, for the same position of my amplifier volume knob (see photos at the following link:

Otherwise, I'll have to retrieve my Viva Egoista 2A3 amplifier, next Thursday, with the power transformer wired on the mains 240 V (instead of 230 V).

Otherwise, for memory, I also could compare the Vali to Odin: both are very great headphones, each in their technology (dynamic for Vali and planar for Odin).

To summarize, I quite agree with the grizzlybeast test ; the Vali is a super dynamic headphones, characterized, immediately, by its dynamics and its very impressive bass; it is an headphone very lively and fun (and pleasant) to listen; this headphone It is a kind of super HD-650, in much heavier, but best in everything; In addition, it is easier to amplify.

About the Odin, it is one of the best planar at our disposal, even rivaling the Abyss (best mids and trebles, sound more natural); It is a kind of super HE-6, better in all and infinitely easier to amplified.
Compared to the Vali, the definition of the Odin's mids is best: it passes, somehow a HD-720p definition at 1080p (by analogy to video); Odin's bass, although it is slightly less powerful and slightly less deep than the Vali, is equally striking and more textured (more defined); Odin's treble rises a little higher than the Vali.
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May 27, 2016 at 6:13 AM Post #611 of 10,273
Hello Kennerton fans,
Thank you @Eric65 for this very interesting return and it is true that burn in for transducers is very important and requires a lot of care.
About the Odin, it is one of the best planar at our disposal, even rivaling the Abyss (best mids and trebles, sound more natural); It is a kind of super HE-6, better in all and infinitely easier to amplified.

It is untrue (rivaling the ABYSS) but since you are a BIG Odin fan you are entitled to express this false opinion

May 27, 2016 at 6:54 AM Post #612 of 10,273
Hi, Claude
It is untrue for you and true for me 

Some prefer the Odin and others the Abyss (regardless of price)

All depends on where you put your priority.

If it is for the sound stage (width) and the depth of the bass, it is true that the Abyss is a must.

But if it is for the quality of the timbres (of instruments and voices) and their natural renderings (particularly in the mids), and I am particularly sensitive about, well, the Odin is a must.
May 27, 2016 at 8:06 AM Post #613 of 10,273
Hello Eric,
I understand your point of vue and you are right that the music genre can influence the headphones choices.
But your comment was ambiguous not specifying really things.
For Symphonies for ex ODIN is not appropriate since you miss the sound stage which disables the perception of the phalanx.
For a singer or a small unit the ODIN does a very good job with accuracy.
May 27, 2016 at 8:26 AM Post #614 of 10,273
  Hello Eric,
I understand your point of vue and you are right that the music genre can influence the headphones choices.
But your comment was ambiguous not specifying really things.
For Symphonies for ex ODIN is not appropriate since you miss the sound stage which disables the perception of the phalanx.
For a singer or a small unit the ODIN does a very good job with accuracy.

Hi Claude,
This, it (for example Odin) is also appropriate, but in this particular case (the great symphonic ensembles in close formation (phalanx
)), it will do less well the job than the abyss; indeed, the abyss is, with the AKG K1000, the King in this particular area of the sound reproduction, the soundstage.

That said, the soundstage of the Odin is certainly smaller than that of the Abyss but it also is very precise and harmonious in the placement of the instruments.
Well, concerning everything else ... 
May 27, 2016 at 3:41 PM Post #615 of 10,273
Hello Kennerton fans,

Thank you @Eric65 for this very interesting return and it is true that burn in for transducers is very important and requires a lot of care.

It is untrue (rivaling the ABYSS) but since you are a BIG Odin fan you are entitled to express this false opinion :beerchug:

Glad to have second opinion in the discussion thread, can you please share a more detail impression on Odin vs your other headphone collection? I am sure fellow headfier in this thread love to hear your observation and opinion as well.
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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