Just picked up a set of AKG K240's ( Monitors )
Feb 13, 2011 at 8:07 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 34

nick n

Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 3, 2011
I have a feeling that this website is going to send me off in an entirely new and expensive direction. I really didn't take the warnings seriously..... I'm taking the bait.
This place made me grab a set of Nu-Force NE-7M's a little bit ago and now this.  They are a used pair of 600 ohm AKG K-240 MONITORS- the gold ones. Paid $50 Canadian ( on par pretty much with $US ) they are reallllllllly nice condition.No creepy built-up gunk or fraying seams anywhere. Only reason the guy was selling them was the 600 ohm driving part started to get to him for his purposes. Funny that these were sitting around on the local used site for a while and nobody grabbed them, close to a month. Only thing missing are the decals on the sides.( not a huge deal ) I did my research and these are real.
Does anyone know if these side decals are available  for replacement? I can always get some sort of custom decal mod going.
First impressions:
I have NEVER experienced a decent set of "CANS" before. The fit is beautiful. Pads are mint. Nice cabling!  I am driving these off my Sony DE-505 amp right now leaving the settings as plain as possible ( no bass boost etc ). Have to wait to get my Heathkit AA-151 Tube running again the sound should be even better ( hopefully ). There is an old Luxman R-113 Amp for sale ( Drool ) locally that looks pristine ( have to look under the hood of course )  is this something I should be considering to properly give these the sound they deserve for now as opposed to the Sony? I know the older stuff didn't have such artificially inflated outputs and was a bit better all around assuming all the caps are ok. Or is it the  Headphone Out Jack itself that causes limitation

I have had goosebumps listening to these from the moment I first played them. Whoa. There is actually "depth". I never knew what that meant other than lip-service.
Using 320 and FLAC as well as CD's.
Going to let these percolate some more see how they wear on me.
 I can somehow sense a desktop standalone headphone amp in my near future. There's so many to choose from. Was thinking maybe a Nu-Force?  Maybe my Uncle can part with one of his McIntosh units. Yeah suuure.
Please people take the warnings about this place seriously. 
Not that it's a bad thing. More goosebumps.
Incredible. May not be comparable to other higher end equipment but for virgin ears like these it is great.
SINCERE THANKS to this forum. Appreciated. Would never have known what I was looking at otherwise.

Feb 13, 2011 at 8:46 PM Post #2 of 34
Those high impedance AKGs sound spectacular with tubes--I think you will be quite pleased once the new amp arrives.  That's what I would recommend for a standalone amp as well for them--a tube amp will give you an excellent experience with those headphones in particular.
And don't feel like you have a mediocre pair of headphones there--the old AKG K240 series are something special.
Welcome aboard.
You won't be able to find the side decals anymore, unfortunately.
Feb 13, 2011 at 8:58 PM Post #3 of 34
Feb 13, 2011 at 9:00 PM Post #4 of 34

Those high impedance AKGs sound spectacular with tubes--I think you will be quite pleased once the new amp arrives.  That's what I would recommend for a standalone amp as well for them--a tube amp will give you an excellent experience with those headphones in particular.
And don't feel like you have a mediocre pair of headphones there--the old AKG K240 series are something special.
Welcome aboard.
You won't be able to find the side decals anymore, unfortunately.

Are you sure that Frank doesn't have any left? They aren't that old.
Feb 13, 2011 at 9:54 PM Post #5 of 34
I don't know if I should be posting in this thread (considering I have a pair up for sale) but FWIW, IMO the K240M is a very underrated pair of headphones. Not as nice as the K701 or other modern-day full-size headphones, but for the price they really shouldn't be passed up if you have a nice amplifier. I'm still keeping a pair as a reference point for any vintage headphones I decide to pick up :)
Feb 13, 2011 at 10:32 PM Post #7 of 34
Nice those AKG's are awesome for their price. I'd say they compete with headphones in the $100 range or even more. I recently got a paid off ebay for $30 but it was not in the best condition. Still I have two pairs now :wink: . One recabled using the HD650 cable and the other is recabled with the HD650 cable and also balanced. They really are nice, but I want a K501 as I hear they are great and even better than the K702.
Feb 13, 2011 at 11:01 PM Post #8 of 34
Oddly enough, the AKG 240S/240mkII/271mkII are the first headphones I ever tried that don't fit me properly.  Quite loose compared to what I'm used to.  Don't know if there is a difference between the PRC and Austrian versions.  Any AKGs still made in Austria?
Feb 13, 2011 at 11:07 PM Post #9 of 34
Are you sure that Frank doesn't have any left? They aren't that old.

?? Frank? I'd love to get my hands on some.
Feb 14, 2011 at 3:41 AM Post #10 of 34

Are you sure that Frank doesn't have any left? They aren't that old.

?? Frank? I'd love to get my hands on some.

Frank Rodriguez
Customer Service Administrator


Ph: 818-920-3279
Fax: 818-920-3208
A great guy !!
Feb 14, 2011 at 3:44 AM Post #11 of 34

IMO the K240M is a very underrated pair of headphones. Not as nice as the K701 or other modern-day full-size headphones, but for the price they really shouldn't be passed up if you have a nice amplifier. I'm still keeping a pair as a reference point for any vintage headphones I decide to pick up :)

I would take any of the K240M, K240DF, Studio (or Mk II), or old Sextett over the K701. 
Feb 14, 2011 at 5:56 AM Post #12 of 34

IMO the K240M is a very underrated pair of headphones. Not as nice as the K701 or other modern-day full-size headphones, but for the price they really shouldn't be passed up if you have a nice amplifier. I'm still keeping a pair as a reference point for any vintage headphones I decide to pick up :)

I would take any of the K240M, K240DF, Studio (or Mk II), or old Sextett over the K701. 

Different strokes for different people. Really the only similarity they share is in the presentation of the mids; the K701 exhudes detail but has a tilted frequency response and presentation (widened, somewhat hollow soundstage), while the K240M is more balanced, fun, but closed and not as detailed. In the end I just wasn't a fan of the vintage AKG K240 drivers, and I've tried at least three different implementations of them (K240M, MP Sextetts, K340).
Feb 14, 2011 at 12:46 PM Post #13 of 34
I just could never get used to the lack of bass that the K701's have.  Not balanced enough for me.  Too much of a "treble emphasis".
Mar 4, 2011 at 8:09 PM Post #14 of 34
Thread ressurection time...
I need to ask for an opinion from someone who has tried these AND also the ATH M-50's. Something deep within me is urging me to buy some AudioTechnica M-50's. It's an almost "uncontrollable urge", to quote DEVO.
After being stunned by the amazing ( to me anyhow ) qualities of these older 240-M's which I use daily and have gotten used to, I was wanting to expand my experience with something else.
I don't wish to go too far below the general sound and fit quality of the 240-M
I am not interested in expanded bass, just something that will be around/sort of neutral, without glaringly obvious in your face stuff.
Preferably something around the ATH M-50 price range give or take a bit ( which seems to be ~ $ 130 -150 plus Canadian here )
Would like them to be over the ear types, nothing that just sits on them. ( hmmm do the ATH M-50's sit entirely over? I never thought about that )
New or used is fine too.
Am I wasting my time considering the ATH? Will it be much different than what I am using now for sound quality? Should I just go with a different AKG model?
Curious, and any response is appreciated.
Thanks a bunch.
As far as my missing decals I got a friend to donate some professional sign-makers decal. Looks like brushed gold-aluminum and perfectly matches the gold color. That's on the sides of the earpieces now. Nice, simple and clean. Best of all FREE.

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