I'm making a list...
Aug 10, 2010 at 6:31 PM Post #16 of 56
A bit confused as to how a decidedly neutral, true-to-source IEM can be classified as 'a rollicking good time, fun'? Clarification please.

Aug 10, 2010 at 6:46 PM Post #17 of 56
Okay, I have a rollicking, good time and a lot of fun listening to the DBAs. Is that clarification enough? They are neutral, but by that I mean they are not colored in any one frequency (and none are recessed to my ears). True to source? Well, when I listen to them with my best sources (Touch via LOD and amp and ZuneHD via T3 via HP out), they truly reflect the music I listen to, which also is fun in my book. Not sure what you don't understand. I have fun listening to the DBAs, I didn't have any fun listening to the Coppers much, and even the SM3s left me sort of bored (at least when I A/B them with the DBAs). No fun, no enjoyment with the UM3x or the IE8s. That's why I sold them all in the long run, Only one way for you to really find out, buy them. They are an easy resell. But then again, they probably are not for you.
Aug 10, 2010 at 7:03 PM Post #18 of 56
Excellent analysis of an analytic IEM.
Analytical or clinical means emphasizing details and technicalities sometimes at the expense of musical enjoyment.  Many times 'analytical' phones lack or are deficient in sonic qualities that enhance musicality.  Also detail and soundstage are different.  You are actually describing imaging as well.  Put it this way.  If you find yourself analyzing your music as you describe your 701s but also find yourself bored and unengaged that would be a good understanding of overly 'analytical' or 'clinical'.

Aug 10, 2010 at 7:11 PM Post #19 of 56

Gawd, if the Coppers are more relaxed and the DBA's have more energy in the mids and top end, I'm certain the Fischers wouldn't be for me since I already find the Coppers strident and harsh in many instances. Eek.

As Anaxilus said, it may well be different tip choices, how they sit in my ears, or any number of other things. Mine are never ever harsh, so perhaps (if it's not tip/fit differences) maybe you're simply sensitive to treble. Or it could be the varying burn-in thing too. Who knows.
Aug 10, 2010 at 7:47 PM Post #21 of 56

Thanks for all the feedback guys, I think I'm leaning towards either the Coppers or DBA-02s.  Speaking of the Coppers where are they usually found the cheapest?

It used to be OneCall back when they still had the 'MyPrice' option that let you make offers to them, now I'm not sure. I think used would have to be your cheapest option nowadays. I got mine way back in March during the infamous Dell sale. I'd offer them to you for what I paid except the strain relief broke on one after a few hours and I need to send it to Monster for a replacement.
Aug 10, 2010 at 9:03 PM Post #23 of 56

Okay, I have a rollicking, good time and a lot of fun listening to the DBAs. Is that clarification enough? They are neutral, but by that I mean they are not colored in any one frequency (and none are recessed to my ears). True to source? Well, when I listen to them with my best sources (Touch via LOD and amp and ZuneHD via T3 via HP out), they truly reflect the music I listen to, which also is fun in my book. Not sure what you don't understand. I have fun listening to the DBAs, I didn't have any fun listening to the Coppers much, and even the SM3s left me sort of bored (at least when I A/B them with the DBAs). No fun, no enjoyment with the UM3x or the IE8s. That's why I sold them all in the long run, Only one way for you to really find out, buy them. They are an easy resell. But then again, they probably are not for you.

From what I've seen during your several years here, you've always derived more enjoyment from earphones which have less impact, prat, etc., and reside more on the thin/clinical side. No matter. Our tastes differ obviously. I was merely trying to understand this IEM better. I will defer to other owners' descriptions going forward. Next.
Aug 10, 2010 at 9:43 PM Post #24 of 56

From what I've seen during your several years here, you've always derived more enjoyment from earphones which have less impact, prat, etc., and reside more on the thin/clinical side. No matter. Our tastes differ obviously. I was merely trying to understand this IEM better. I will defer to other owners' descriptions going forward. Next.

Well, I do have to say, they aren't the standard thin analytical BA they might sound like. I had the RE0 and PFE and those both did sound thinner. These aren't as full as the Coppers or any other standard dynamic of course. The Westone 2 was a bit fuller. These are airy but still have the weight needed to be enjoyable, provided you like neutral sound signatures. To the normal dynamic user, these won't sound as full. Perhaps even lacking upon first impression compared to the fuller sounding dynamics they are used to. Different IEMs will float the boats of different people. If these were boring, I probably wouldn't listen to them.
Aug 10, 2010 at 9:47 PM Post #25 of 56
cn11...Whatever. You commented on the DBAs, but you don't own them. But I encourage you defer to other owners' descriptions, reviews, etc. Guess at this point you have decided to ignore Dfrost, rawrster, LFF, Ethan, Joker and a few others who have already checked in on the DBAs and certainly would not describe them as thin/clinical.
Update: I see Ethan has already checked in with that view. They are not thin/clinical, but they do not create an over-bassy sound sig so you no doubt would not like them. Again, do not describe an IEM that you have not heard is all.
I have some RE-Zeros here, and those are more along the lines of analytical. Same with PFEs. But I always preferred the PFEs with an amp and bass boost. The DBAs are no such animal. And that can make them very much fun to hear, never boring or cold.
I enjoy phones with less impact? But you, on the other hand, are more into impact? Impact? LOL.
As far as PRAT, here's what I think....gleaned from an old forum thread...
This is Bill from the Future. PRaT, like SQ, is a bullsh*t term invented by pretentious audiophools in a vain effort to sound like wine tasters with headphones.
Aug 10, 2010 at 11:18 PM Post #26 of 56

A bit confused as to how a decidedly neutral, true-to-source IEM can be classified as 'a rollicking good time, fun'? Clarification please.

I think that's personal preferences wouldn't it? I assume you are not speaking to me but I'll give my opinion on that. It's just like how we all have different signatures so if you find a signature that you enjoy that would be fun for you and when you are listening to your tracks you would have a pretty damn good time. I get that with the DBA-02 since it suits my signature and I assume it's like that for most but I could be wrong.
Now granted you are a dynamic for the most part with the exception with the SM3 which has converted some dynamic drivers guys such as yourself but I'm not sure if they would be for you anyway. They are much closer to an Etymotic type sound signature than say the Coppers. In terms of them being analytical I'm not really sure what is and what isn't as well all have different definitions of them. There are times when I'm able to single out a certain instrument and focus on that (I do that regardless of phone whether analytical or not) and then I'm also able to just sit back, relax and enjoy the music. I don't know if that helps you however. If you wanted my opinion I'd probably advise you against getting since I doubt they would be for you.

Aug 11, 2010 at 6:46 AM Post #27 of 56

 Impact? LOL.
As far as PRAT, here's what I think....gleaned from an old forum thread...
This is Bill from the Future. PRaT, like SQ, is a bullsh*t term invented by pretentious audiophools in a vain effort to sound like wine tasters with headphones.

To be fair, I've heard you refer to 'PRaT' and 'impact' in many of your posts, so 'Bill from the Hills' must also be referring to people like you then?

Have you really never felt some phones present more impact than others? Bass for example, when you use Bass Boost on your Touch, do you do it so the bass has more weight, so you can feel it more? Didn't your Atrios have bass impact?
As for 'PRaT'... in the UK, 'prat' is to us what 'jerk' is to you.
So the beginning of your last paragraph....
"This is Bill from the Future. PRaT"
... reads something entirely different to me than it does to you

And I think he is.
Aug 11, 2010 at 7:22 AM Post #29 of 56

Gawd, if the Coppers are more relaxed and the DBA's have more energy in the mids and top end, I'm certain the Fischers wouldn't be for me since I already find the Coppers strident and harsh in many instances. Eek.

how on earth are they relaxed?
Aug 11, 2010 at 7:27 AM Post #30 of 56

can i just point out im never ever in a million years am i going to hear prat and think audiophile term

Yes, it's not the best acronym to associate with audiophile terminology


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