If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Sep 29, 2013 at 2:35 AM Post #2,716 of 19,256
  To me DF is sibilant and honky.
OW sounds natural as does GE compensation. OW flat IEMs are not warm at all, very clear actually, but without the sibilance of DF.

Yeah I don't get any sibilance at all with DF. I think we just hear differently Inks. The reason I say O-W is a little warm is because that's how I hear the F111, which hits the O-W quite on the money with a slightly shallow fit up until ~10k for me. I do really like having two standards to enjoy though.   
Sep 29, 2013 at 2:39 AM Post #2,717 of 19,256
F111 has a bit too much midbass thus more warm, the OW shows it. Mids and lower treble are much nicer than ER4S IMO but lacks the airyness.
Sep 29, 2013 at 2:55 AM Post #2,718 of 19,256
F111 has a bit too much midbass thus more warm, the OW shows it. Mids and lower treble are much nicer than ER4S IMO but lacks the airyness.

Took another look at the O-W F111 compensation and you're right, it does show a little warmth. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess that's why the GE graph shows even more mid-bass than O-W. I still think I'd prefer GE to O-W. I'll try out some eq when I get the F111 back.  
Sep 29, 2013 at 9:21 AM Post #2,719 of 19,256
To be honest I'm not sure how to look at those graphs and change the eq to make them or and earphone sound different... I'm not a eq guy what so ever.. I like the way they sound just with the green filters and the flange tips... That's why I bought them in the first place.. Or any other earphone that I own.. Ilike the ssound signature of them... If I don't like a earphone I don't buy it.. And if I buy a pair that I don't like I get rid of them or I listen to them and see if I can get use to the signature... I don't know maybe I'm odd or old school I don't know lol even with my home stereo... And I've owned some very nice stuff over my 47 years on this planet lol holy crap I'm old lol anyways even with the home stuff I never push up the bass or treble or whatever.. I like it that way. . Sorry rambling on here just wanted my story told lol :) happy listening :)
Sep 29, 2013 at 11:49 AM Post #2,720 of 19,256
On another note, I had been using the reds for a while after gnarlsagan recommended them (and preferred them to greens).  After our group buy I tried the oranges.  While I think they have almost perfect bass, the treble was just a bit more uneven.  I used them for a while and although I really liked them, I started to want the treble back a bit more.  I switched back to greens and found, as I always have, that they are just a bit too peaky in certain ways.  Used them for a while anyway to see if i'd get used to them.  Nope.
So, I switched back to reds.  I wanted to try the orange again, but didn't have a pair.  Loved the reds, but wanted that little extra bass again.  I found a single orange filter and then realized that mouser had actually missed the single orange filter that was to be its companion.  So they sent me the single orange and I popped them back in.  Used them for a few days, loved the bass as I had remembered.  However, I found that the treble was just a bit off.  I'm not sure if it's the difference in filter variation or just that I was so enamoured with the bass I didn't care the first time.  Anyhow, the middle region of the treble was ever so slightly soft in parts and the upper register of the treble had an ever so slight peak.  Not really raspy, but bright really high up but no in the main treble region.  This gave it a sort of softness with a rasp for lack of better words.
So, I switched back to reds.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Reds the new color.  Red is it.
I'm a redder for life. :wink: lmao. But seriously.  The bass is slightly improved from the greens.  The very slight green treble peakiness is reduced nicely and the overall signature retains the incredible er4s quality.  Tri flange tips, red filters, er4s.  Beautiful.
Sep 29, 2013 at 12:00 PM Post #2,722 of 19,256
Haven't tried orange yet... reds are great.
I wish the orange raised the bass without any further treble change from the reds. I bet some people will love the orange. I'd still take the orange over most iems. I just prefer the red. It's easier to add a sub bass eq if you want to than it is to fi the orange treble with eq. Although I did fix the orange treble without too much trouble using eq.
Sep 29, 2013 at 1:14 PM Post #2,723 of 19,256
Finally got a chance to open the er-4s today.  They definitely sound bigger in staging from the er-6 and they are much easier to fit and remove.  So far I've just used them with my iPhone 5 but I'm liking what I'm hearing.  The cable is pretty heavy and tugs on the housings when walking around; too bad it doesn't have a slider above the Y split, so I may need to use the shirt clip.
Sep 29, 2013 at 6:44 PM Post #2,724 of 19,256
I've got a question. How well can you hear yourself whistling when you're listening to the ER4? I hope that the isolation doesn't make whistling inaudible because I often like to whistle along with my music.
Sep 29, 2013 at 6:59 PM Post #2,725 of 19,256
  I've got a question. How well can you hear yourself whistling when you're listening to the ER4? I hope that the isolation doesn't make whistling inaudible because I often like to whistle along with my music.

Unacceptable.  You would be disrupting the pure audio quality of the er4s by introducing other frequencies into the music :wink: hahaha
Sep 29, 2013 at 7:06 PM Post #2,726 of 19,256
Unacceptable.  You would be disrupting the pure audio quality of the er4s by introducing other frequencies into the music :wink: hahaha

 But whistling along is so fun! Have you ever tried it? I'm too self-conscious to try singing along with the music, but whistling I can do.
Sep 29, 2013 at 7:29 PM Post #2,727 of 19,256
Unacceptable.  You would be disrupting the pure audio quality of the er4s by introducing other frequencies into the music :wink: hahaha

Sorry vhobhstr but I'm with luisdent on this one. Whistling is not allowed when listening to the ER4S. :p
Sep 30, 2013 at 8:39 AM Post #2,729 of 19,256
I got my ER4PT today. It sounds absolutely beautiful with the ER4S converter hooked up to my amp and DAC. Everything sounds as it should be, close to what the artist intended. 

It has wowed me much more than my JH13 Pro ever did, and I like it even more than my AD900X/HD580/Q701/DT880/SE530/TF10. I would even be so brave as to say that they in the same league as the JH13 Pro. I love its clear and intimate sound with the clear midrange and vocals being my favourite part of this iem.

The ER4 is a fantastic example of how more drivers don't make a better iem. I can't believe that this was released all the way back in 1991. I put off this iem for over 2 years because of people saying that these sound very thin and analytical with practically no bass. I should had let my ears do the judging the whole time. These do not sound thin and analytical at all to me especially when I am used to very warm sounding iems like the SE530.

Just about every single headphone/iem I have ever owned with the exception of the JH13 has made me wish that something in the sound was improved. For example I wish that the SE530 had better bass and treble extension and the AD900X makes me wish that it had a more clearer midrange. I can't find any fault with the way the ER4S sounds at the moment except that it has a very small soundstage, however, I like this as it gives for a very intimate sounding iem with all the details being smacked in your face with all its glory.

I've found the holy grail of iems, and it cost me a quarter of what the JH13 cost me (second hand + cost of remolding, impressions, and cable). The ER4 is as comfortable for me and isolates as well as a custom mold. The only problem now is that it is making me wish that I could upgrade my portable set as well to suit the ER4S properly.

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