If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Sep 15, 2014 at 6:55 PM Post #4,756 of 19,256
The one thing (and I think most people don't like about the ER4S) is getting a balanced seal. For me, too much pressure can make the mids sound sucked out, too shallow and everything is tinny. Just right and I get the clarity, bass oomph, treble sparkle and soundstage height out of these. 

I like using the grey tips as they're easier to insert, but they don't provide a satisfying enough sound. The white tips are much harder to insert, but they sound so much nicer when inserted right.

Yes. The key is to have a neutral air space. No vacuum. The easiest way to do that it to slightly moisten the tips and rotate them as you insert them. (that's what she said)

If you can create a seal with no pressure or vacuum that is at a good depth you should hear the er4s as intended for the most part...

always thought the best way to that was to yawn.

That could help if the tips are loose, but otherwise you would be moving air in the eustation tube. I think it's best to move air through the tip seal out of the ear. But whatever works!for filters i woukd use red and then orange. Beyond orange is too colored for me. Orange is darker in tone by comparison, but still very nice.
Sep 15, 2014 at 8:34 PM Post #4,757 of 19,256
That could help if the tips are loose, but otherwise you would be moving air in the eustation tube. I think it's best to move air through the tip seal out of the ear. But whatever works!for filters i woukd use red and then orange. Beyond orange is too colored for me. Orange is darker in tone by comparison, but still very nice.

What filters are we talking about? o_o
Sep 16, 2014 at 4:15 AM Post #4,760 of 19,256
Hi All, 
Anyone else here use er4s with the Hugo? 
I've been borrowing a Chord Hugo this week and using at home with MBP/Audirvana via hd usb and hd650s. Brilliant! 
But also using via er4s and S3 using USB audio pro. Which has proven quite disappointing. Compared to my apex glacier
of course the hugo sounds better but not over $1500 better than the glacier. Maybe $200 better. 
It must be the characterisitcs of the er4s..but i loved them via the SPL Auditor amp...super rich and warm. The amp section
on the Hugo is def powerful enough for the 650s, but then again when I tried the er4s in a Burson Conductor I was v unimpressed
They are kinda like the hd800s. V picky to drive. 
I have heard that OTL tube amps sound great with er4s...like the bottlehead crack ..should really build that sometime. 
Sep 17, 2014 at 10:49 PM Post #4,767 of 19,256
I just wanted to chime in with my thoughts on the ER4.  I bought a pair of ER4PTs a couple weeks ago and figured I would wait until I had some listening time with them before commenting.  Previous iems I have owned include Shure SE530s, Westone W4s, Shure SE215s, and a bunch of other unmentionable budget ones.  I have always been curious about the ER4 after reading about some of the research/experimentation behind developing this groundbreaking iem.  Etymotic's due diligence seems like something I can put my trust in.  Plus the comments about it being extremely analytical also piqued my curiosity quite a bit, as im sure it did for many others who decided to purchase this iem.
The deciding factor to get them was when I accidentally left my W4s at the gym.  After that I told myself I would never buy another expensive iem again, but decided against it and pulled the trigger on the ER4.  I was worried that they wouldnt be comfortable, but after I unboxed them and put them in my ears I realized that the rumors were exaggerated.  Now I cant say they are the most comfortable iem ive ever worn, but after getting used to the fit I really cant complain too much.  I had trouble with the triple flange at first, but after moistening them up with some baby oil i found them to be on par with the comfort of my comply tips.  I dont feel comfortable resting my ear on the pillow with these things on, but otherwise I can wear these things for hours with no discomfort.  Finding the right tips however was a battle of endurance, and my ears were a little sore for a day or two afterwards.  I blame the ear rape I gave myself trying the mushroom tips and the gritty oversized Ety foams.  But when they fit right, no, they arent uncomfortable.  Just not AS comfortable as my W4s, which seemed to fit me particularly well.  The isolation has been talked about enough on here, and yes it is really good.  I can tap my wooden desk hard with my fingers and cant hear a damn thing, even when the music is paused.  The triple flanges definitely seal better than the comply tips.  I like the way the ER4 sounds with either tip;  the comply sounds slightly warmer and less fatiguing, and the triple flange sound more detailed in the lows and highs.
Now onto the important part, the sound.  Simply put, I love the ER4S.  I was worried that my rockboxed ipod wouldnt drive them properly, but my worries were unfounded when I had volume in excess at the loudest volume I could handle.  I now know why everyone calls these iems natural sounding; this is what uncolored sound should be like.  No overpowering bass, no harsh midrange peaks, and no ear raping harsh treble.  Everything just sounds smooth and natural.  As much as I loved my W4s, I love these just that much more.  The W4 sounded veiled and muddy in comparison.  I havent tried $1k+ flagship iems or anything, but I still cant believe I can get sound like this out of an iem.  The highs are gorgeous and crisp, the mids are forward and smooth, and the bass... THAT BASS!  So smooth and accurate, I am absolutely in love with it.  Im not a basshead by any means, but the bass on the ER4 just sounds incredible.  With a little bit of EQ these things can pound as hard as I would ever want (again, not a basshead).  People who mentioned that these were good headphones for electronica, IDM, etc werent joking.  Aphex Twin has never sounded so good to me.  I cant get enough of the smooth bass!   But that isnt to say I dont like the mids or highs on these things either.  They contain so much detail and deliver music with a very natural tone.  It has no muddiness or veiling to the sound that almost any headphone I have ever heard has just a slight bit of.  Stuff like older Devin Townsend contains so much detail that I am in awe.  
My only complaint would probably be the microphonics.  Coming from the W4 which had absolutely no noticeable microphonics even when you tap it, you can hear just about every movement of the cable in the ER4.  It isnt the worst ive ever heard (flat cables like the Klipsch R6 are much worse), but it can be a bit troublesome when you bump the cable when moving around.  I probably wont do it for a while, but im really thinking about re-cabling them with a cable that can reduce microphonics.  Has anybody has good experience with this, or is the canalphone seal just conducive to microphonics?
Needless to say I am quite satisfied with my purchase.  This is easily the best iem I have ever heard.  I love the way music sounds out of these.  I just ordered a pair of red tips to see what all the rave is about.  I already messed around with luisdent's EQ settings and find it to sound really good with most music.  The bump in bass brings it to the level where it should be I think.
Sep 17, 2014 at 11:51 PM Post #4,768 of 19,256
  I just wanted to chime in with my thoughts on the ER4.  I bought a pair of ER4PTs a couple weeks ago and figured I would wait until I had some listening time with them before commenting.  Previous iems I have owned include Shure SE530s, Westone W4s, Shure SE215s, and a bunch of other unmentionable budget ones.  I have always been curious about the ER4 after reading about some of the research/experimentation behind developing this groundbreaking iem.  Etymotic's due diligence seems like something I can put my trust in.  Plus the comments about it being extremely analytical also piqued my curiosity quite a bit, as im sure it did for many others who decided to purchase this iem.
The deciding factor to get them was when I accidentally left my W4s at the gym.  After that I told myself I would never buy another expensive iem again, but decided against it and pulled the trigger on the ER4.  I was worried that they wouldnt be comfortable, but after I unboxed them and put them in my ears I realized that the rumors were exaggerated.  Now I cant say they are the most comfortable iem ive ever worn, but after getting used to the fit I really cant complain too much.  I had trouble with the triple flange at first, but after moistening them up with some baby oil i found them to be on par with the comfort of my comply tips.  I dont feel comfortable resting my ear on the pillow with these things on, but otherwise I can wear these things for hours with no discomfort.  Finding the right tips however was a battle of endurance, and my ears were a little sore for a day or two afterwards.  I blame the ear rape I gave myself trying the mushroom tips and the gritty oversized Ety foams.  But when they fit right, no, they arent uncomfortable.  Just not AS comfortable as my W4s, which seemed to fit me particularly well.  The isolation has been talked about enough on here, and yes it is really good.  I can tap my wooden desk hard with my fingers and cant hear a damn thing, even when the music is paused.  The triple flanges definitely seal better than the comply tips.  I like the way the ER4 sounds with either tip;  the comply sounds slightly warmer and less fatiguing, and the triple flange sound more detailed in the lows and highs.
Now onto the important part, the sound.  Simply put, I love the ER4S.  I was worried that my rockboxed ipod wouldnt drive them properly, but my worries were unfounded when I had volume in excess at the loudest volume I could handle.  I now know why everyone calls these iems natural sounding; this is what uncolored sound should be like.  No overpowering bass, no harsh midrange peaks, and no ear raping harsh treble.  Everything just sounds smooth and natural.  As much as I loved my W4s, I love these just that much more.  The W4 sounded veiled and muddy in comparison.  I havent tried $1k+ flagship iems or anything, but I still cant believe I can get sound like this out of an iem.  The highs are gorgeous and crisp, the mids are forward and smooth, and the bass... THAT BASS!  So smooth and accurate, I am absolutely in love with it.  Im not a basshead by any means, but the bass on the ER4 just sounds incredible.  With a little bit of EQ these things can pound as hard as I would ever want (again, not a basshead).  People who mentioned that these were good headphones for electronica, IDM, etc werent joking.  Aphex Twin has never sounded so good to me.  I cant get enough of the smooth bass!   But that isnt to say I dont like the mids or highs on these things either.  They contain so much detail and deliver music with a very natural tone.  It has no muddiness or veiling to the sound that almost any headphone I have ever heard has just a slight bit of.  Stuff like older Devin Townsend contains so much detail that I am in awe.  
My only complaint would probably be the microphonics.  Coming from the W4 which had absolutely no noticeable microphonics even when you tap it, you can hear just about every movement of the cable in the ER4.  It isnt the worst ive ever heard (flat cables like the Klipsch R6 are much worse), but it can be a bit troublesome when you bump the cable when moving around.  I probably wont do it for a while, but im really thinking about re-cabling them with a cable that can reduce microphonics.  Has anybody has good experience with this, or is the canalphone seal just conducive to microphonics?
Needless to say I am quite satisfied with my purchase.  This is easily the best iem I have ever heard.  I love the way music sounds out of these.  I just ordered a pair of red tips to see what all the rave is about.  I already messed around with luisdent's EQ settings and find it to sound really good with most music.  The bump in bass brings it to the level where it should be I think.

Great impressions. The ER4S is the iem I keep coming back to, and I don't foresee a day without them in my stable. I eq up the low bass from time to time as well, but that's really all I require to get these sounding amazing. Top-tier for over 20 years now. You should love the red filters. 
Also, if you want to get rid of microphonics I recommend this simple mod for an over-the-ear fit. Totally eliminates microphonics. I take my ER4S running and to the gym no problem. Re-cabling could be an issue, as you need to add the correct impedance to the cable.

Sep 18, 2014 at 12:40 AM Post #4,769 of 19,256
  I just wanted to chime in with my thoughts on the ER4.  I bought a pair of ER4PTs a couple weeks ago and figured I would wait until I had some listening time with them before commenting.  Previous iems I have owned include Shure SE530s, Westone W4s, Shure SE215s, and a bunch of other unmentionable budget ones.  I have always been curious about the ER4 after reading about some of the research/experimentation behind developing this groundbreaking iem.  Etymotic's due diligence seems like something I can put my trust in.  Plus the comments about it being extremely analytical also piqued my curiosity quite a bit, as im sure it did for many others who decided to purchase this iem.
The deciding factor to get them was when I accidentally left my W4s at the gym.  After that I told myself I would never buy another expensive iem again, but decided against it and pulled the trigger on the ER4.  I was worried that they wouldnt be comfortable, but after I unboxed them and put them in my ears I realized that the rumors were exaggerated.  Now I cant say they are the most comfortable iem ive ever worn, but after getting used to the fit I really cant complain too much.  I had trouble with the triple flange at first, but after moistening them up with some baby oil i found them to be on par with the comfort of my comply tips.  I dont feel comfortable resting my ear on the pillow with these things on, but otherwise I can wear these things for hours with no discomfort.  Finding the right tips however was a battle of endurance, and my ears were a little sore for a day or two afterwards.  I blame the ear rape I gave myself trying the mushroom tips and the gritty oversized Ety foams.  But when they fit right, no, they arent uncomfortable.  Just not AS comfortable as my W4s, which seemed to fit me particularly well.  The isolation has been talked about enough on here, and yes it is really good.  I can tap my wooden desk hard with my fingers and cant hear a damn thing, even when the music is paused.  The triple flanges definitely seal better than the comply tips.  I like the way the ER4 sounds with either tip;  the comply sounds slightly warmer and less fatiguing, and the triple flange sound more detailed in the lows and highs.
Now onto the important part, the sound.  Simply put, I love the ER4S.  I was worried that my rockboxed ipod wouldnt drive them properly, but my worries were unfounded when I had volume in excess at the loudest volume I could handle.  I now know why everyone calls these iems natural sounding; this is what uncolored sound should be like.  No overpowering bass, no harsh midrange peaks, and no ear raping harsh treble.  Everything just sounds smooth and natural.  As much as I loved my W4s, I love these just that much more.  The W4 sounded veiled and muddy in comparison.  I havent tried $1k+ flagship iems or anything, but I still cant believe I can get sound like this out of an iem.  The highs are gorgeous and crisp, the mids are forward and smooth, and the bass... THAT BASS!  So smooth and accurate, I am absolutely in love with it.  Im not a basshead by any means, but the bass on the ER4 just sounds incredible.  With a little bit of EQ these things can pound as hard as I would ever want (again, not a basshead).  People who mentioned that these were good headphones for electronica, IDM, etc werent joking.  Aphex Twin has never sounded so good to me.  I cant get enough of the smooth bass!   But that isnt to say I dont like the mids or highs on these things either.  They contain so much detail and deliver music with a very natural tone.  It has no muddiness or veiling to the sound that almost any headphone I have ever heard has just a slight bit of.  Stuff like older Devin Townsend contains so much detail that I am in awe.  
My only complaint would probably be the microphonics.  Coming from the W4 which had absolutely no noticeable microphonics even when you tap it, you can hear just about every movement of the cable in the ER4.  It isnt the worst ive ever heard (flat cables like the Klipsch R6 are much worse), but it can be a bit troublesome when you bump the cable when moving around.  I probably wont do it for a while, but im really thinking about re-cabling them with a cable that can reduce microphonics.  Has anybody has good experience with this, or is the canalphone seal just conducive to microphonics?
Needless to say I am quite satisfied with my purchase.  This is easily the best iem I have ever heard.  I love the way music sounds out of these.  I just ordered a pair of red tips to see what all the rave is about.  I already messed around with luisdent's EQ settings and find it to sound really good with most music.  The bump in bass brings it to the level where it should be I think.

Great impressions. The ER4S is the iem I keep coming back to, and I don't foresee a day without them in my stable. I eq up the low bass from time to time as well, but that's really all I require to get these sounding amazing. Top-tier for over 20 years now. You should love the red filters. 
Also, if you want to get rid of microphonics I recommend this simple mod for an over-the-ear fit. Totally eliminates microphonics. I take my ER4S running and to the gym no problem. Re-cabling could be an issue, as you need to add the correct impedance to the cable.

Yeah. They are amazing. With my tone generated eq of only two gently cut bands (with optional bass boost) my er4s approaches the neutrality of a perfect monitor. I find it preferable to a standard uerm in most ways as well. But that thing is great with no eq. They are my top two iems now. I'm flying to texas friday, and the er4s are the only earphones i'm taking.

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