Dec 4, 2011 at 2:15 PM Post #16 of 169
I do watch anime, and listen to some of the OSTs as well (Angel Beats! OSTs are my fav), and generally they sound great through my HD600s. Instrument separation is pretty good in general, but somehow anime Jpop songs sound blended in comparison to other genres (I suspect it's the recordings, they dont usually make very distinctive separations). Just my two cents.
Dec 4, 2011 at 3:05 PM Post #17 of 169

I do watch anime, and listen to some of the OSTs as well (Angel Beats! OSTs are my fav), and generally they sound great through my HD600s. Instrument separation is pretty good in general, but somehow anime Jpop songs sound blended in comparison to other genres (I suspect it's the recordings, they dont usually make very distinctive separations). Just my two cents.

loved the main opening for angel beats!!! i need it in FLAC...any recommendations where i can find it :)
Dec 4, 2011 at 3:29 PM Post #20 of 169

I could buy the CD. I'm planning to anyways. :) That probably won't be until christmas though but that can be your christmas present. :D It'll take a while to arrive though.
Edit: you could also go to Doki fansubs and download the entire series in I think H264 with audio encoded in FLAC. I did but it took forever (as in like a week but I blame metrocast for that).
@Syik: It's probably my most favorite series because it made me love to play piano. I use to hate it but after practicing PV6/Theme of SSS on piano, I love practicing. The HD600/650's are expensive though.

that's what i was planning to do X) the series wasn't that good. with the exception of the last episode. i will admit..some tears flowed. and wow..i used to have metrocast too :) i got the 7Mb/s connection, but right before i dropped metrocast, it seems they unkownignly upgraded me to 10Mb/s without me paying for it :) Metrocast does not block torrents so..it might've been the seeds or something :)
Can't wait for another anime from KEY. hope it was just as utterly fantastic and heart warming and breaking as Clannad After Story XO
gonna listen to it with my 440's right now. studio's ya know. and then try them out with my 580's :)
Dec 4, 2011 at 4:18 PM Post #22 of 169

I tried watching Clannad after that but it was just strange. It might have been like Steins Gate where the beginning is strange but the entire anime seemed weird overall instead of turning into something epic.

I know what you mean..the first season of clannad was just decent. it was one of those where you would have only spent time on if you were just watching it while it was running as a tv series. so week by week. only until the mid second season did things start heating up. i have both seasons in BD :) can't wait to rewatch them :) with my Shure's and my 580's
the audio on it is very good. very high quality trebley sounds from the japanese voices and the songs. absolutely amazing. 
I got the songs for angel beats :) got them in FLAC off IRC, downloaded at 1.5MB/s which is a little over half my top speed.so very fast. loved it. played it in foobar through an VIA VT1708
Dec 4, 2011 at 5:36 PM Post #23 of 169
Not a lot of people use IRC much anymore
used to be so awesome ten years ago. Not as active as it used to be.
Dec 4, 2011 at 6:16 PM Post #25 of 169


Yeah :frowning2: but.....it's still used heavily mainly by anime/magna lurkers :) because you know who's don't patrol around on IRC and is fairly secure :)

lol, I go there pretty much for that only. I remember when Animeone used to be the hang out spot though lol. Nipponsei too but that is still pretty cool every now and then.
Dec 4, 2011 at 6:19 PM Post #26 of 169

lol, I go there pretty much for that only. I remember when Animeone used to be the hang out spot though lol. Nipponsei too but that is still pretty cool every now and then.

Wow...we really really diverted the thread off track. ehh anime is more amusing anyway :) Im amazed at IRC. how scansalation or subbing groups would dedicate FTP servers to it...that uploaded as high as 1.5 MB/s. Lossless music is easily acquirable on here.
Dec 4, 2011 at 6:22 PM Post #27 of 169
I actually don't know any lossless groups anymore. The one I used before died out so I just stick to 320 nowadays

Dec 4, 2011 at 6:28 PM Post #28 of 169

I actually don't know any lossless groups anymore. The one I used before died out so I just stick to 320 nowadays

I never knew any :'( It's just that if a group did an anime in HD (basically 2007+) they will then release a BD usually Doki did this with Angel beats. they do it. you just don't notice when they do. and then the majority of the time a 320kbps recording of the full real song is included. and now from 2009+ they will usually include a FLAC file as an alternative download to mux into Full lossless file...for me.it just so happened to be lucky to want this song and Doki jsut ahppened to have it in FLAC :)
Dec 4, 2011 at 7:31 PM Post #29 of 169

@Syik: It's probably my most favorite series because it made me love to play piano. I use to hate it but after practicing PV6/Theme of SSS on piano, I love practicing. The HD600/650's are expensive though.

Yeah, Angel Beats! OST is really awesome, the girlsDeMo rock versions are very nice too. The anime ending is pretty touching too. Anyway, try razordogdeals! for HD600s, I got mine from Brian through ebay best offer. Try somewhere 280 to 300 for HD600s, he'll probably accept it. 
To be honest, I cant really tell the difference between flac and 320k. Well, I still store flacs in laptop just to be safe.
P.S. Listening to Ichiban no Takaramono right now, my fav!
Dec 4, 2011 at 7:44 PM Post #30 of 169

Yeah, Angel Beats! OST is really awesome, the girlsDeMo rock versions are very nice too. The anime ending is pretty touching too. Anyway, try razordogdeals! for HD600s, I got mine from Brian through ebay best offer. Try somewhere 280 to 300 for HD600s, he'll probably accept it. 
To be honest, I cant really tell the difference between flac and 320k. Well, I still store flacs in laptop just to be safe.
P.S. Listening to Ichiban no Takaramono right now, my fav!

i know this wasn't directed at me. but just got it in FLAC. very high quality song. too many of my other songs have too many instruemtns going on at the same time. that's why i love asian music :)
the difference in FLAC and 320 is pretty small. more hearable/noticable on high end audio equipment. however on mine. i can tell bc of less "artifacts" in the music at certain times. these "Artifacts" become more apparent at higher volumes. when the singers voice pops or has some crackle in it(not driver damage) that's also when. and the background and main music..just doesn't sound as...well it just doesn't roll off as smooth. like the ending of ichiban no takaramono with the instruemtns. you can hear some...."Artfacts" in 320

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