HiFiMan High-End Series Owners' Club (Enter with the Google Docs form!)
Feb 24, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #421 of 673
You know I thought 899 sounded very familiar because it was the first number that I remembered, but I wasn't sure if it was actually 900 or if that was another of the HE series.
900 to 600 is quite the drop!  If only Audeze could do that with their LCD2.
Feb 24, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #422 of 673
Honestly, if I were you guys, I'd hold on to my HE-500 (and I will) until the new models are also discontinued. No need to rush selling this wonderful HP and at least by then all the reviews will be unbiased / you can get a general idea of what it might compare like to the HE-500 (or any other current model). Also, this way you don't get affected by any more severe price drops.
Feb 24, 2014 at 2:58 PM Post #423 of 673
I think the HE-500's will hit $350-400 used. That's when I might buy :cool:
Feb 24, 2014 at 2:59 PM Post #424 of 673
Eventually, I'll most likely sell the he5le or he500 when prices go up at some point..
Feb 24, 2014 at 3:00 PM Post #426 of 673
  If you can find mint condition HE500s under $500, they are pretty much a steal relative to anything else in that range.

Said this many times in other threads by now haha
I think the HE-500's will hit $350-400 used. That's when I might buy

I doubt itll reach that low... I think $450 is the lowest it will reach.
Eventually, I'll most likely sell the he5le or he500 when prices go up at some point..

+1 only then would I consider selling it... though I feel like by then they will be rare enough that I would want to hold on to it. It would be difficult to get it back if you regret selling it.
Feb 24, 2014 at 3:03 PM Post #427 of 673
^true that, but I don't really want to be that collector type.. Unless we are speaking Stax of course.
Feb 24, 2014 at 8:20 PM Post #428 of 673
Honestly, if I were you guys, I'd hold on to my HE-500 (and I will) until the new models are also discontinued. No need to rush selling this wonderful HP and at least by then all the reviews will be unbiased / you can get a general idea of what it might compare like to the HE-500 (or any other current model). Also, this way you don't get affected by any more severe price drops.

I agree on waiting as well. Read reviews, see if there are revisions, price drops etc., then hopefully give a listen.
Feb 24, 2014 at 9:17 PM Post #429 of 673
Guys, they're headphones
...if you want to speculate and work price volatility there are other instruments available that don't require keeping physical stock and have greater leverage built into them.  I agree that it's not nice to see a sudden price drop just after purchasing but the feeling will pass.  As long as you don't have to sell there's no problem.  Just keep them in your mental ledger at book value, not firesale value.  Hell, banks do it all the time.
I'm looking forward to reviews of the new HifiMan cans but so far we're in the 'building up the hype' phase.  And unless something REALLY extraordinary were to come out of this I for one certainly don't intend to 'upgrade' and sell off my 500, let alone my 6.
Feb 24, 2014 at 9:24 PM Post #430 of 673
  Guys, they're headphones
...if you want to speculate and work price volatility there are other instruments available that don't require keeping physical stock and have greater leverage built into them.  I agree that it's not nice to see a sudden price drop just after purchasing but the feeling will pass.  As long as you don't have to sell there's no problem.  Just keep them in your mental ledger at book value, not firesale value.  Hell, banks do it all the time.
I'm looking forward to reviews of the new HifiMan cans but so far we're in the 'building up the hype' phase.  And unless something REALLY extraordinary were to come out of this I for one certainly don't intend to 'upgrade' and sell off my 500, let alone my 6.

maybe u could try (good luck with that by the way..hehehe) to find a used HE5 and let it be modified to transform into a code-x? okay its not one of the 20 NOS originals..but i understand it will sound the same as one.
by the way my friend..my amp will be here in two weeks time.(as u probably already read here..lolz)..when ru going to be back in europe? as some dutch audiophile goons are planning to do another benelux meeting some time within the next few months..would love to see u there, talk and shake ur hand and ur ofcourse more then welcome to listen to my code-x and my BC PAG. if u want ofcourse!
and to the otehr guys...get real!! its like buying a new car...the minute u drive out of the showroom its at least 5000usd less worth... its same with phones.. u just ahve to bit the bullet...u always loose on the more mid-fi stuff... only the most expensive/rare stuff sometimes goes up in worth..especially if u have a very limited edition or even better a numbered model...  for the rest u will always loose money..get over it.. or get something really special...and expensive!

and worst part is that if ur phone (or whatever u own) is being replaced by a newer model and u have a mass produced product u can kiss ur money goodbye! thats the hard fact.. i lost lots of money on my he500 that i sold in december..but i expected that! and now the new phones come out it will get worse... but if u have something special thats almost impossible to get on the free market..then the price will rise..like a code-x..it already got an offer of 1500usd! and i expect that when reviews come in about the other 19 pieces the want factor will grow...only with these kind of special phones the owners dont like to to talk about it to others...they stay silent and enjoy what they have... i am probably the only one who talks about his code-x..but lately is less..i dont need to talk about it to show u guys how good it can sound... i leave it up to ur imagination..just like the others do who have something special and hard to get:)
i wish u guys all the luck if u wanna sell ur he500...but if i would give u an honest advice..keep him.. as i cant imagine the new 560! being so much more better then the he500 (especially if u do the right mods).... and the newbies...GET ONE NOW..OR SOON while the prices tumble down..u will do the deal of the lifetime when the prices go in a freefall downwards....at least until a certain point just above the price of a new he400... its the time to upgrade from a he300/400 to a he500...same will happen i am guessing when the new mysterious JADE will come out... HE6 owners will sell their beloved phone to get funds for the new JADE...all IMHO ofcourse!!
ME? well ..i am not going to buy anything soon..and this will be my endgame headphone rig....i wont buy anything else headphone wise...never more...
Feb 24, 2014 at 9:46 PM Post #432 of 673
Busy schedule here, I'm off to Japan in 2 weeks, then 1 week back in India, then I'll be in Europe from the last week of march until mid april but it'll be from meeting room to meeting room with hardly the time to enjoy the DV and the FirstWatt that I have underway I fear.  I crossed the million flight miles marker a long time ago...unfortunately.
Don't know when the meet might be but I'd love to come and have drink/talk/listen with you guys.  Next occasion would probably be somewhere beginning of June.  I saw the pics of your amplifier, looks really great!  Looking forward to your impressions!
Feb 25, 2014 at 9:01 PM Post #434 of 673
Congratulations but Beyers don't suffer from sibilance at all , they might have a slight skew way up high but no sibilance

Thank you, a BIG Beyer House Sound fan hear :3 [rocking the HE 4 atm]
Ehm non the less, the Charlotte Head Fi meet is looking good :D might even have the new Hifimans there ^^ 

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