= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Feb 20, 2018 at 8:27 PM Post #18,976 of 21,179
Anybody try any alternative pads? And how was the results? The pads seems awkward to me, doesn't feel fully adhered or sealed, feel like it needs pads that sticks out more. I swear Hifimans has the lowest quality pads, it doesn't look symmetric and looks distorted.

Need more bass.
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Feb 20, 2018 at 8:35 PM Post #18,977 of 21,179
Anybody try any alternative pads? And how was the results? The pads seems awkward to me, doesn't feel fully adhered or sealed, feel like it needs pads that sticks out more. I swear Hifimans has the lowest quality pads, it doesn't look symmetric and looks distorted.

Need more bass.

I wrote up some impressions and took some pics of Dekoni TH900 Sheepskin pads on the 560 and ZMF Ori lambskins on the 400i (which should have the same effect) here:

For your needs, I would suggest the ZMF Ori.

Don't forget the mounting rings:
Feb 20, 2018 at 8:46 PM Post #18,978 of 21,179
^I think the better pads would give slight increase in the low-end and warmth which it needs a bit of. If these had more upper mids presence, warmth and bass quantity, they'd be more up my alley. I think the 7-8k goes a bit beyond necessary, creating a bit of a focus there(which is the region that has great weight in articulation, but also harshness), detracting from treble balance(and balance of treble to mids). Balance of treble to mids is also effected by insufficient warmth.
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Feb 20, 2018 at 8:55 PM Post #18,979 of 21,179
^I think the better pads would give slight increase in the low-end and warmth which it needs a bit of. If these had more upper mids presence, warmth and bass quantity, they'd be more up my alley. I think the 7-8k goes a bit beyond necessary, creating a bit of a focus there, detracting from treble balance(and balance of treble to mids, with more warmth in the mids to add some body).

Either pad will balanced the 7-8k stuff with the extra bass oomph. I don't believe they better absorb that range, but they do seem to increase perceived volume, which leads me to lower actual volume and that cuts the 7-8k (in a manner of speaking).

With the Dekoni pads, the 560 are very close to perfect for me. You can check my Sonic Preferences in my profile to see if I similar taste to you.
Feb 20, 2018 at 8:57 PM Post #18,980 of 21,179
Photo on 2018-02-11 at 12.13 AM.jpg

Happened after having them for 8 days. All I did was put them on my head and the right piece fell off. Adorama also through an eBay seller. I live in Canada. I have the receipt and order number so I contacted Adorama and they sent me the paperwork to return them but since I really like the sound I contacted Hifiman in the states and the representative Mark Ramos who is working in China approved a headband replacement which was shipped to me on Saturday. I had to pay for it though but I didn't want a replacement from Adorama. If anything else happens e.g. if the new headband breaks (3 month guarantee) or if something else happens to the headphone itself I'll send everything back and ask for a refund. The only thing I'm not happy about is the eBay seller made money off of me and because he had a "no returns" policy, eBay sided with him after I opened a case against the son of a %!+(# !
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Feb 20, 2018 at 8:59 PM Post #18,981 of 21,179
Either pad will balanced the 7-8k stuff with the extra bass oomph. I don't believe they better absorb that range, but they do seem to increase perceived volume, which leads me to lower actual volume and that cuts the 7-8k (in a manner of speaking).

With the Dekoni pads, the 560 are very close to perfect for me. You can check my Sonic Preferences in my profile to see if I similar taste to you.
I know material has a bit of effect on treble. Like Vegan pads probably dulls the highs a bit, and something that's more reflective keeps the treble alive. I think good seal will effect the bass, but not sure how the material effect bass.
Feb 20, 2018 at 9:01 PM Post #18,982 of 21,179
Real leather tends to bring out the bass. But, pad opening shape and pad depth also play a role in the sound. Honestly, with several different variables like that, the overall effect on sound is hard to predict.
Feb 20, 2018 at 9:13 PM Post #18,983 of 21,179
I bought the Focus Pad As, which some say are a must to tame a treble spike and create a better seal to bring out the bass. Seems to work for me. I haven't tried anything else, because mounting the pads is a royal pain in the rear end though, so I can't comment on other potential pad replacements.
Feb 21, 2018 at 1:54 AM Post #18,984 of 21,179
@Midgetguy, I still have my SMC jack HE560 and also have access to the first one I owned since I gave it to me son its still working great.

@TheGame21x, use a credit card or similar thin stiff plastic card to help you unhook and reinstall the pads.
To unmounts pads use the credit card to help you unhook 2 of the tabs while gently pulling up of the tab you are trying to unhook
To mount the pads get 2 of the 4 tabs seated and use the credit card to help you hook the other 2 tabs while gently pushing down on the tab you are trying to rehook
With a little practice its quite easy to do
Feb 21, 2018 at 1:55 AM Post #18,985 of 21,179
Anybody try any alternative pads? And how was the results? The pads seems awkward to me, doesn't feel fully adhered or sealed, feel like it needs pads that sticks out more. I swear Hifimans has the lowest quality pads, it doesn't look symmetric and looks distorted.

Need more bass.
Check to see if the tabs are seated correctly if the seal doesn't seem good.
Have you tried using attenuation rings to bring up the bass a bit?
Feb 21, 2018 at 2:11 AM Post #18,986 of 21,179
I've tried perforated Ori pads and keep trying to like them but I find they obscure the clarity a little. The soundstage seems a bit deeper or more like you're sitting a little bit further away from the music. Focus pads are the brightest and ultimately I found that the Focus A pads with the fabric in the opening removed provided the best sound. They still tamed the peaky treble but removing that fabric gave back that last bit of clarity that they took away. It was part of the Jerg mod https://www.head-fi.org/threads/he-560-enhancement-mod-v1-5.738912/
Maybe the rest of the mod would help if it's a comfort issue..


The Focus-A earpads are first "de-filtered", meaning the dust filter is completely trimmed off. This is for two reasons: one that it allows better access to the earpads so the hole-cutting is easier, and two that the earpads don't actually need the earpad dust filter as the driver already has a dust filter integrated into its inner face. Sonic-wise removing the dust filter doesn't do anything significant, besides making the upper extremes of treble ever so slightly clearer."

I bought the Focus Pad As, which some say are a must to tame a treble spike and create a better seal to bring out the bass. Seems to work for me. I haven't tried anything else, because mounting the pads is a royal pain in the rear end though, so I can't comment on other potential pad replacements.
Feb 21, 2018 at 9:58 AM Post #18,987 of 21,179
wow you are starving your HE-560's...they like power. If you drive them with a good powerful amp, you will be amazed by the sound they produce. I own He-6 that are powered by a parasound a21 amplifier, and powering my He-560's with AudioGD NFB 28 amp I am 85% in the He-6 territory. Earlier in this thread I posted a white paper by Texas Instruments detailing how resistance, frequency, and power can play a role in what you hear from your speakers / headphones. If you are in the MN area, I can lend you my amp for a few hours, and see if you notice a difference. The only pairing that I couldn't stand with my He-560 was with Schiit Lyr (v1.0), not sure why but my He-560 sounded tubby, bloated, and full of harshness with that amp, I am probably an outlier as many others love that pairing. I did enjoy my DT990 paired with the Lyr.

Totally agree with your comments about the Lyr. I had a Lyr 2 and it was way harsh. Switched to a Gustard H10 and everything smoothed right out. Schiit amps in general sound very bright/harsh to me.
Feb 21, 2018 at 10:33 AM Post #18,988 of 21,179

Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a shot sometime.
Feb 21, 2018 at 10:44 AM Post #18,989 of 21,179
Just out of curiosity is perforation more of a control of high frquencies? Like partial damp compared to the whole surface being sound damping material? I know Focal puts perforation on two of their highest models. I wonder if perforations(even quantity of them) is a control alongside surface material. Their new clears use suede type material compared to Utopia's leather.
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