GUSTARD H10 High-current Discrete Class A output Stage Headphone Amplifier
Apr 30, 2016 at 10:56 PM Post #4,937 of 5,554
  I have a thermal metal extension material that I have received from Burson, but unfortunately I've sold my H10. It is still wrapped in original wrap, unopened. If anyone wants them, shoot me a PM. Just pay for the shipping fee and Paypal (if you wish not to gift).

Man, you move fast! Did you already dump the 560 too?
What will you be using for an amp?
Apr 30, 2016 at 11:03 PM Post #4,938 of 5,554
I just thought I should mention this. I got the heat sink extension today and decided to install it. While I was in there I checked the 4 Burson V5 opamps. They all looked fine. I expected that because they have produced no audible problems, but I was relieved to not see any swelling, glue weeping, or cases being displaced upwards. I have at minimum 300+ hours on them. While I was at it I figured I would check the gain settings. All of this time I thought that I was running at the 0 gain setting. This was not the case. I had +6 set. It likely has been there since I installed the Bursons.
BTW, I was a real early adopter of the V5s. They sent me a notice that they would be available soon, and I placed the order right then.
There were no 17 volt tested units back then. Mine seem to be quite happy running with the +6 DB gain setting.
Just a data point for people wondering about the latest Burson recommendation.
Apr 30, 2016 at 11:35 PM Post #4,940 of 5,554
Man, you move fast! Did you already dump the 560 too?
What will you be using for an amp?

Sure did ^^ High interest, but low secondhand available = super fast sell at a decent price. Sold the HE-560 too. I'll probably be just lurking around different places and stay off buying anything for a while. I need a DAC/amp, portable preferred in replacement for my IEM. I was thinking micro idsd and chord mojo. Used micro idsd here sells for like 250~300 USD, so I think I am going to go for that. 
May 6, 2016 at 8:15 AM Post #4,942 of 5,554
  Hey guys, trying to decide between a h10 or valhalla 2. Has anyone tried both? I prefer a warmish sound. Cheers

With which headphones? The H10 may be more flexible as a one-amp-does-all with low and high impedance headphones, but if you're using high impedance exclusively, the Valhalla is tough to beat for the money.
May 6, 2016 at 9:00 AM Post #4,943 of 5,554
With which headphones? The H10 may be more flexible as a one-amp-does-all with low and high impedance headphones, but if you're using high impedance exclusively, the Valhalla is tough to beat for the money.

My stock Gustard H10 sounds absolutely great with my 32ohm Spirit Labs (franken-grados) but does not do as well with my 300ohm Senn HD650's as my OTL SinglePower Extreme does.
May 6, 2016 at 9:42 AM Post #4,945 of 5,554
If you like the cans and have no interest in switching to planars, I think you can do better than the H10. Valhalla 2 or Crack + speedball or (if you want to spend substantially more) there's an HDVA 600 for sale in the FS/FT forums.
May 7, 2016 at 10:24 PM Post #4,947 of 5,554
Hi, I would really appreciate the help from you guys :)
I currently have the He400i and an Odac.
I am looking for an amp, A lot of people over at the He400i thread recommended the H10 as an amplifier.
There is a guy that is selling the H10 with a full boat H10 + Burson V5, After going through the last 10 pages here I noticed that a lot of V5's broke down.
If I do end up buying the amp from the guy the last thing I want is a complete fail and a huge loss of money. I am really afraid to mess with my equipment and change stuff.
Can someone please describe the sound signature I will get with the H10 + He400i's?
I upgraded to the 400i's after having an Ath AD900X and M50x.
I feel (after 2 weeks with the 400i's) that they closer to the M50x than the 900x, As in both the 400i's and the M50x the sound is more in your face and in the middle of the head compared to the 900x which are more laid back and the sound goes out from your head instead of in it/ towards it (It's too complicated for me :frowning2: DAMN EARS!!!!!!)
Something is missing in my 400i's, I don't know what, but something small is not there, Maybe a little bit more soundstage?
Will the H10 improve the soundstage? the amount of bass? What will change?
May 7, 2016 at 11:23 PM Post #4,948 of 5,554
@MachineGunz I think I understand what you are trying to say.
I owned (and used heavily) AD900 for a long time, and absolutely adored them (as I understand, AD900x are similar). You will NOT get 400i to sound like an improved version of AD900, they are very different phones.
AD900 had very wide soundstage, abnormally so. It was artificially wide. In some cases, it worked out (listening to symphonies), in some, not so much.
They also had some inherent strong grain, were light on bass (good quality, but light), and heavy on treble. I enjoyed them very much, but eventually moved on because grainy treble was giving me headache and achy ears after long sessions.
400i are known for their fairly 'closed' and 'narrow' soundstage - they are almost like closed headphones in that respect (hell, my closed T70 have better soundstage than 400i).
What you gain in exchange (with good amplification) is very smooth 'creamy' sound that is still fun and aggresive - there is not much grain to speak of. Also, bass is very nice, and treble is much better balanced.
Plus amount of details is higher. Also, bass and midrange have that characteristic 'planar' euphoric sound, most people like it. Ah, and they are amazing for long sessions - very low fatigue.
Again, 400i is not in same family of sound as AD900. If you are looking for improved version of AD900 (I was looking for that for a long time), DT880 or T70 are more like it.
Sorry if this is bad news for you, just want you to have realistic expectations. 400i are very good headphones, but they do not sound like AD900 at all.
P.S. I heard M50x briefly on friend's rig. Overpowering but flabby bass did not do it for me (but admittedly I am very sensitive to overdone bass, more than most). 400i are much more tasteful and detailed down there when amplified well - with H10, for example.
Ah, also, find out if Bursons lifetime warranty is transferable. If it is not, I would think twice given their failure rate in H10.
May 7, 2016 at 11:51 PM Post #4,949 of 5,554
For me full burson H10 was all about making the amp more resolving and and most importantly that thick body sound. Without it, it just makes the headphones sound thin. Especially in the mid-bass, mids area gained body which depending on what headphones you have, makes it sound more balanced throughout. If you are looking for that warmth and body, it's a great choice.

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