Good IEM under 500 for rock, indie and electronic
Jun 13, 2021 at 1:39 PM Post #16 of 18

I reached the decision of the Moondrop Blessing 2, this is based on a few things in the main though:

-Bang for my pound - for the cost and what the B2 can achieve it really is outstanding value for money
- Reading and watching the reviews the B2 kept coming out tops for the price range
- Reviewed the graphs, ratings and further details on Crinacle's website

In the end, for me and my budget, the ones in the running were Moondrop S8 and ThieAudio Monarch - but both were double the price and this first stage of my audiophile exploration and further enjoying depth/breadth of music the B2 feel the best next step from my Shure SE215. (plus the worry of losing expensive equipment is a lot lower)

I appreciate all the input everyone has given to help nudge and steer my considerations, we don't have the same ears but the food for thought and different perspectives was and is fully welcomed.
Jun 13, 2021 at 8:27 PM Post #17 of 18
You won’t regret it! It’s an amazing IEM
Jun 18, 2021 at 9:29 AM Post #18 of 18
If you don't mind going for an all ba iem, Dunu SA6 is an excellent option. Then there are moondrop blessing 2/blessing 2 dusk. Blessing 2 dusk has a bit more bass than the b2.
I second this, DUNU SA6 is really nice, also keep in mind there is the bass boost switch on the IEM, albeit it's a minor 2db bump and you could get way more from EQing them

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