Fostex T50RP Incremental Mods and Measurements
Nov 6, 2013 at 2:44 PM Post #736 of 2,858
I'm curious, BMF(or anyone else), have you ever tried using natural wool in your mod in place of the cotton?  It seems that a very fine wool would be finer and more consistent than cotton, might be interesting for the sound.  I am going to give it a shot with my pair, but I don't have a measurement rig, so it'll really just be my impressions that I can post in the thread.  If I have any left over at the end, I'd be more than happy to send some over to you to try.
Nov 6, 2013 at 5:24 PM Post #737 of 2,858
  I'm curious, BMF(or anyone else), have you ever tried using natural wool in your mod in place of the cotton?  It seems that a very fine wool would be finer and more consistent than cotton, might be interesting for the sound.  I am going to give it a shot with my pair, but I don't have a measurement rig, so it'll really just be my impressions that I can post in the thread.  If I have any left over at the end, I'd be more than happy to send some over to you to try.

I've tried 100% wool batting approximately 5 mm thick. It is very uniform in its thickness, unlike the wool I got from Hobby Lobby. I tried a full layer, 1/2 layer, and 2 layers; alone and in combination with cotton and/or fiberglass. This didn't work as well for me as cotton. I would like to try your wool, though, since it may perform differently than what I used.
Thank you!
Edit: The wool I tried is 15 to 20 mm thick, not 5 mm.
Nov 6, 2013 at 7:26 PM Post #738 of 2,858
I tried the thin wool quilt batting without much success, it was coarse and fluffy.  I could not tame the bass bloom with it. 
The previous page has my post where I outlined my results with the leftover wool I had from Madisound for my backloaded horns.  That wool batting was closer to 2" thick, very fine and dense yet easily compressed.  I packed it pretty tightly (two layers minus a little I peeled away).
I am extremely happy with this mod. 
I have enough to share too (3-4 headphones at least).
Nov 7, 2013 at 8:24 AM Post #739 of 2,858
  I tried the thin wool quilt batting without much success, it was coarse and fluffy.  I could not tame the bass bloom with it. 
The previous page has my post where I outlined my results with the leftover wool I had from Madisound for my backloaded horns.  That wool batting was closer to 2" thick, very fine and dense yet easily compressed.  I packed it pretty tightly (two layers minus a little I peeled away).
I am extremely happy with this mod. 
I have enough to share too (3-4 headphones at least).

I'd love to try some Madisound wool.
Did you take any photos of your build?
Edit: I bought Acousti-Stuff and Wool about 6 months ago. I will check to confirm the thickness. IIRC, it's about 15 to 20 mm thick and I bought it from Madisound. If so, mine is different from what you bought. I'll take a photo of what I have and post it, tonight.
Nov 7, 2013 at 5:57 PM Post #740 of 2,858
  I'd love to try some Madisound wool.
Did you take any photos of your build?
Edit: I bought Acousti-Stuff and Wool about 6 months ago. I will check to confirm the thickness. IIRC, it's about 15 to 20 mm thick and I bought it from Madisound. If so, mine is different from what you bought. I'll take a photo of what I have and post it, tonight.

This is the 100% wool batting I bought. I'm pretty sure it came from Madisound. It is actually 1 cm thick. I've got tons of it if anyone wants to try it. Same for Acousti-Stuff.

Nov 7, 2013 at 11:40 PM Post #741 of 2,858
That is the same stuff I have.  My chunk varies from less than 20mm to 25mm in thickness.
I cut a strip 60-70mm wide by 140mm and folded it in half (shaking out all the loose fibers made from cutting it first).  I took my piece from the thick end but that was too much so I peeled a thin layer off (not very precise, I just eyeballed it).  I also had to tease it to a subtle donut shape for the hanger not to compress the wool into the driver too much (I forced the headphone body back together).
I used the adhesive-backed wool felt in lieu of paxmate just because that is what I had on hand.  It is done in a similar manner to image 'P' in your initial post.  The wool felt does not cut very easily so the ladders are more like blocks 5-10 mm wide (I got about five per cavity).  I also faced the vertical surface of the cup well with felt.  I'd guess the material is not as critical as creating surface area for the cup lining.  I was thinking anechoic.
I will take them apart and post images this weekend...they are really difficult to remove from my head :wink: 
I have a little extra felt too, if there is interest.
Nov 8, 2013 at 7:19 AM Post #742 of 2,858
  That is the same stuff I have.  My chunk varies from less than 20mm to 25mm in thickness.
I cut a strip 60-70mm wide by 140mm and folded it in half (shaking out all the loose fibers made from cutting it first).  I took my piece from the thick end but that was too much so I peeled a thin layer off (not very precise, I just eyeballed it).  I also had to tease it to a subtle donut shape for the hanger not to compress the wool into the driver too much (I forced the headphone body back together).
I used the adhesive-backed wool felt in lieu of paxmate just because that is what I had on hand.  It is done in a similar manner to image 'P' in your initial post.  The wool felt does not cut very easily so the ladders are more like blocks 5-10 mm wide (I got about five per cavity).  I also faced the vertical surface of the cup well with felt.  I'd guess the material is not as critical as creating surface area for the cup lining.  I was thinking anechoic.
I will take them apart and post images this weekend...they are really difficult to remove from my head :wink: 
I have a little extra felt too, if there is interest.

Thanks for the information and damping scheme. I'll give this another try using your method.
Nov 11, 2013 at 12:56 AM Post #743 of 2,858
So... I have been cooped up in my apartment with a broken leg (after 4 months of being cooped up in it getting my ankle fused earlier) and I have gone insane a few times (if you fight with your dog, and your dog doesn't realize you are fighting with it, you might be insane... ) and needed a project for (what was left of) my sanity, and since world domination would require actual effort, I looked for something to do with headphones, and stumbled across the Fostex t50rp's and all the stuff about modding them, particularly this thread, and the prices for the pre-modded ones (wow, $600? Does LFF fill them with printer ink?) and decided, hey, that sounds awesome, I mean, I already have a pair of ATH-AD700's, and a pair of Allesandro MS2's, both of which I love, driven by an O2 amp, which I almost love more... I lost my train of thought... oh, yeah, so I decided to do it! I looked at the prices (where was I when they were only $70?) and had to get them from B&H. I got the t50rp's in the mail and tried them out, and I liked them, they sounded so different from the fully open cans I have, but I wanted more (who doesn't?)! 
After looking at the prices for half of the material I was like, wow, $15~30 for one square foot of sound dampener? What is this, made from solidified printer ink or something? I decided to try doing this my way, the cheapest way, for the sake of my sanity (it gave me something to do), plus I am cheap, and I got in a square foot of this foil covered butyl, for $1.50, shipped, and was like, uh, this might not work, but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound (or a buck fifty) then I had to find some stiffened felt, non-adhesive, another $3.00 (man, you have to love Ebay auctions), now I have like a couple of square yards of the stuff, and got some cotton balls from Target (would have gone with the stuff recommended, but I have mobility issues, and Target was right there...) and proceeded on the modification, after reading the article from BMF like a dozen times (ok, I really skimmed it a lot since, you know, I am a guy and who needs instructions anyway?) and I did all the steps, using crayola clay in place of Plasticine (2 something on Amazon), and it was a bit of a mess (and really shiny) inside, but I jumped in with both feet and teased the cotton balls apart (remember that skimmed thing?) and squeezed the cups back together...
Man, did that suck, my O2 had to push to make them play, like 3/4 of the way up, the Ipod 90 some odd percent up, and still really not all that. I had muddy, muffled mid bass, and not much lower bass, fantastic and crisp details in the mid and upper ranges, but I like my bass. I have been working on them for 2 weeks now, adjusting one thing at a time, as BMF suggests (I DID read that part) and still crap! I read other people's suggestions in this thread, still one at a time, and... mud! 
I was about to take out a piece of cotton on both sides and was wondering if it would work, so I read the part about the cotton, unmolested, and was like, uh... 20 minutes later I plugged them back into the O2, and turned it down a bit (just in case, but I wasn't holding out hope) and Tegan & Sara's Heavy was the first in the shoot and... if I wasn't already a fan of theirs I would have been after that, it was crystal clear, just being acoustic guitar and various drum... hey, drums! omg! The bass! OMG! then Peaches AA XXX came on, which contains a bass line which is something that just is a tone which made me turn the gain off (I forgot it was on till just that moment) because it is, uh, painful, but, WOW! Then a poem from Emily Autumn's Your Sugar Sits Untouched, and the definition was amazing, then Laurie Anderson's Sharky's Night... the soundstage! Before I knew it an hour had gone by as I played different songs to see how they sounded... 
I see I have a bit more tuning to do, and am looking forward to it now (I was dreading opening the things up for the umpteenth time) and finally see what all the fuss is about, these things rock! They wont make me abandon my open can's, but I can actually use these out and about, and they are awesome, I just have to do some comfort modding now, the headband is horrible, recycled printer ink containers have to go somewhere I suppose, but in my headphone band? I did see some knitted band covers on Ebay and ordered a set to put on the Grado's, but will try them on here first, and I need a case... oh, happy Happy HAPPY!
All in all, $107 for the cans, under ten bucks for enough stuff to do at least a dozen more, and I have something I really like, and something I look forward to tuning, and part of my sanity back (I think, well, hope!), I say, money well spent!
So, lesson learned, don't tease the cotton, it'll F up your bass!
Seriously, Thank You BMF (my dog thanks you too)!
Nov 11, 2013 at 10:28 AM Post #745 of 2,858
pilez, welcome to head-fi! Normally, this salutation would conclude with "…and sorry about your wallet." But because your first post is in this particular thread, dedicated to modding the venerable T50RP, I'll conclude with "…and sorry about all the time you'll lose (but not waste) on these headphones!"
Nov 11, 2013 at 7:41 PM Post #746 of 2,858
My 2 Oz of premium alpaca wool came on Saturday. Perhaps tonight I'll give it a shot swapping out the cotton or fiberglass, or adding it to the two and cutting out a portion of each

Alpaca Wool? Put me down for some, plz.
Nov 11, 2013 at 8:06 PM Post #748 of 2,858
Angora wool also might be worth trying, easily found option.  Uh oh modders hitting up wool shops now, first it was holding felts and fabrics up to the light in stores and blowing through them, now it'll be  talking into clusters of wool bundles to see about reflections..
all the while people watching...

please check in with results.
Nov 11, 2013 at 8:09 PM Post #749 of 2,858
  Angora wool also might be worth trying, easily found option.  Uh oh modders hitting up wool shops now, first it was holding felts and fabrics up to the light in stores and blowing through them, now it'll be  talking into clusters of wool bundles to see about reflections..
all the while people watching...

please check in with results.

LOL, nick n!

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