:flag_gb: CanJam London 2015 Impressions Thread! August 29-30, 2015!
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Aug 30, 2015 at 2:53 PM Post #106 of 433
2ND day just as good as the first the star for me was the Questyle QP1R great little player its £900 apparently Whoops!!!!!  .Also i might have to consider the RHA T20i a well built set of IEMS used it with the AK junior DAP  what a nice music player.....looking to buy one now...And thanks to the fellow  headfier a french guy who let me listen to his modded beyerdynamic T51p it sounded awesome with his AK junior and oppo HA-2 amp /dac combo ....Sorry you didn't like my taste of music when you tried my sony A17 lol...The AK junior is definitely a stellar player...
Aug 30, 2015 at 2:56 PM Post #107 of 433
Today's biggest point of note was the AK FAD FI-BA-SS... Last time I heard anything FAD was the FI-BA-SB which had an initial wow factor which soon descended into a coloured sound,,, their bigger brothers didn't suffer from that, which has restored my faith in BAM tech...

More to follow I am sure :)
Aug 30, 2015 at 2:59 PM Post #108 of 433
Questyle QP1R was listed at $900, so not nearly as bad as £900. I would order direct and see what happens when it comes to the dreaded customs. I'd guess a UK price of £750-800 once it gets in stores here.
Aug 30, 2015 at 3:52 PM Post #110 of 433
Just got home. Three pints to the wind so forgive me if this is drunk posting!
Terrific event with unfailingly lovely people.
Heard several headphones that impressed me no electronics that did though.
I spent a lot of time on the Chord stand. Staff were very tolerant of me A/B testing the Hugo/AK combo against the iPhone with my K10's and an O2 with the Sennhieser 600's.
That's £1400 saved! I could detect no difference in SQ.
I attended with the agenda that having spent a lot on the CIEM's maybe I should invest in the electronics to back them up.
Not the case IMO.
I consistently heard huge differences between models of headphones. Tiny differences in electronics.
What an honour to meet and chat at length with Jude though!
Everybody involved has my heartfelt appreciation for putting on a world class event. Thank you.

You heard what I hear. Don't doubt it. It's like unlocking a secret that will save a ton of money from your wallet and you can put it towards headphones instead :)
Aug 30, 2015 at 5:01 PM Post #111 of 433
Wanted to say a big thank you all for a great headphone event!
The exhibits, location, attendance and setup were perfect.
Okay I live close by but besides the general ease of getting there, Russell square hotel is a really nice venue. Great ambient match from the inside too, with the whole building similar to famous attractions like the Ritz and Harrods.
I learnt a real lot yesterday, and for me having been an audiophile for 5+ years it demonstrates a massive change. Back then blind buying was all there was. I remember spending (and wasting) hundreds of pounds/hours trying to decipher probable purchases. But now with events like this it's much easier, not just in terms of giant volumes of demo equipment at hand but also direct access to industry insiders.  
So just a few impressions, and shopping list additions, from my few hours at canjam London.
- Pendulum Stance S1+
Great design, fit, form and function, especially the volume dial on the side of the cups. Awesome!
This is probably the first wireless Bluetooth headphone I’ve heard and not thought about sound compromises.
- Beyer DT 1770 (250ohms)
I didn’t know this existed until I saw it on the table.
Quite a hard clamp, probably more than the dt770 80, this sounded very good as a closed back. Isolation was solid and the sound was involving, smooth and decently bassy.
Think they’re priced around the £500 mark, so a bit different from the DT770’s.
- JH audio Angie (universal)
The layla’s outside my price range, though the $1k angie is easier to swallow. Sound was similar to my sig pro’s (silver cable). Impressive in that it properly resembled a full sized headphone.  
- hd klassik Headphone optimizer
I’ve come across the concept before, amps being optimized for a specific headphone (Beresford offered to do this for me). The active switch functionality was really good, meaning the amp could be used for any phone when de-activated (red) and when activated for that specific phone. The difference between active/inactive, with the HD700 in particular, was large, let’s put it that way!
Great talking to the person at the stand as well (can’t remember the name...sorry!)
 - Questyle QP1R
Sound was fantastic, bettering my mp3 player probably more than the AK340. Build quality, dimensions and the volume dial all are fantastic, looking like something you’d buy from a department store rather than from a DIY enthusiast.
The UI probably takes time getting used to, though perhaps the scroll-wheel was at fault (wasn’t near sensitive enough).
- Hifiman HE400S
Brilliant headphone that I enjoyed listening to in quite a long demo actually! I enjoyed this listen more than all the other Hifimans on the table and hope to get one for myself soon.
- SpinFit silicone eartips
This could be my re-entry ticket to universal iems. For my phonak’s they didn’t have with them the correct size (lost at the airport I think!), though trying the tip elsewhere left me thinking this might be the solution to a 5 year long problem.
- AKG N90
Was weird to see a headphone work like this. The resultant sound was good though not reference level, especially for the price. Overall the product felt like it was from an audiologist or physics lab rather than a hifi-store (though the color scheme atones for that somewhat).
- AKT5p
The bass is surprisingly larger than the standard T5p’s. Wonder what they did to it?
- MadDog Ether
I’ve long been a fan of closed headphones and came in expecting this to probably be the best. From quite a few sources, it sounded very good but not reaching the heights I thought it would especially at this price.
 - Beyer T1 v2
As with the DT1770, first learned about it yesterday.
Quite a few positive cosmetic changes especially with the removable cable and some to the driver also (addition of a rubber ring I think). The cable is much more manageable and being replaceable increases versatility obviously. To me these sounded distractingly hard on the treble and a bit too splashy, though it could have been just this single headphone knowing beyerdynamic.
Above is a selection really, having come across much more worth talking about.
But all in all, a fantastic event and looking forward to the next one (even if it’s not in London!)
Aug 30, 2015 at 5:32 PM Post #112 of 433
My first ever CanJam, wow what a bunch of friendly guys.
Enjoyed chatting to Jude, first met him in Munich High End show back in May. Jude said I had to come to the London CanJam glad he made me, had loads of fun

One of the Guys I met was George Gill from EchoBox, we had a nice long chat. If you guys get a chance to listen to Echobox’s DAP, I recommend you check it out you will be pleasantly surprised.
Aug 30, 2015 at 5:36 PM Post #113 of 433
Back in Belgium from CanJam.  What a great week-end.  Thanks to all the people who organized this event.
for me: BEST SOUND of the show....by far : BHSE Blue Awaii + Stax 009
Sound is So pure, So airy, So highly precise.... that it make my curent portable set-up at total shame. I could listen to it for hours....
But.... I am just concerned: can't such "uber definition" can by fatiguing during long listening cession !  Any comment on this ? 

BEST SURPRISE : OPPO PM-3 portable planar headphone: Incredible sound for 350£.  I even prefered it to it's bigger brother PM1 & PM2
Other good one:  The 2 Viva Egoista, Kennerton ODIN &  K10 in ear
Aug 30, 2015 at 5:44 PM Post #114 of 433
Had a great time yesterday and spent much more time than I initially thought I would(7 hours). Went looking for a set of closed cans and ended up with another set of CIEM's! Listened to as much as possible and thankfully for me wasn't blown away by some things that I was initially putting in my virtual basket! Had a quick listen to the Linum SuperBax through my K10's and was quite impressed. Definite opening of soundstage for me and that's coming from someone with cloth ears. Their info suggests $250 dollars so does need some serious debating but having just bought their BaX cable, I would probably save up for those as its one of the few things at the show that I felt made a difference.

Thanks again to all for organising CanJam London and really looking forward to next year. Might even need to make a trip to other CanJam 's around the world!
Aug 30, 2015 at 5:46 PM Post #115 of 433
On behalf of everyone at Questyle Audio, I'd like to thank Jude, Warren, Ethan, Maurice and the rest of the CanJam crew for another amazing show! I'd especially like to thank everyone who stopped by to say hi and have a listen! Hope you all had as much fun as we did!! We look forward to your impressions!


Aug 30, 2015 at 5:50 PM Post #116 of 433
- Beyer DT 1770 (250ohms)
I didn’t know this existed until I saw it on the table.
Quite a hard clamp, probably more than the dt770 80, this sounded very good as a closed back. Isolation was solid and the sound was involving, smooth and decently bassy.
Think they’re priced around the £500 mark, so a bit different from the DT770’s.

 Do you think it is worth the price or are they just a minor upgrade from DT770?
 - Beyer T1 v2
As with the DT1770, first learned about it yesterday.
Quite a few positive cosmetic changes especially with the removable cable and some to the driver also (addition of a rubber ring I think). The cable is much more manageable and being replaceable increases versatility obviously. To me these sounded distractingly hard on the treble and a bit too splashy, though it could have been just this single headphone knowing beyerdynamic.

 That is not what I wanted to hear. 
Aug 30, 2015 at 6:00 PM Post #117 of 433
I want to say a big thank you to all at HeadFi and the all of the manufacturers that put together this CanJam event, I had a thoroughly enjoyable time / experience today.

I did exactly what I wanted to do, I listened and tried all of the components / items that I've read so much about and wanted to try and see for myself in the flesh, for me you can't beat this experience, there is only so much reading you can do.

One of the main headphones I wanted to really try out were the MrSpeakers Ethers and Ether Carbon's and compare them to the Audeze range, and the HD800s / HD700s that I've been trialling at home, all I can say is WOW! What headphone/s! Dan should be commended on making such a wonderful sounding and complete headphone, they are exactly what I've read and wanted in a headphone: light, comfortable and the sound signature is exactly what I wanted / was looking for, I threw all types of genres of music at them and they responded with aplomb to all them, I am truly impressed and can't wait to get some.

The other products I tried and really liked were;

HiFiMan HE1000 & 400S
Chord Hugo and Hugo TT
Schiit GMB, Mjolinir, Yggy and Rag
Oppo PM3 and HA2

I would post some impressions on the above but it's getting late, I will post some up another time.

Anyway, a big thank you again to all involved, I had a great day :)
Aug 30, 2015 at 6:01 PM Post #118 of 433
My friend was most interested and impressed....and tried to buy right there and then but stocks already sold out!I had brief listen and just thought....solid sound, full bass, energy and all the detail you'd want...a modders dream or nightmare....if you assume Fostex addressed most the issues with the mk2.

Yeah Fostex seems to be having stock issues- my best friend is in Japan right now and he couldn't find a pair anywhere. There are a couple places online with stock right now, but in extremely low quantities. At this point I think it depends on what LFF says- if I will have the option to have them upgraded, I think I will just go ahead and buy them internationally. 
Aug 30, 2015 at 6:49 PM Post #120 of 433
Never been granted like a prize like this! >-<!! So happy and still can't believe I've won this!
The review of the MSR7 will be uploaded on my blog quite soon and will be posted in 5 of Korea's audiophile communities.
This time I will make effort to write it in English as well as Korean and will try post it on Head-fi.
Hope Canjam can be held in S.Korea quite soon!
Let me know if I can help in any ways possible.
Thank you Canjam London 2015 for the amazing experience! :)

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