Final Audio Design Muramasa VIII
Mar 1, 2012 at 8:47 AM Post #106 of 359
wait....... What?

Mar 1, 2012 at 11:42 AM Post #108 of 359
I'm happy to be the first recipient of any loaner program, though I don't fancy surrendering my house deeds as surety.
Also, being follicly challenged atop my head, I do hope that these cans are supplied with a beanbag or sorbothane head pad to prevent scalp rub and hair abrasion.

Mar 1, 2012 at 3:00 PM Post #109 of 359
I thought they were a good looking piece of steel. I don't think their purpose is to be the most accurate or aurally perfect cans since Earth's atmosphere became dense enough to allow the propagation of sound; rather, a piece of art that *happens* to also be good at reproducing sound. Much like a Patek will never be as good at timekeeping as a G-Shock, it's all about the experience; the holistic picture if you will. 
Mar 7, 2012 at 8:22 PM Post #111 of 359
I remember seeing travelogues as a kid of women walking long distances from the river with the family wash perched on their heads and you guys are kvetching about 2 pounds on your head while seated. Weak... 

Yeah I didn't take it as aimed at me. Just responding to your point. As for the weight, imagine wearing 3 and a half pairs of HD650s. That's the equivalent in weight.

Mar 7, 2012 at 9:18 PM Post #113 of 359

I would have to agree with that - but most impressions I hear about the 1601, 1602 tend not to be so favorable "only do one thing well" is a term I used with liberty - I'm sure they can do maybe 2 things right

Well, I have actually have owned a pair of 1601 for a couple of years now and their weakness is not that they do few things right, but they do a few things wrong, and one of them is sort of fundamental. They have a quite noticable deviation tonally. I had to carefully work with different tips to get this aspect of the sound acceptable to me. But having said that...
In terms of soundfield, dynamics, scale and overall believability of sound they are really good. Even though my Er4P was certainly better tonally, the overall sound impression of the 1601 made the ER4P sound like a sad toy. The Ortofon EQ7 and CK-10 were better than the ER4P, but still the 1601 was my go to IEM until I got my EX-1000. The Sony did better than the rest in the areas the 1601 already excelled in, but added the better tonality over the 1601.  Still, there is an over all "magic" to the 1601 that's hard to explain unless you have experienced it (and, it should be said, are succeptable to it's charms).
So what will the Muramasa be? Who knows. But based on their past history, I suspect it will be interesting (for better or worse). 
It will also be interesting to see what the new Fostek will sound like. I may even be able to afford them ...

Mar 8, 2012 at 12:31 PM Post #114 of 359
I remember seeing travelogues as a kid of women walking long distances from the river with the family wash perched on their heads and you guys are kvetching about 2 pounds on your head while seated. Weak... 

That's not even uncomfortable if you stand up straight.  I don't think that most people want to stand still like that for long periods of time while listening to music.  It might actually be more comfortable if you used it portably over long walks on flat terrain...
Mar 10, 2012 at 4:17 AM Post #115 of 359
How rigid is stainless steel really? Anyone here tried perfect fitting a Joseph Grado headphone on their head? My SR100-0 arrived too small for my head and even though I did not feel it immediately, nor I had scratchyness issues, after two hours I realized it was hurting my head. I removed them and I had an headache that lasted two days. And I'm not the type prone to having headaches.
Anyway, just to say clamping pressure does matter a lot, you guys simply aren't used to having rigid headbands anymore! Modern headphones are comfortable... so good luck with the frontier of the pleasure and the pain, no heads are insensitive to pressure.

It all depends on how much Pascals the rigidity of this headband allows. And it does look very rigid. But at 8000$ they should have addressed this issue right? I hope you can bend it just right.
Mar 11, 2012 at 12:45 AM Post #120 of 359
What the heck is wrong with companies and people these days? 

For $8k you can get some very very good speakers for that amount that will blow any headphone/amp setup into the mist. Not to mention no pain will be involved.

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