May 16, 2011 at 5:14 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 9, 2008
i have a nice little story to share with everyone....
Last Thursday i was at work, I get a blocked/private number call on my cellphone. There is a girl crying on the other end.... She knew my name, had my number and even knew which clubs i liked in the city. She says "Joel its Sam".. I know a few Sam's so i threw few different last names out there. But no.... So called "Sam" continues to tell me that we met at a club 2 months previous. Hooked up, went back to a hotel room and had unprotected sex... Then BAM!! Hit me with the whole Pregnant line. At this point i was confused as all hell because i havent been to that "Club" in about 6 months! I would also remember going back to a hotel room with a blonde chick/fake boobs etc, is how she explained it. But of course theres a side to everyone that thinks... *** did this happen or not..?? Oh man! What do i do!! Is this some sort of sick joke or is she serious!! Blah blah blah!
So i play along with it! "How come your number is private", her response was its my brothers phone! Yeah ok fair call... But! She then asked that we should meet up and talk it over! This got me thinking again... My Adrenaline peaking a little. "Ok when do ya want to meet up..??" Sam continues to say "I will call you over the next few days from a payphone and we will organise it". Now that she said this i was thinking wow, it cant be real or serious! A payphone seriously!! Being at work i told "Sam" that i had to go and thanks for the call/news :wink:
So i was at work crapping myself wondering if said occasion happened over the past 6 months! Told all my surrounding work mates, most of them having a laugh and saying deny everything! Sounds like she just wants money out of you.
Friday night comes along.... By now im all cool and over the situation! Around 11.30pm i get another phone call at work! Blocked and Private again. This time im ready for it... "Hi Sam how are you"! all calm and collected tone of voice! Sam is a little shocked!. "So i sent you a message today saying we should meet up" she says. "Hmmmm i didnt get a message from you Sam, it would show your number..??" Im ready for it! BOOM! "Joel i have been thinking about it... "Crying and Whimpering" Ive decided that i want to have an Abortion! So can you ummmm give me some "Giggling proceeded" Money! I have an account you can put the money in". After hearing the giggle i was fuming! "Sam why are you laughing..." "F*ck off and scam someone else" Hanging up i felt so much better.
So i have yet to hear back from this ghost called "Sam" Some people are pretty low and this is something that gets you thinking! I should of got the account details and taken it to the police! But at the time i didnt think this. I just wanted them to leave me be. Maybe i have pissed someone off in the past, or they see me as someone doing well in life. Oh well! I have learnt alot from this situation!
Anyone else have any messed up stories to tell..?? :D hahah.
May 16, 2011 at 5:34 AM Post #2 of 24
Holy screw. If I were you I'd be glad that it was a scam

That chick is messed too trying to abuse the whole "I'm knocked-up pay for my abortion" like it's nothing.
I'm sure on a few people scam could work?
Crazy story nevertheless lol.

May 16, 2011 at 5:59 AM Post #3 of 24
Tell me about it dude! I hope this crap doesnt happen to anyone! Also... Wear a fkn Johnny or keep one on you at all times!!

Holy screw. If I were you I'd be glad that it was a scam

That chick is messed too trying to abuse the whole "I'm knocked-up pay for my abortion" like it's nothing.
I'm sure on a few people scam could work?
Crazy story nevertheless lol.


May 16, 2011 at 11:28 AM Post #6 of 24

Might come as a surprise to some, but this isn't really uncommon... I've heard similar stories from two friends.

Especially if you sell on craigslist alot. I am selling a few things, and ive had a few people email me and say there will be a moving company coming to pick it up. One of the items i could understand, but the other was like

May 16, 2011 at 9:22 PM Post #8 of 24
Well it did make me think a hell of a lot. Times out on the town drunk and such. But come on! I would totally remember a night with a girl and that description of events! :wink:

Only in Australia. 

May 16, 2011 at 11:28 PM Post #9 of 24
I sell on Craigslist quite a bit. Almost, if not all of the scam mails will eventually ask basically for your 'shipping information'. They're all scams at that point.
Especially if you sell on craigslist alot. I am selling a few things, and ive had a few people email me and say there will be a moving company coming to pick it up. One of the items i could understand, but the other was like


May 17, 2011 at 12:28 AM Post #10 of 24
Well it did make me think a hell of a lot. Times out on the town drunk and such. But come on! I would totally remember a night with a girl and that description of events! :wink:

Chances are if the scam mentioned a particular bar knowing you've visited, your information came from making a purchase with your credit card.
May 17, 2011 at 10:38 AM Post #11 of 24
i have a nice little story to share with everyone....
Last Thursday i was at work, I get a blocked/private number call on my cellphone. There is a girl crying on the other end.... She knew my name, had my number and even knew which clubs i liked in the city. She says "Joel its Sam".. I know a few Sam's so i threw few different last names out there. But no.... So called "Sam" continues to tell me that we met at a club 2 months previous. Hooked up, went back to a hotel room and had unprotected sex... Then BAM!! Hit me with the whole Pregnant line. At this point i was confused as all hell because i havent been to that "Club" in about 6 months! I would also remember going back to a hotel room with a blonde chick/fake boobs etc, is how she explained it. But of course theres a side to everyone that thinks... *** did this happen or not..?? Oh man! What do i do!! Is this some sort of sick joke or is she serious!! Blah blah blah!
So i play along with it! "How come your number is private", her response was its my brothers phone! Yeah ok fair call... But! She then asked that we should meet up and talk it over! This got me thinking again... My Adrenaline peaking a little. "Ok when do ya want to meet up..??" Sam continues to say "I will call you over the next few days from a payphone and we will organise it". Now that she said this i was thinking wow, it cant be real or serious! A payphone seriously!! Being at work i told "Sam" that i had to go and thanks for the call/news :wink:
So i was at work crapping myself wondering if said occasion happened over the past 6 months! Told all my surrounding work mates, most of them having a laugh and saying deny everything! Sounds like she just wants money out of you.
Friday night comes along.... By now im all cool and over the situation! Around 11.30pm i get another phone call at work! Blocked and Private again. This time im ready for it... "Hi Sam how are you"! all calm and collected tone of voice! Sam is a little shocked!. "So i sent you a message today saying we should meet up" she says. "Hmmmm i didnt get a message from you Sam, it would show your number..??" Im ready for it! BOOM! "Joel i have been thinking about it... "Crying and Whimpering" Ive decided that i want to have an Abortion! So can you ummmm give me some "Giggling proceeded" Money! I have an account you can put the money in". After hearing the giggle i was fuming! "Sam why are you laughing..." "F*ck off and scam someone else" Hanging up i felt so much better.
So i have yet to hear back from this ghost called "Sam" Some people are pretty low and this is something that gets you thinking! I should of got the account details and taken it to the police! But at the time i didnt think this. I just wanted them to leave me be. Maybe i have pissed someone off in the past, or they see me as someone doing well in life. Oh well! I have learnt alot from this situation!
Anyone else have any messed up stories to tell..?? :D hahah.

lol...head-fi is turning a bit surreal. I blame Perth :p . 'The omgit'syourclubbingbabyscam'

> I should of got the account details and taken it to the police! But at the time i didnt think this. I just wanted them to leave me be.


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