Elysian Annihilator 2023
Apr 27, 2024 at 5:39 AM Post #751 of 870
How do you like the Monachaa and the Dite Perpetua to the Anni?
Thinking of buying the Perpetua in the future for a more relaxed listening experience
The Perpetua can definitely provide that more relaxing experience. It has a treble peak but I don't really hear it with the relaxing music I use it with. The Monachaa also has that lovely DD timbre but is a more energetic sounding IEM, with a deep and strong sub bass rumble and more upper mids presence.
Apr 27, 2024 at 5:49 AM Post #752 of 870
And how would you compare the Mentor to the Anni?

Mentor has slightly more overall detail on mobile sources like N8ii, Anni will have more detail from stationary setups, it scales better. Mentor has similar punch in the bass, though its a bit more artificial due to the BA driver, it has less treble detail than Ani (much more than Trailli thogh), a little bit more relaxed / less energy than Anni (still much more than Trailli). There is mids emphasis on Mentor that Anni doesnt have, very sweet and lifelike for slower analog music, vocals and chamber jazz. Mentor is notorious for its latest gen UM BCD. The instruments sound much more natural than on most IEMs I tried, if the fit is right, you can feel the strings, the instruments got a lot more body 3-dimensionality to them, similar to what you get with ZMF headphones, especially it reminded me of Caldera. The stage is larger than on Anni, its deeper and overal more hologprahic, which might be due to the BCD driver creating this illusion of 3d-space that you can feel.

Mentor is a very unique IEM which I fell in love with very fast, if I had to choose between it and Anni it would be a very easy choice for me.
Though if I could justify the cost, I would have kept Anni as complimentory, I find it more visceral, faster and fun for rock and metal music, just like with Trailli. Rock and metal are just 30% of my playlist though :)
Apr 27, 2024 at 8:57 AM Post #753 of 870
Mentor has slightly more overall detail on mobile sources like N8ii, Anni will have more detail from stationary setups, it scales better. Mentor has similar punch in the bass, though its a bit more artificial due to the BA driver, it has less treble detail than Ani (much more than Trailli thogh), a little bit more relaxed / less energy than Anni (still much more than Trailli). There is mids emphasis on Mentor that Anni doesnt have, very sweet and lifelike for slower analog music, vocals and chamber jazz. Mentor is notorious for its latest gen UM BCD. The instruments sound much more natural than on most IEMs I tried, if the fit is right, you can feel the strings, the instruments got a lot more body 3-dimensionality to them, similar to what you get with ZMF headphones, especially it reminded me of Caldera. The stage is larger than on Anni, its deeper and overal more hologprahic, which might be due to the BCD driver creating this illusion of 3d-space that you can feel.

Mentor is a very unique IEM which I fell in love with very fast, if I had to choose between it and Anni it would be a very easy choice for me.
Though if I could justify the cost, I would have kept Anni as complimentory, I find it more visceral, faster and fun for rock and metal music, just like with Trailli. Rock and metal are just 30% of my playlist though :)
I auditioned both and I decided to buy the Anni, but after 2 weeks I’m not sure if it was the right decision. I really like the stage and the BCD effects and I’m not sure if I should change again. Don’t get me wrong the Anni was much more exiting and dynamic with better bass presence then the mentor, but I would like to had more time with both to decide which one I prefer more in the end..

Is it normal to get this kind of fomo when you decide to buy one IEM?
Apr 27, 2024 at 9:01 AM Post #754 of 870
Yes very much. After selling my Anni I miss it and I miss Trailli, but it was the right choice financially since I like Mentor more.

The cold hard truth about this hobby is that owning multiple headphones and IEMs is the only outcome if you stay around long enough.
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Apr 27, 2024 at 5:14 PM Post #756 of 870
I auditioned both and I decided to buy the Anni, but after 2 weeks I’m not sure if it was the right decision. I really like the stage and the BCD effects and I’m not sure if I should change again. Don’t get me wrong the Anni was much more exiting and dynamic with better bass presence then the mentor, but I would like to had more time with both to decide which one I prefer more in the end..

Is it normal to get this kind of fomo when you decide to buy one IEM?
You always longing for something that you don't own.
Apr 28, 2024 at 2:47 PM Post #758 of 870
Finally put on the Azla SednafitLight Short's, I must admit they do sound very good on Anni 23.

Yes, they have a decent seal (depends if you got your right size) and they bring more clarity, bass quantity and forwardness which is a good thing.
Apr 28, 2024 at 4:12 PM Post #759 of 870
Personally, for me, the top right now is spinfit omni, wildly comfortable,the bass is not boosted,the treble is not nailed and the middle is transparent, in second place I have azla vivid, if you want more bass
Apr 28, 2024 at 4:17 PM Post #760 of 870
I tried the Spinfit Omni and didn’t like the feel of them. It’s too grippy for my taste. I also have tried the Divinus Velvet and I really, really like the feel. I do like the sound I get with them, as well. They work extremely well for my ears. Previously the Spinfit CP145 were my go-to for comfort, but the Velvet may just be my new go-to.
Apr 29, 2024 at 8:53 AM Post #761 of 870
Okay so for the past few days, I was on a huge tip roll. I've also received Divinus Velvets today.

Here is my current rankings:

1. Azla SednafitLight Shorts - after a lot of back and forth and a\b\c, I found this tips give me the best sound balance, best vocal\guitar clarity, while still retaining a lot of bass and not to much. It gives a well presented wide stage also, and keeps the treble great. They also have the best drum snare pop to my ear of all the tried tips.

2. Tangzu Sancai balanced - this were very close to the Azla, a little more fitting to my ear due to very slipper thin material compared to azla, they are definitely more comfortable in that sense. Incredible treble, maybe even better pronounced guitars and percussions and more air then on Sedna's, slightly more boomy bass, a little less clarity to the vocals\guitars was the thing that makes me use Azla more. A little worse snare pop and attack then other tips.

3. Spinfit W1's - the stock tips that Lee like so much :) I think they are very fitting to the Anni23, however they don't seem to be well behaving with my ear. I am having some slight fit issues with them. Also to my ear the clarity of treble\guitars\vocals etc. is not as good as on the above two. The stage is smaller and more intimate I feel, bass is ok. The snare pop is not the best I feel, and the attack on drums is not as good as above two.

4. Divinus Velvet - although I really like the material and feeling of this tips, I don't really like the sound. I feel they have much worse bass then the above 3, the treble is "okayish" but not so clear, the sound stage is wide though and I was able to pin point sounds well. You get a little more clarity in the mid I feel, due to far less boomy bas. Maybe I would need a size smaller, but there was only 1 size available.

5. Tri Clarions - They were a bit too open, due to extremely wide bore - possibly the widest of all tips? Too much air, don't see it so fitting with Anni, which already have a lot of air. An emphasis on bass, which might become too boomy. Stage nothing so impressive

6. Azla Sednafit Xelastic - didn't fit me at all due to sticky material\shape. So without good seal they sounded bad to me, possibly good tips if it fits your ear though - can't really judge them well.

My test playlist was:

Apr 29, 2024 at 9:34 AM Post #762 of 870
Okay so for the past few days, I was on a huge tip roll. I've also received Divinus Velvets today.

Here is my current rankings:

1. Azla SednafitLight Shorts - after a lot of back and forth and a\b\c, I found this tips give me the best sound balance, best vocal\guitar clarity, while still retaining a lot of bass and not to much. It gives a well presented wide stage also, and keeps the treble great. They also have the best drum snare pop to my ear of all the tried tips.

2. Tangzu Sancai balanced - this were very close to the Azla, a little more fitting to my ear due to very slipper thin material compared to azla, they are definitely more comfortable in that sense. Incredible treble, maybe even better pronounced guitars and percussions and more air then on Sedna's, slightly more boomy bass, a little less clarity to the vocals\guitars was the thing that makes me use Azla more. A little worse snare pop and attack then other tips.

3. Spinfit W1's - the stock tips that Lee like so much :) I think they are very fitting to the Anni23, however they don't seem to be well behaving with my ear. I am having some slight fit issues with them. Also to my ear the clarity of treble\guitars\vocals etc. is not as good as on the above two. The stage is smaller and more intimate I feel, bass is ok. The snare pop is not the best I feel, and the attack on drums is not as good as above two.

4. Divinus Velvet - although I really like the material and feeling of this tips, I don't really like the sound. I feel they have much worse bass then the above 3, the treble is "okayish" but not so clear, the sound stage is wide though and I was able to pin point sounds well. You get a little more clarity in the mid I feel, due to far less boomy bas. Maybe I would need a size smaller, but there was only 1 size available.

5. Tri Clarions - They were a bit too open, due to extremely wide bore - possibly the widest of all tips? Too much air, don't see it so fitting with Anni, which already have a lot of air. An emphasis on bass, which might become too boomy. Stage nothing so impressive

6. Azla Sednafit Xelastic - didn't fit me at all due to sticky material\shape. So without good seal they sounded bad to me, possibly good tips if it fits your ear though - can't really judge them well.

I would also suggest trying Azla SednaFit Max which is my usual go to for brighter, treble forward IEM's. W1 don't always synergise well and I find can be subtly harsh or shouty on the upper mid/treble timbre. The SednaFit are comfortable, soften the treble just slightly and gives the sound that little bit more of a musical touch. There's a subtle loss of technicality compared to the W1 or XElastec or so I feel.

My usual tip stable are CP100, W1, Crystal/Xelastec/SednaFit Max and I usually find one to work with most IEM's.

Usual disclaimer re: fit and tip experience being very personal.
Apr 29, 2024 at 12:35 PM Post #763 of 870
4. Divinus Velvet - although I really like the material and feeling of this tips, I don't really like the sound. I feel they have much worse bass then the above 3, the treble is "okayish" but not so clear, the sound stage is wide though and I was able to pin point sounds well. You get a little more clarity in the mid I feel, due to far less boomy bas. Maybe I would need a size smaller, but there was only 1 size available.

Interesting. I have yet to try a few of the ones you’ve tested, but the Velvet and what you describe are exactly what I am enjoying. It balances out the sound a bit more. It reigns in the treble just a touch, it calms a bit of the bloat, but retains the impact, in the bass, adding to the mids having more clarity, all are what I really like. I really like the sound stage and holography, like you mentioned.

Very subjective hobby, for sure!
Apr 29, 2024 at 1:26 PM Post #764 of 870
Interesting. I have yet to try a few of the ones you’ve tested, but the Velvet and what you describe are exactly what I am enjoying. It balances out the sound a bit more. It reigns in the treble just a touch, it calms a bit of the bloat, but retains the impact, in the bass, adding to the mids having more clarity, all are what I really like. I really like the sound stage and holography, like you mentioned.

Very subjective hobby, for sure!

If you have the chance to compare to some of my tested ones, I will be very curious to hear your opinions. After several re-listens I always feel less body\punch\bass with Velvets, I'll re-check them later at night :) The music at late night is always more intimate.

I kindof really don't like the lack of snare punch on Velvets, try for example from my test list the track Childish Gambino - Me and Your Mama, I think I gave you before to listen, on 2:01 the beat changes and the drums come in, the snare is quite weak, but I feel with Velvets its weaker then with Azla for example. Same thing happens in a lot of songs. Also if you compare the bass on Bad Guy or Cohen's In my Secret life, you'll see its far less. Also Cohen's voice is bit recessed. But yeah as you said it could be just me, since its very subjective.
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Apr 29, 2024 at 2:52 PM Post #765 of 870
If you have the chance to compare to some of my tested ones, I will be very curious to hear your opinions. After several re-listens I always feel less body\punch\bass with Velvets, I'll re-check them later at night :) The music at late night is always more intimate.

I kindof really don't like the lack of snare punch on Velvets, try for example from my test list the track Childish Gambino - Me and Your Mama, I think I gave you before to listen, on 2:01 the beat changes and the drums come in, the snare is quite weak, but I feel with Velvets its weaker then with Azla for example. Same thing happens in a lot of songs. Also if you compare the bass on Bad Guy or Cohen's In my Secret life, you'll see its far less. Also Cohen's voice is bit recessed. But yeah as you said it could be just me, since its very subjective.

I’m also curious about how deep nozzle insertion people have for IEMs and specifically for the Annihilator. With the Velvet, I’m using the largest size tip and it’s not being inserted very deep.

I’ve ordered some of the Azla Sedna Short, curious if I should also try the Sedna light short, too…

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