Earbuds Round-Up
Mar 27, 2024 at 11:15 AM Post #74,581 of 75,781
That's a beefy amp! Which one did you go for?
It certainly seems to be from the specs and all that I have read (apparently it will drive the Susvara without breaking a sweat :wink:). I opted for the iFi Pro iCan Signature. :)
The shell of my LBBS cracked and died so I ordered the black Temperament X6 for USD 72 and am waiting for it to arrive.
This will make bell-ti plus, onmyoji, and X6 the my new three brothers.

temperament X6 black.jpg
Sorry to hear about your old ones breaking, but congrats on your new (incoming) shiny! :)

You will have to share your experience with them when they arrive?!
Mar 27, 2024 at 12:35 PM Post #74,582 of 75,781
The shell of my LBBS cracked and died so I ordered the black Temperament X6 for USD 72 and am waiting for it to arrive.
This will make bell-ti plus, onmyoji, and X6 the my new three brothers.

temperament X6 black.jpg
I listened to Temperament X6 last week, and this week I went to another city and took LBBS with me. Once again, these are completely different headphones :)
Mar 27, 2024 at 1:11 PM Post #74,583 of 75,781
The shell of my LBBS cracked and died so I ordered the black Temperament X6 for USD 72 and am waiting for it to arrive.
This will make bell-ti plus, onmyoji, and X6 the my new three brothers.

temperament X6 black.jpg
You are about to be disappointed - X6 is nowhere near as good as LBBS.
There are 3 last ones available for sale: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001464323686.html

I bought 8 LBBS so far, so I can look with confidence into the future :jecklinsmile:
Mar 27, 2024 at 5:59 PM Post #74,585 of 75,781
It certainly seems to be from the specs and all that I have read (apparently it will drive the Susvara without breaking a sweat :wink:). I opted for the iFi Pro iCan Signature. :)

Sorry to hear about your old ones breaking, but congrats on your new (incoming) shiny! :)

You will have to share your experience with them when they arrive?
I listened to Temperament X6 last week, and this week I went to another city and took LBBS with me. Once again, these are completely different headphones :)
You are about to be disappointed - X6 is nowhere near as good as LBBS.
There are 3 last ones available for sale: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001464323686.html

I bought 8 LBBS so far, so I can look with confidence into the future :jecklinsmile:

Oh sorry, I wrote it wrong!
What I ordered for USD 70 was not Temperament X6, but black Temperament X3.:deadhorse:
Is there any hope for the sound with Temperament X3?
Mar 27, 2024 at 8:19 PM Post #74,586 of 75,781
Well, there are two answers to this question. If I say yes it is the same, it would be because the manufacturer simply added a resistor in the 150ohm version to make it look like a high ohm driver. There have been some companies that try and cheat the customer by simply adding a resistor internally to make those that desire higher impedance head gear (for the right reasons) think that is what they are getting (in other words, scamming them).
Ok, so, if i understand correctly, this (discontinued) "Foster" japanese driver they use in their earbuds line are low impedance (32 ohms) but these are so good that they chose to put resistors to inflate the impedance. Then they just add windings to the voice coil and work on the tuning to achieve something unique. I'm really tempted to upgrade because i ear details and harmonics in the music that i can't hear with other sets. I mean, this "Foster" driver is something else. To my ears at least...
Mar 27, 2024 at 8:39 PM Post #74,587 of 75,781
Ok, so, if i understand correctly, this (discontinued) "Foster" japanese driver they use in their earbuds line are low impedance (32 ohms) but these are so good that they chose to put resistors to inflate the impedance. Then they just add windings to the voice coil and work on the tuning to achieve something unique. I'm really tempted to upgrade because i ear details and harmonics in the music that i can't hear with other sets. I mean, this "Foster" driver is something else. To my ears at least...
Apologies if I wasn't clear in writing my reply. I was simply saying that some companies add that resistor to boost resistance. Adding more windings to the voice coil will add impedance without having to doing it the fake way (adding a resistor).

So, if the lower impedance version of the same driver is really good and if they use that driver but with more windings rather than a resistor added, then you can almost bet that there is a good chance that they will at least be a very good driver with lots of potential depending on how they shell it and tune it. You have to remember that JUST having a higher impedance doesn't necessarily make them better. It does give it the potential to be better, naturally. It just depends on what the company does with it as to whether they are better or not....

I have plenty of sets that are pretty low impedance that are fantastic, so there is that too.

Are you not able to find any reviews of them at all, or comparisons? Do you have a link to them? I DO like Japanese transducers; they tend to be of very high quality IME. :)
Mar 27, 2024 at 8:50 PM Post #74,588 of 75,781
I no longer have the rw2000 but I seem to remember that if I swapped the shells, i.e. L shell in right ear and R shell in left ear, it was more comfortable for me. Don't know if that helps you.
Thanks for the idea, I'll have to try that if I still have issues with this new cable.
Mar 27, 2024 at 9:05 PM Post #74,589 of 75,781
Thank you. :)

If that is the case, then just as (one of our resident "super smart people") @mt877 has mentioned, it should work very well with the 5K.

And just to give you an idea of what the different levels are, here is a general chart for you...

According to graph I'm listening at "conversation" level. So around 70. And I believe that. So I'm a happy camper to know that I'm not damaging my ears.

Thanks for posting it
Mar 27, 2024 at 9:15 PM Post #74,590 of 75,781
That is both sad and fantastic to hear. I am sorry that they cause pain, and that you had to change the cable to make them work for you, but I am very happy that you finally found a "tolerable" solution to your issue. I also commend you for sticking with it long enough to find that they are indeed a great set of buds....

If you can find another cable, I would stick with as thin as you can. I think that the weight of the (pretty large) stock cable might be part of the problem for causing pain for you. I personally have found that the stock cable for the Smabat M2s Pro was perfect for earbuds because not only is it very thin, but it is also coated with something like a very very soft cloth, making it so light that I can hardly tell it is there. Normally I worry about a cable this thin for both sound skewing and longevity, but this cable has been great for many years now. Having said that, I know you cannot get this particular cable as the buds have been discontinued, but also because Smabat doesn't sell their cables seperately (I wrote to them asking about this with the answer of "NO"... :wink:).

I have not seen something similar as of yet, but I am always on the lookout. Quality cables this thin are getting rare because the masses believe that the thicker, the better; which I might have agreed with some years ago because thinner cables used to have high resistance values. Newer technologies have enabled cables to be both thin and lower resistant, as well as being sold at a cheaper cost.

As an alternative, don't forget that there is always the ear wings, silicone donuts, and the over ear hooks that can keep them seated and comfortable for longer (relieving pressure):

Sorry for the late reply, chronic health problems suck :/

I love finding solutions to problems that don't have an obvious or easy answer, before I got sick I ran an electronics retail and repair store so things like this are a fun challenge that I don't get very often now. Even if I have to deal with some pain it's still better than the horrible itching I get from IEMs no matter what tip I use. If I didn't love Yincrow's tuning so much and hadn't already experienced several earbuds from other brands that I didn't like as much I might not have stuck with them.

That's one of the reasons I love the LC-RC's design so much, I don't notice the weight of the cable as much as I do with other over-the-ear cables due to the shape. The OpenHeart cable is pretty thin and that was one of the things I was a little hesitant about but I haven't noticed any sound quality difference between it and either the LC-RC or the stock cable. I'll have to look into that cable, does it have issues with picking up sound from rubbing against your clothes? I ran into that issue with the Moondrop Aria's stock cable and it really turned me off to any cloth-covered cable.

Yeah I know I'm guilty of the thicker is better mentality even for the items I stocked, I've been working on that bad habit especially after seeing how thin high-quality HDMI cables can be and still support 4K and 8K resolutions. I've just seen too many thin, low-quality cables over the years from customers that have made it a hard habit to break.

I have some rubber rings that were included with one of the Fiio earbuds I have, I never thought to try them since I figured the would just make the problem worse due to the added diameter. I've also tried various types of wings with TWS earbuds and Bluetooth headsets but have never been a fan, I always struggle to find the right one and usually have to look in the mirror to get it positioned correctly. Those behind the ear clips are interesting, they look like the sport clips I use and love with my KSC35's. Do you have a link to them or remember where you got them? Would definitely be interested since I wouldn't be so dependent on the cable keeping them in the right place.
Mar 27, 2024 at 9:42 PM Post #74,591 of 75,781
Hey, men. How can I supply power to the USB dongle when using it with a smartphone? Are there any adapter cables for this?
I don't want to charge a smartphone, because I already found such an adapter (DD HiFi ТС28C Pro). But this is not exactly what is needed.
I don't want to discharge the smartphone and charge it at the same time, because that's kind of stupid! I want to supply power directly to the dongle.
Are there such solutions?
I had this splitter on hand from back when I used wired Android Auto. I hooked it up in reverse and it does what you want it to do at least with my Qudelix 5K. I have the 5K hooked up to the phone port and my phone up to the data/car port and it plays over USB (Bluetooth turned off) while charging. I'm not sure how fast it's charging but the charging light stays lit, obviously this isn't how the adapter is intended to be used but I don't think you would harm your device trying it since all it's doing is separating and combining the data and power lines. Unfortunately the adapter is out of stock but I have a couple I'm not using if it's something you're still interested in I would be willing to send them to you for the cost of shipping.
Mar 27, 2024 at 9:47 PM Post #74,592 of 75,781
Mar 27, 2024 at 10:10 PM Post #74,593 of 75,781
I love finding solutions to problems that don't have an obvious or easy answer, before I got sick I ran an electronics retail and repair store so things like this are a fun challenge that I don't get very often now. Even if I have to deal with some pain it's still better than the horrible itching I get from IEMs no matter what tip I use. If I didn't love Yincrow's tuning so much and hadn't already experienced several earbuds from other brands that I didn't like as much I might not have stuck with them.
Well, I am glad that you stuck with earbuds. IMHO they are well worth the effort. They can be VERY much like hearing open back headphones without having to actually wear them... :)
That's one of the reasons I love the LC-RC's design so much, I don't notice the weight of the cable as much as I do with other over-the-ear cables due to the shape. The OpenHeart cable is pretty thin and that was one of the things I was a little hesitant about but I haven't noticed any sound quality difference between it and either the LC-RC or the stock cable. I'll have to look into that cable, does it have issues with picking up sound from rubbing against your clothes? I ran into that issue with the Moondrop Aria's stock cable and it really turned me off to any cloth-covered cable.
I cannot answer this question because I have not heard any of the OpenHeart cables. I have seen them around for some time now as a budget option, both on Amazon and AE.
Those behind the ear clips are interesting, they look like the sport clips I use and love with my KSC35's. Do you have a link to them or remember where you got them? Would definitely be interested since I wouldn't be so dependent on the cable keeping them in the right place.
They were actually originally made for TWS, but with all the different sizes of clips they come with, they can fit pretty much any of the buds I have. I got them from Amazon but the have been discontinued by now. You can also find other sets that are still around if you scroll down and look at "similar" items, but the problem with sets today is that they have put all the different sized clips behind a paywall, and you have to order them separately. The set I linked to is the only set that I have seen that comes (default) with all sizes.

There are a lot of sets on AE as well, but they also sell the different sizes separately. What a shame for such a brilliant clip on ear hook.
Mar 27, 2024 at 10:17 PM Post #74,594 of 75,781
Hey everyone I've been thinking about getting the Faaeal Snow lotus 1.0 and while they are cheap if there is another better option around the price of about 20usd I'd rather just get that. I listen to mostly music derived from Veggie Tales if that matters but anyhow thanks in advance.
If your in the US they're actually $6usd on AliExpress. The sale ends tomorrow. So I would grab them while you can at that price. I sure did.
Mar 27, 2024 at 10:17 PM Post #74,595 of 75,781
Here you go :
SHOONTH ESEP-01BL (around 25$), i've just got this one.
SHOONTH ESEP-01BU (around 200$) is their flagship.
SHOONTH ESEP-01BLE (around 100$), no reviews to be found for this one...
OH! Thanks for sharing this... It looks like the 01BU is using the DP100 shell. I have never been overly fond of the MX500 shell, but I REALLY like the DP100. This is one of my favorite sets:

So, are the 01BU the ones you were thinking about?

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