DIY & Video: How To Braid Long Cords. (HFI-580, ATH-M50, etc)
Jan 28, 2012 at 7:40 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 35


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 21, 2011
Since a couple of people, including myself, was concerned that their Ultrasone HFI-580 or Audio-Technica M50 cord was too long, a quick and easy solution would be to braid the cord.
I'm obviously not the first person to do this, but I figured I'll make a DIY w/instructions to help out others looking to do the same.

*The length of the cord after braiding can be made longer by the size of the initial loops. If you braid less, the cord will be longer!
*Do NOT braid the cord too tight!

Jan 28, 2012 at 8:09 PM Post #3 of 35

waiting for the video :D thank you. my HFI580 is currently like so

Yea, I was originally going to do that and have that in my pocket when I'm outside

You're welcome. I don't know why this upload is so slow. Currently 60 minutes remaining. The video is 349 MB, I guess because it was shot with my iPhone 4S so it's 1080p plus the editing I made.
On a sidenote, I love your avatar and posted it on my Facebook with the caption, "When I'm well-established and have a big house, I'm going to have baby pandas walking around."

Jan 28, 2012 at 8:14 PM Post #4 of 35

Yea, I was originally going to do that and have that in my pocket when I'm outside

You're welcome. I don't know why this upload is so slow. Currently 60 minutes remaining. The video is 349 MB, I guess because it was shot with my iPhone 4S so it's 1080p plus the editing I made.
On a sidenote, I love your avatar and posted it on my Facebook with the caption, "When I'm well-established and have a big house, I'm going to have baby pandas walking around."


haha i do put it in my pocket when im outside :D it doesn't look cool when it's just lke that :d and heavy too :D
yeah. you could edit it or put it on comptuer and convert....but that works too :D 1080p woo :D 3rd in line at my AT&T to get 4S :D
You are the 4th person to come ot me and say they love my avatar. thank you :D and hahah. panda's are cute :D
Jan 28, 2012 at 9:23 PM Post #5 of 35

haha i do put it in my pocket when im outside :D it doesn't look cool when it's just lke that :d and heavy too :D
yeah. you could edit it or put it on comptuer and convert....but that works too :D 1080p woo :D 3rd in line at my AT&T to get 4S :D
You are the 4th person to come ot me and say they love my avatar. thank you :D and hahah. panda's are cute :D

I wanted to keep it in 1080p for some reason lol. The 4S is great!
They're cute when they're small. :p
The video is up on the first post!

Jan 28, 2012 at 10:05 PM Post #9 of 35
I just tried this on my HD598. Quite a brilliant solution indeed. I'll probably undo it as it's a little short for home use, as I like to walk around a bit to do things around my desk with headphones on, but definitely a great length for any portable can with a long cable.
Jan 28, 2012 at 10:06 PM Post #10 of 35

I just tried this on my HD598. Quite a brilliant solution indeed. I'll probably undo it as it's a little short for home use, as I like to walk around a bit to do things around my desk with headphones on, but definitely a great length for any portable can with a long cable.

mine is now good too :D you can change the length by the size of the loop it seems :D

compressed quality pic..and i shook a bit. sorry
Jan 28, 2012 at 10:09 PM Post #11 of 35
You're welcome everyone.
Interesting solution I might try this out.  About how long does your cord end up being, around 3ft?  Thanks for the video!

I believe that analytically, it's about 4 ft. depending on the loop.
I would measure mine, but I un-braided it because I'm exchanging my 580's. I believe it has a defective driver.
Jan 28, 2012 at 10:11 PM Post #12 of 35

You're welcome everyone.

I believe that analytically, it's about 4 ft. depending on the loop.
I would measure mine, but I un-braided it because I'm exchanging my 580's. I believe it has a defective driver.

what's wrong with the driver? what are you hearing it
drats..the curses of reburnig it in :frowning2:
Jan 28, 2012 at 10:12 PM Post #13 of 35

I just tried this on my HD598. Quite a brilliant solution indeed. I'll probably undo it as it's a little short for home use, as I like to walk around a bit to do things around my desk with headphones on, but definitely a great length for any portable can with a long cable.


mine is now good too :D you can change the length by the size of the loop it seems :D

compressed quality pic..and i shook a bit. sorry

Yes, just make a smaller loop and you can make it longer. A smaller loop meaning that less of the cable would be braided.

Looks great bowei! What are you driving that with? I can't tell.
what's wrong with the driver? what are you hearing it
drats..the curses of reburnig it in :frowning2:

That's ok. It was fairly new anyway. I'm going back to get my newer Pro 900's..that's another story lol.
Jan 28, 2012 at 10:20 PM Post #14 of 35


Yes, just make a smaller loop and you can make it longer. A smaller loop meaning that less of the cable would be braided.

Looks great bowei! What are you driving that with? I can't tell.

That's ok. It was fairly new anyway. I'm going back to get my newer Pro 900's..that's another story lol.

ipod touch--L9 LOD(love lod's) --> E17...
yes...i am one of the few and coveted that have the famed E17 :D they sold out in hours on micca store and other north american sites. :D and preorders for mp4nation are backed up :D
wow so you also got the pro 900's!! how do they sound :D :D :D
in case u are wondering...the absolutley...absolutley amazing.

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