Dilemma: Should I not believe any reviewers who talk about cables or just ignore that section of their review?
Jul 2, 2013 at 11:36 PM Post #1,621 of 1,790
Kobayashi Issa (18th century Japanese Haiku master) - "The world of dew is the world of dew indeed - and yet, and yet"
Relevance: we are trapped in a world which is recognizably subjective and  transient, and yet we still aspire to meaning in the ephemeral.
We trust our ears .. and yet .. and yet
Jul 3, 2013 at 12:01 AM Post #1,622 of 1,790
Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!
Jul 3, 2013 at 12:11 AM Post #1,623 of 1,790
You see a pebble - I see an empty space. Should I grasp at nothing? If I fail, I have nothing - if I succeed I have nothing. Stillness and movement are one and the same.
Cable discussions and metaphysical discussions have a striking similarity, no?
Jul 3, 2013 at 12:55 AM Post #1,624 of 1,790
Emptyness has its own fullness. Nothingness encompasses everything. Willingness to accept what is is.
In a metaphysical world, there is no meaning of quality. Everything has its own charm. you do not need cable in this world. There is no difference if it's not measurable for they do not exist. The metaphysical world is not subjective my friend. You do not have to try doggie doo to know it stinked. Logic and the rule of physics is the way to find the way.
Jul 3, 2013 at 1:26 AM Post #1,625 of 1,790
For me philosophy goes only as far as "How much for a hot dog and a coke?"
Jul 3, 2013 at 2:02 PM Post #1,628 of 1,790
We are all different. Each person is a biological World of their own different from the next person. By observation rules on the human body have been made up over 1000s of years.People like to live by rules it makes them feel more secure  Audiologists admit we all hear differently due to ear structure and nervous system to our brains. Who can say there is a standard set of values when every day someone emerges who defies that logic by their ability to see/hear/act not to set scientific values.Science isn't perfect --even scientists admit that-can they cure the common cold or flu viruses that change year to year to counteract human deterrents . Our body cells not only change --they learn-The government is still trying to make robots that can do that.So we progress biologically from day to day well ahead of any science values.But we are more than "human beings" we don't just have a body we have a soul/spirit. We are more than what you see. The mind is just the reaction to the World but the soul learns and progresses itself.If you don't believe then you must believe that when you die that's it-zero-the END-blackness that in itself is non-logical it doesn't make sense.There would be no point in existence . Death is just another door opening to another World better than this "corrupt" one. Cosmologists talk now of "other dimensions" and now some even say---shock/horror- there might be a "superior being"  Science is not  even a "minor" god yet it cant provide all the answers robots hear zeros and ones--humans hear and FEEL the music and their spirit is lifted.
Jul 3, 2013 at 2:05 PM Post #1,629 of 1,790
I wish I loved my own words that much.
Jul 3, 2013 at 2:09 PM Post #1,630 of 1,790
Who can say there is a standard set of values when every day someone emerges who defies that logic by their ability to see/hear/act not to set scientific values.Science isn't perfect --even scientists admit that-can they cure the common cold or flu viruses that change year to year to counteract human deterrents . Our body cells not only change --they learn-The government is still trying to make robots that can do that.So we progress biologically from day to day well ahead of any science values.But we are more than "human beings" we don't just have a body we have a soul/spirit. We are more than what you see. The mind is just the reaction to the World but the soul learns and progresses itself.If you don't believe then you must believe that when you die that's it-zero-the END-blackness that in itself is non-logical it doesn't make sense.There would be no point in existence . Death is just another door opening to another World better than this "corrupt" one. Cosmologists talk now of "other dimensions" and now some even say---shock/horror- there might be a "superior being"  Science is not  even a "minor" god yet it cant provide all the answers robots hear zeros and ones--humans hear and FEEL the music and their spirit is lifted.

What a bunch of backwards assertions and illogical statements. All of course without providing even a shred of evidence, and off topic anyway.
But you've improved from using weird punctuation and indentation to a wall of text. Oh and there are even some complete sentences here and there. Keep it up.
Jul 3, 2013 at 2:16 PM Post #1,631 of 1,790
I wish I loved my own words that much.

I wish he'd have used a couple of paragraphs.

Jul 3, 2013 at 5:42 PM Post #1,634 of 1,790
 I don't "love my words " .I speak with conviction and total belief. and all you can do is make snide comments without putting in great detail why you think I am wrong. 

I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you had a point. If you'd like to state it clearly, I'd be happy to respond. I thought that was some sort of Beat poetry.
Jul 3, 2013 at 6:33 PM Post #1,635 of 1,790
And you have made it a neo-philosophical forum in many of your posts in  Head- Fi. If you can bring philosophy/ phycology   into Head  Fi -well I can AS WELL . If you cant answer with a rebut of my philosophical/spiritual comments then stick to technical hi-fi comments which I don't mind commenting on.   

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