Deja Vu all over again!
Mar 12, 2005 at 2:31 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


Keeper of the 'Phones
Jun 22, 2001
I'll try to keep this as short as possible. Although I've been visiting this forum on an almost daily basis since its inception (reading posts, and doing a little moderating), for the past year or so I haven't really been into headphone listening. I've been accumulating a ridiculous amount of vintage stereo gear........stuff that I always wanted in my youth but was unable to afford. I figured, "What the hell, if I don't get it now, I may never have the opportunity again." So I've taken over one of the bedrooms in my home (the kids are all out!) and turned it into a warehouse of goodies. Speakers, amps, tuners, receivers, and turntables,......all from the late sixties to late seventies. They're everywhere.
I streamlined my main rig, and to make it easier to switch out components, I packed up my home headphone amps (Sugden Headmaster, RKV MKII, EMP, Grado RA-1) and put them away about 6 months ago.
Most of my headphone listening has been through portable units, usually an iPod. After accumulating about 3 dozen headphones in about 4 years time, the only headphone purchase last year was an ER6i.......for my iPods of course.
I bought a few of those big plastic containers and took most of the headphones off the bookcase where they had been hanging on hooks, and, except for my Grados, put them away. Those that had storage boxes, like K1000, CD3000, DT880, etc, were put away in those.
My music listening was confined to speakers at home and iPod for walks around the neighborhood. I figured I was done with headphones.
Uhhh.......not quite. I made the mistake of reading the posts regarding the new Grado 325i........I thought to myself, "Man, they are simply beautiful! I wonder what they sound like."
Then I began to wonder what my headphones sounded like? After months and months of just my ampless iPod my ears had become accustomed to the sound of mp3s. So what would my full-sized headphones sound like now, through a decent source and amp.
Well, yesterday, I hooked up my Sugden and my RKV. I'm using a 333ES SACD player. First up was my AKG K340 through the RKV........OMG, it was unbelievable! The bass, the mids, everything was there, in spades. I spent about two hours just listening(remember, I'm retired.....and my wife still works
). It was as if I was hearing the K340s for the first time.
I ran upstairs to get a few more headphones out of their boxes.....K501, MD1700, K1000, K501, Beyer DT-831.....and spent the rest of the day just going back and forth, comparing each one against the other. This morning, I couldn't wait to get back to listening, and I wound up spending the entire day just playing. Right now, I'm listening to a Bob Seger CD "Nine Tonight," recorded live, through the K340s. The sound, to these old ears, is absolutely stunning.
On the one hand, I can't believe I stayed away from headphones for so long, but maybe that's why they sound so good now. It's like the first time I heard Grado SR-80s........major WOW factor. Each headphone that I've put on my noggin' has elicited a mental "WOW!", just like it used to.
I think that I was getting rather jaded with regards to headphones, as I am fortunate to be able to have a number of good ones, and began to lose my appreciation for the sound they could provide.
Taking a year or so vacation from headphone listening has really been beneficial. It has allowed me to re-experience the joy of headphone listening, and as you may have gathered..............I'm lovin' it!
A few impressions I jotted down while listening:
*K501s with the RKV is NOT bass shy! Talk about a detailed midrange!
*HP1s give you what's at the source.....nothing more, nothing less. To my ears, they are definitely the most neutral sounding, balanced cans I own.
*Beyer DT-831s ARE bright, even out of the RKV.
*K340s are a bit dark, but the midrange is so damned good, who cares.
*K1000s have the largest soundstage I've heard. And the bass sounds great to me.
*There is an uncanny, similar sonic signature to both the K501 and K1000.....there is no denying their family heritage.
*For the money, the Grado SR-60s have got to be an absolute steal.
*CD1700....Man, why did Sony discontinue these? Very lush sound and VERY comfy.

I can't wait till tomorrow to break out the RS-1 (of course I'll have to hook up the RA-1 for that), the CD3000 (that'll require the EMP coming out of storage),.......damn, I'm back where I was....and, you know what? It feels good.

Anyway, thanks for where do I get those new Grados?
Mar 12, 2005 at 3:05 AM Post #4 of 9
That is really cool! I always love rediscovering old stuff, and it sounds like in your case it's audio equipment and you're having a ball!

I love my SR-80's too. What other kinds of music did you listen to? You gotta pump some The Who through these suckers, they really do them justice.
Mar 12, 2005 at 4:05 AM Post #5 of 9

Deja Vu all over again!

- You haven't tried the ATH-CM7ti earbuds, have you?

They are very very pleasant to listen to... just ideal as portable

... I bet they're better than the ER-6i

I have a feeling you'd like them best
Mar 12, 2005 at 4:21 AM Post #6 of 9

Originally Posted by MD1032
I love my SR-80's too. What other kinds of music did you listen to? You gotta pump some The Who through these suckers, they really do them justice.

Unfortunately, I gave my SR80s to my eldest son awhile ago, so the SR-60s will have to do. As for The Who, would you believe that I came of age in the 60s and have no Who CDs? Strange, huh? Anyway, I've been listening to just about everything, from Classical to Jazz to Doo Wop to Bluegrass to a LOT of Dylan. Right now, I have the soundtrack from Masked and Anonymous playing.


Originally Posted by CuriousVoiger
- You haven't tried the ATH-CM7ti earbuds, have you?

They are very very pleasant to listen to... just ideal as portable
... I bet they're better than the ER-6i

I have a feeling you'd like them best

No, I haven't tried those yet, but they've caught my eye, and I've been searching old threads and reading about them.....they are definitely on the list. I just ordered some Sharp 33s for use with my DR7 MD. I also have been listening to the ATH-EW9 clipons with some MD units. For the first time these little beauties actually have good bass.......I now realize how weak an amp the iPod has.
Mar 12, 2005 at 4:23 AM Post #7 of 9
Quite the interesting read, and it ends on the good note that you're back into a hobby that you've always enjoyed so much.

Not that I've given up headphone listening (in fact, I do more headphone listening now than ever) but it is always nice to revisit certain headphones that have somehow drifted to the bottom of the pile (so to speak). Lately I've rediscovered my CD3000's which have the R10-shaped "full woody" mods as well as a replacement cable that Larry put on them at the same time. They throw an incredibly wide soundstage, and all that I liked about the unmodded CD3000's is even better now. I only wish that I had spent more time with them when they first arrived after being modded, nearly a year ago!

I've also recently rediscovered the HD600's (stock cable) and the Creek OBH 11-SE amp, which is the combo I was using when I first joined head-fi. I was surprised to learn that it can provide nearly 90% of what any headphone/amp combo can in terms of being able to sit back and enjoy the music without doing anything that smacks of analysis.
Mar 12, 2005 at 4:46 AM Post #8 of 9

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
Quite the interesting read, and it ends on the good note that you're back into a hobby that you've always enjoyed so much.

Not that I've given up headphone listening (in fact, I do more headphone listening now than ever) but it is always nice to revisit certain headphones that have somehow drifted to the bottom of the pile (so to speak). Lately I've rediscovered my CD3000's which have the R10-shaped "full woody" mods as well as a replacement cable that Larry put on them at the same time. They throw an incredibly wide soundstage, and all that I liked about the unmodded CD3000's is even better now. I only wish that I had spent more time with them when they first arrived after being modded, nearly a year ago!

I've also recently rediscovered the HD600's (stock cable) and the Creek OBH 11-SE amp, which is the combo I was using when I first joined head-fi. I was surprised to learn that it can provide nearly 90% of what any headphone/amp combo can in terms of being able to sit back and enjoy the music without doing anything that smacks of analysis.

So...... I take it you don't sell anything either.

What's nice is that we still have the gear to be able to rediscover what attracted us to this hobby in the first place. I'm not really looking to improve anything.....I just want to enjoy it. I think too often people get into this hobby (and I'm as guilty as the next guy) and are constantly on the upgrade path and, in the end, are never satisfied because they always feel there's something better out there. When I got the K1000s I still yearned for the Stax Omega II. Then I realized that the Stax were not going to be better (for me)......just different. I have enough variety to last me a long, long time. So now if I get another 'phone, it's because there's something about it that I find attractive.....the ATH 7Ti, or the new Gold Grados....I'm not doing it to achieve better sound. What can I tell you.....I'm a collector.
Mar 12, 2005 at 5:16 AM Post #9 of 9
Just my noob 2c:

Coming from a pair of MS1 I thought I wasn’t going to find another phone as fun as Grado. In fact, first time I listened to the CM7 wasn’t too impressed; the bass is good but on certain songs is a bit anemic.
However, after 4 wks of owning them I realize what a quality ear-phones these really are, very pleasant to the hearing. Ideal on the go, imo. I’m listening to some Dylan now with them instead of the MS1
... go figure

Any other brief fresh impressions of the RS1 - CD3000, etc.. are greatly appreciated - thanks

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