Dallas, TX - "Deux for 2012", a not-quite-as-mini meet - Sunday, October 14th
Aug 31, 2012 at 9:18 PM Post #32 of 163
The 21st is a possibility but another event is also taking place. End time would be limited to 5:30pm at the latest.
I'd rather keep the option to end later, as we will have a more diverse array of equipment to play with.
Aug 31, 2012 at 10:42 PM Post #33 of 163
Maybe november then? lol. I guess it depends on how big this will get. I don't really have much to bring except maybe a Calyx Dac. I'm running off my integrated amp for headphones right now so I would have to borrow an amp is someone has an extra one. 
Aug 31, 2012 at 10:44 PM Post #34 of 163
Might be able to get Alex to loan me a Liquid Glass. :D Or just get him to come up.
Maybe november then? lol. I guess it depends on how big this will get. I don't really have much to bring except maybe a Calyx Dac. I'm running off my integrated amp for headphones right now so I would have to borrow an amp is someone has an extra one. 

Aug 31, 2012 at 11:12 PM Post #35 of 163
I thought you were getting rid of the Ayon. I'd like to hear it through my own rig and see how my Cambridge fairs against it.

Once I can drop the $2.5 - 3k on a Perfect Wave and Bridge...   :)
Sep 1, 2012 at 12:20 AM Post #36 of 163
Still one of the DACs I want to hear...At twice the price of my current player it'd have to blow me away. Also have my eye on the Resolution Cantana but I've heard it doesn't live up to it's price tag.
Once I can drop the $2.5 - 3k on a Perfect Wave and Bridge...   :)

Sep 1, 2012 at 2:32 PM Post #38 of 163
If nothing big comes up I plan on being there. Right now my setup is in my signature. What I might (and it's a big might) add either an Stax Omega2 MK1 or a Woo Audio GES
Sep 1, 2012 at 2:47 PM Post #39 of 163
I'd like to hear both of those maybes so I'm all for you spending your money on them.
Also, nice to see you'll make it to this one Bob (maybe hopefully. lol)
If nothing big comes up I plan on being there. Right now my setup is in my signature. What I might (and it's a big might) add either an Stax Omega2 MK1 or a Woo Audio GES

Sep 1, 2012 at 3:06 PM Post #42 of 163
I can be there.
Thank you.

Luis D. Paret
Keller, TX
Sep 1, 2012 at 7:04 PM Post #45 of 163
Btw, guys, feel free to just hang out, use the full length of the meet to listen to everything in the room, talk to everyone, grab a snack, etc. I know some people have to come and go in certain time frames, but the last few meets we've had in Texas, people have disappeared, except for the organizers, well ahead (a couple of hours) of the scheduled end. This time is for YOU to try stuff. Don't be that guy who posts in the impressions thread 'there was an XXXX headphone there but I didn't listen to it and now I wish I had'. Listen to different combinations of gear, ask owners if they'll allow you to swap their dac on your amp/headphones, etc. We're not vendors with ironclad gear sets. We love mixing and matching as much as you do. Spend time with people, make new acquaintances, friends even. These are regional member meets, not cold, emotionless trade shows.

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