Craziest thing you do with your headphones?
Feb 27, 2004 at 5:16 AM Post #16 of 50

Originally posted by aerius
I watch **** DVDs at night. It sounds positively orgasmic through my Senn 495 headphones.

Orgasmic or Eargasmic? Or...both
Feb 27, 2004 at 5:28 AM Post #17 of 50
i just keep wiping them.. i dont know.. i just cant.. stop.. wiping..
Feb 27, 2004 at 5:29 AM Post #18 of 50
I've touched the pads on my Beyer 531's to my face before, just to feel the texture. So soft and smooth...

It's official. We all need therapy.

Actually, I think the single craziest thing that people do with headphones is value them more than the music that's playing through them. Lots of people on this board seem to be really focused on neutrality and technical perfection, regardless of how musically satisfying the headphones make their favorite albums sound. There's a site (I forget the name) that sells high-end equipment and also a small selection of CD's that are mastered in extremely high quality. The artists aren't anyone of note, but people buy the CD's because of the fidelity alone, even though they have no evidence that the music is any good. I could never understand that. It's like buying a 60" HDTV and then only watching ****ty movies.

Moral of the story: Beyer pads are plush and cuddly, and the music should always come first.
Feb 27, 2004 at 5:33 AM Post #19 of 50

Originally posted by Factor
I've touched the pads on my Beyer 531's to my face before, just to feel the texture. So soft and smooth...

Do you inhale the sweet scent of them as well?
Feb 27, 2004 at 5:50 AM Post #20 of 50
I sometimes keep them on with no music. After 25 years of having my ears clamped to my ears at least 8 hours a day, it just feel natural to wear them all the time.
Feb 27, 2004 at 5:51 AM Post #21 of 50

Originally posted by Rizumu
Do you inhale the sweet scent of them as well?

No, of course not.


[size=x-small]Not until you mentioned it.[/size]
Feb 27, 2004 at 6:45 AM Post #22 of 50
I listen to music on them... and sometimes I even watch movies with them on!

I sometimes carry them from one room to another if I want to listen to them somewhere else. I even carry my ety's in my backpack and use them at school.

I try to listen to music on them. I tend to only listen to the specifics of the phones when I'm deciding what I think about them. Once I decide I like them I use them for their purpose... MUSIC
Feb 27, 2004 at 7:20 AM Post #23 of 50
I think I'm the worest on this board.
first I look and smile at my grados everytime I walk by them.

second when I am walking around I sing my grado song "I love grados yes i do the 325's are the poo. you cant have nor you cant admit...that grado is the ****"

third I brag to people about my 325's and the ra-1 like it came out of me

fourth, i walk around screaming grado

fifth, I get pissed off when i listen to them and not think of the beauty of them and just think of the music.

six, some chick threatened to bust my 325's cause she wasent getting enough attention from me, she grabed them and said she is going to snap them. I looked at her in the most serios face and said I'll snap her if she does, plus I said she will be replaced next week by a new girl but the grados

i think thats it

ohh when i was drunk i thought about getting a grado tattoo..wonder if i would get free rs-1'

and i do really want some grado swag to. anyone know how i can get some?
Feb 27, 2004 at 7:26 AM Post #24 of 50
Best response so far!
And yeah, you've got Grado fever pretty badly there.
Feb 27, 2004 at 9:43 AM Post #28 of 50

Originally posted by JeffL
My finger slipped



Dear God, I think that can kill people

I sometimes catch myself wearing my HD600s with nothing playing on them. They are so comfortable I don't notice a lot of the time. I've also done this with my MX500s (in public) and after 20 minutes I wonder why there is no sound then figure out that there is a play button on my iRiver for a reason
Feb 27, 2004 at 11:11 AM Post #30 of 50
I'm depressingly conventional. The most unusual thing I do is to take the cable off the Beyer DT250-80 and use them as earmuffs. They are absolutely superb... comfy, warm yet quite low profile. If I want tunes I can wear the Shure E5 underneath. I have no other use for these and it seemed like the best thing to do.

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