Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Nov 2, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #3,527 of 42,788
  Have you heard the 2Quote?  I've just got myself a NAC 92 pre-amp and will be putting the Mojo through that, when I get a power supply for the amp - just to hear what it can do through a speaker system.  I might just keep the DAC V1 for the time being but I'll be keen to audition the 2Quote through the NAC 92/NAP 100 combo.

Yes I have heard and auditioned the 2Qute and the Mojo is better in all areas.  I think that you find the Mojo more musically satisfying that the DAC V1.  Forget the price difference, just listen to the music and enjoy.
Nov 2, 2015 at 6:48 PM Post #3,529 of 42,788
Any UK folks imported an AK100mkii from the US? Some good prices and thinking would get stung approx £65 for taxes, would that be about right?
Would make it total around £350 which is around £250 cheaper than I can find in the UK.

Want to give it a crack with the Mojo.

McCol... convert the $-price to Pounds then add 23% (20% VAT + 3% Import Duty), you'll also get hit for a handling-fee of anything between £15-25 (RM is cheapest), hth.
I tend to go the Luxemburg-Option route, if it's good enough for Amazon etc. 
Nov 2, 2015 at 7:14 PM Post #3,530 of 42,788
how about iOS like ipod touch or iphone6 with the mojo? it's very portable size-

It is portable size too but I am not allowed to use iPhone 6+ which is only for emergency. Hence, I must have AK100 mk2!!!

Well both of you should go the AK route I have an iPhone 6 I used regularly with my hi-res player/amp and it screws up the playback with a load of RF noise, I think the iPhone is polluting RF very badly. You'd be better off with an optical based player like the AK 100 and above than a noisy smartphone like the iPhone 6.
Nov 2, 2015 at 7:58 PM Post #3,532 of 42,788
  Just to clarify:
1. SPDIF decoding is all digital within the FPGA. The FPGA uses a digital phase lock loop (DPLL) and a tiny buffer. This re-clocks the data and eliminates the incoming jitter from the source. This system took 6 years to perfect, and means that the sound quality defects from source jitter is eliminated. How do I know that? Measurements - 2 uS of jitter has no affect whatsoever on measurements (and I can resolve noise floor at -180dB with my APX555) and sound quality tests against RAM buffer systems revealed no significant difference. You can (almost) use a piece of damp string and the source jitter will be eliminated.
2. USB is isochronous asynchronous. This means that the FPGA supplies the timing to the source, and incoming USB data is re clocked from the low jitter master clock. So again source jitter is eliminated.
So does this mean that any digital cable will do?
Sadly no. Mojo is a DAC, that means its an analogue component, and all analogue components are sensitive to RF noise and signal correlated in-band noise, so the RF character of the electrical cables can have an influence. What happens is random RF noise gets into the analogue electronics, creating intermodulation distortion with the wanted audio signal. The result of this is noise floor modulation. Now the brain is incredibly sensitive to noise floor modulation, and perceives this has a hardness to the sound - easily confused as better detail resolution as it sounds brighter. Reduce RF noise, and it will sound darker and smoother. The second source is distorted in band noise, and this mixes with the wanted signal (crosstalk source) and subtly alters the levels of small signals - this in turn degrades the perception of sound stage depth. This is another source of error for which the brain is astonishingly sensitive too. The distorted in band noise comes from the DAP, phone or PC internal electronics processing the digital data, with the maximum noise coming as the signal crosses through zero - all digital data going from all zeroes to all ones. Fortunately mobile electronics are power frugal and create less RF and signal correlated noise than PC's. Note that optical connection does not have any of these problems, and is my preferred connection. 
Does this mean that high end cables are better? Sadly not necessarily. What one needs is good RF characteristics, and some expensive cables are RF poor. Also note that if it sounds brighter its worse, as noise floor modulation is spicing up the sound (its the MSG of sound). So be careful when listening and if its brighter its superficially more impressive but in the long term musically worse. At the end of the day, its musicality only that counts, not how impressive it sounds.         

Thanks for clarifying this. It's interesting now because I have a high-quality S/PDIF transport here I'm using with the Hugo that sounds significantly different compared to the USB input.
Nov 2, 2015 at 8:30 PM Post #3,533 of 42,788
Well both of you should go the AK route I have an iPhone 6 I used regularly with my hi-res player/amp and it screws up the playback with a load of RF noise, I think the iPhone is polluting RF very badly. You'd be better off with an optical based player like the AK 100 and above than a noisy smartphone like the iPhone 6.

I use the iPod Touch with the Mojo but as my learned colleague above correctly points out the RF interference renders it inoperative unless, like me, you leave it in airplane mode when using it with the Mojo.

thanks for your suggestion guys. I've heard about the RF noise. Can I use wi-fi with airplain mode? i like streaming service. if i can, how about the RF thing when i use wi-fi?
Nov 2, 2015 at 8:34 PM Post #3,534 of 42,788
thanks for your suggestion guys. I've heard about the RF noise. Can I use wi-fi with airplain mode? i like streaming service. if i can, how about the RF thing when i use wi-fi?

Unfortunately, not. Both the radio for the cellular and the wifi produce RF interference. The only remedy is to keep the iDevice as far away from the Mojo. If you stack like I do, neither wifi nor the cellular may be engaged.
Nov 2, 2015 at 8:37 PM Post #3,535 of 42,788
Seems strange Mojo has RF issues when used with a phone. This is the description from the Chord site

"Chord Electronics is proud to introduce Mojo, the ultimate DAC/Headphone Amplifier for your smartphone. Simply connect Mojo to your iPhone, Android phone, PC, or Mac, plug in your headphones and you can experience crystal clear audio the way you would hear it in the recording studio."
Nov 2, 2015 at 8:59 PM Post #3,538 of 42,788
Hi guys, I just bought the mojo yesterday and i put it on charge till this morning for about 12 hrs of charging but the charging light still on. When it is charging after 12 hrs, I try to on it but it on for a few seconds then no light on all the buttons including volume buttons. Is this normal? When I plug out the usb charging cable then I can on the mojo. So is this normal?
Nov 2, 2015 at 9:07 PM Post #3,539 of 42,788
Hi guys, I just bought the mojo yesterday and i put it on charge till this morning for about 12 hrs of charging but the charging light still on. When it is charging after 12 hrs, I try to on it but it on for a few seconds then no light on all the buttons including volume buttons. Is this normal? When I plug out the usb charging cable then I can on the mojo. So is this normal?

Is your charger 1A or more?  I noticed that for chargers with < 1A, the white LED on the charging port of Mojo blinks.  
When it charges, it should be a steady white light.
I hope this helps.
Nov 2, 2015 at 9:18 PM Post #3,540 of 42,788
So for those of you pairing the Mojo with the AK100ii and/or AK120 (original). Can I get a description of how the Mojo headphone out is better than the heaphone out of these DAPs? Is it more transparent/detailed?

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