Chicago Head-Fi Meet (24 Apr 2004) Impressions (Please Post Here)
Apr 25, 2004 at 12:04 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 148


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 22, 2001
I arrived at the meet location a bit late, due to the sluggish public transportation. I have listened to on my amped portable equipment (in addition to the headphones that I brought to the meet) the AKG K271S and K501, the Beyerdynamic DT880, the Grado HP1000 (Tuberoller's), the Sennheiser HD 595 and HD 650, and the Sony MDR-CD3000.

The AKG K271S didn't impress me as much as it did on the previous Head-Fi meet. The sound struck me as being cold and honky. The K501, however, sounded great in the mids and highs - and would have been ideal to my ears had it delivered a little more bass response.

The Beyer DT880, like the AKG K271S, didn't impress me as much as it did when I had previously heard it. It, too, sounded a little off to my ears.

I came into the meet hoping to love the Sennheiser HD 650. But to my surprise, it isn't the upgrade from an HD 600 that many have claimed it to be (but maybe it's my equipment that can't take full advantage of the HD 650's improvements anyway) - it sounded different from, but not better or worse than, my HD 600. The HD 595 to my ears sounded similar to the HD 650, but with more sizzle in the highs. (Duh.)

The Sony CD3000 sounded pretty good on my equipment, but not good enough to justify coughing up $400 on it. 'Nuff said.

I've also listened to the electrostatic Stax Omega II. It, too, sounded pretty good - but then again, it's way too expensive for my wallet, and my hearing isn't quite good enough to distinguish between "excellent" and "outstanding".

The biggest highlight for me is listening to two of my headphones - the Cardas-cabled HD 600 and the AKG K240S - on Ray Samuel's prototype Emmeline SR-71. I was amazed at just how much output power could be extracted from a long-battery-life amp that measures barely larger than a pack of cigarettes!
Look for me on the waiting list for that SR-71 amp when the production version comes out in about a month or so. (It will very likely replace my Headroom Total Airhead as my portable amp of choice.)

As for other Head-Fiers' impressions of my headphones, it's the Grado SR-225 that got listened to the most. But the surprise of this meet, as far as my headphones are concerned, is the AKG K240S. The people who had heard it could see how that 'phone has been called the "Groovalizer" - it sounded full and quite musical, though not necessarily neutral.

Anyone else? Please feel free to respond with your impressions.

Apr 25, 2004 at 12:19 AM Post #3 of 148
The pics are coming soon. This time, two people took digital camera pics of both the equipment and the people at the meet. I took pics, too - but only of the equipment, and on film (not digitally). Also, I currently don't have a place to host any pics.
Apr 25, 2004 at 12:21 AM Post #4 of 148
Wow, that was quick! We'll all be looking forward to more impressions. So now the mystery surrounding the SR-71 has been partially revealed! Ray had indicated he would be bringing a prototype SR-71 to the upcoming California meet, which got SIE and a bunch of folks who will be attending all excited! How does the SR-71 compare to the XP-7 in terms of price and performance?

(At least now I'm pretty sure that SR does not mean State Road... I grew up not to far from SR-71 in Illinois)
Apr 25, 2004 at 12:45 AM Post #5 of 148
The great thing about this meet, in addition to meeting good people, was the ability to listen to stuff I could never afford. I camped out with the Omega II's on the KGSS, and with the blockhead and RS-1's.


--how easy to use and fun the IPOD is!

--the great sound from the CD3000 and the AKG 271 with upgraded cable

--the power the tube amps can put out

--the Senn HD650 did not seem hugely better than the 600

And finally, I MUST upgrade my source!!!
Apr 25, 2004 at 12:55 AM Post #6 of 148

Originally Posted by Norbert
And finally, I MUST upgrade my source!!!

AND trim down your wallet...
Apr 25, 2004 at 1:12 AM Post #7 of 148
Da Chi-Town group in the lobby of Van L Speakerworks


SR 71 portable prototype,I'm gettin' the silver one


Another SR 71 pic


Blockhead and G08

edit: lots more pics on page 6 of this thread
Apr 25, 2004 at 1:28 AM Post #8 of 148
It seems with every new meet that i get time to listen to less and less gear, but i'll get on with the impressions. I'd also like to thank paul again for driving me down to chicago, i had a great time and it wouldn't have happened without you.

Omegas and KGSS: This was simply the best setup i have ever heard in my life. The combination is so effortless and clean, i wish i owned this setup.

Stealth and HD-650's: I got to spend some time with this setup at the milwaukee meet, and was reminded how good it really is. Inferior to the omega/KGSS, but almost as good. It was nice to be able to hear a few of the records i've collected on a really great system.

HD-595's: I wasn't really very impressed with these, they're bright, and the headband feels weird.

Gilmore v1: I heard this amp with the SR-225's which is from what i've read a good combination, but i really wasn't very impressed. Everything sounded really colored.

Headroom max: I feel bad saying this given how the headroom really pulled through and made this meet great, but i was really taken aback by the quality of the amp. I found it undetailed and certaintly not worthy of the massive price tag. The headroom SA's were also very stiff. I was using it with a set of grados (Hp's), which some people seem to think mate poorly with the max, which i hope for the sake of everyone that it's true.

Blockhead: This is the second or third time i've heard this amp, and am still not impressed by it given the price. Having pots on a balanced amp like that is simply inexecusable. The combination sounds good with senns, but it's terrible with grados, not worth 3,000 dollars, nor is it the same leauge as the KGSS/omega combination

I didn't get to hear the new amp that ray samuels built, but the construction on it appeared great, and while i'm not a fan of the panasonic pot that he uses, there's no way i could ever build anything like that.

And, just because i feel the need to say this, you're all deaf

I was wearing my ER-20's while you guys were blasting the speakers, and was horrified to see many people maxing out the omega 2's when i was listening to them at less than half volume. Atleast the meets are good since they make me stop worring about my listening volume, since you guys are much worse and still standing.
Apr 25, 2004 at 1:56 AM Post #9 of 148
I think the shining star of the meet was that meridian KGSS Omega II combo. However Reynman's set up with the modded NAD and also his Meridian plugged into...was it an emmeline? Anyway, that was fabulous. I also have to applaud the tube amps.

I didn't see anybody plugging into my sad little Denon DCP100 which makes me a bit melancholy.
Apr 25, 2004 at 2:05 AM Post #10 of 148
Uggg... bloody traffic and weather, took me bleeding forever to get out of Chicago. Anyway, pizza goood....

The highlight of the meet by far was the Omega II/KGSS. Ebonyks beat me to it but we agreed that the best word to describe the sound is clean. The soundstage is much wider than the Senns and you can easily pick out the individual instruments and hear each little nuance. For me, the real kick was hearing the bass (instrument) in my songs instead of hearing a melding of guitar and a low thump. It also had a sense of blackness to it, probably attribitable to the wide soundstage, you could sense the separation of the instruments easily and this allowed a much cleaner and congested presentation. I heard a Stax setup at the fall 2003 Chicago meet and it felt like it had a holes, all highs and some bass but no midrange. The Omega II's did not have any gap in it's range and believe me I'm counting my pennies until I can get this combo.

The SR-71 was a surprise, it drove the Senns effortlessly in such a tiny tiny package. And of course Ray's vinyl rig was a real blast.

The other bonus was I scored a pair of Mullard EL84's, more tubeage....
Apr 25, 2004 at 2:11 AM Post #11 of 148

Originally Posted by Norbert
I didn't see anybody plugging into my sad little Denon DCP100 which makes me a bit melancholy.

Well, I did, being a former owner of many a discman. At the same time I didn't see too many people trying out the W11JPNs, so I guess we're in the same boat.

The closest I've come to really enjoying the HD650s was on Reynman's setup, which was Meridian 507 (I think) to Emmeline XP-7 to HD650s, which I think had the Equinox cable attached but my memory is fuzzy (mind's already going at the ripe old age of 22). The Senn sound just isn't my thing overall, or at least it isn't on any gear I can momentarily afford.

I did have a chance to try out the Omegas, which I might have had a better idea about if not for the speakers blasting in the background.
I think I understand the true meaning of the word "fast." Not positive what I think of the bottom end overall, that was the one thing I could really decide if I liked or not about them.

Other impressions...a touch disappointed with the SR225s on the RA-1 amp, but I do think they're a good value for the money. My W11s sounded pretty good on both Emmeline amps I tried (HR-2, XP-7) and the SR-71 is one little powerhouse. If my money weren't pointed towards an HD25 I'd go for one of those babies.
Apr 25, 2004 at 2:17 AM Post #12 of 148

Originally Posted by Born2bwire
Uggg... bloody traffic and weather, took me bleeding forever to get out of Chicago. Anyway, pizza goood....

Don't tell me you just got back? I'd be more than a little amused if I got dinner up there and still made it back to campus before you did.
Apr 25, 2004 at 2:26 AM Post #13 of 148

Originally Posted by strohmie
Don't tell me you just got back? I'd be more than a little amused if I got dinner up there and still made it back to campus before you did.

Well it took me an hour and ten to get to I-57 and from there it was just fine despite the rain. I got back around 7:35 after leaving around 4:45.
Apr 25, 2004 at 2:27 AM Post #14 of 148
It took me 20 minutes down lake shore drive and I've been enjoying the libations unavailable at the meet. It's funny, I brought my own thermos of happy juice. Never had a drop, too busy listening to those dream rigs. By the way what was that Woo Welly something tube amp (tuberoller said the tubes were fairly common) with the white face plate plugged into the meridian by the door????

I have to say, listening to it with the AKG 271's and upgraded cable was another high point of the day. And what was that other tube amp next to the omega's with the russian tube??? You see, I listened. But because I spent all my time listening I didn't learn what I was listening to!! By the way, it was also nice to put faces to all those bloody avatars!
Apr 25, 2004 at 2:34 AM Post #15 of 148

Originally Posted by Norbert
By the way what was that Woo Welly something tube amp (tuberoller said the tubes were fairly common) with the white face plate plugged into the meridian by the door????

I have to say, listening to it with the AKG 271's and upgraded cable was another high point of the day. And what was that other tube amp next to the omega's with the russian tube???


Hello there. The Woo Audio amp is an amp built by Mr. Woo. He has a website at He was nice enough to lend us that amplifier for the meet.

The amplifier next to the Omega setup was the Wheatfield (sp?).

I'll post my impressions later. I am exhausted and hungry.

[size=xx-small]Edit:[/size] Ray Samuels towered over us all today, as you can see in the group photo Fred (Tuberoller) posted. He was really intimidating!

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