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May 16, 2013 at 10:01 PM Post #4,516 of 5,364
Thanks for quick reply. I would not say that audio quality does not matter. All that sweating and heart pounding are quite distracting. I doubt I will get same satisfaction from music while jogging asI would get at home. It is more of bacground noise and something I can concentrate when my muscles are burning at last few kilometers :)
May 16, 2013 at 10:07 PM Post #4,517 of 5,364
Thanks for quick reply. I would not say that audio quality does not matter. All that sweating and heart pounding are quite distracting. I doubt I will get same satisfaction from music while jogging asI would get at home. It is more of bacground noise and something I can concentrate when my muscles are burning at last few kilometers :)

Ok. You could just forget about their excellent SQ while jogging... and appreciate it when you're not!
But if you are wanting some beaters just for jogging, then any over the ear IEM's with earguides (and probably a shirt clip) will be your friends.
May 16, 2013 at 10:13 PM Post #4,518 of 5,364
I can say is that it seems like the Sony MDR-EX210B and the EX300 look and shape exactly the same but just the color is little different.

Don't let that mislead you.  Like many manufacturers, Sony will reuse a mold for different models in order to save money.  It does NOT mean that they sound the same.  I will say one thing though, Sony is remarkably consistent in terms of making sure model numbers correspond with sound quality... so going by that, I cannot imagine that a 210 would sound better than a 300.
Originally Posted by DustinBroke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But will the EX210 have better sound overall for around $80 or less compaired to the XBA 1 or 2?

I doubt it.
Originally Posted by DustinBroke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also does the EX210B sound better than the EX300 if the EX210B will sound about the same as the XBA 1 or 2?

I don't think the EX210 will sound as good as the EX300... and I don't think that either the EX210 or EX300 will sound as good as the XBA-1 or XBA-2.
Originally Posted by DustinBroke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I thought maybe that you have to really spend a ton of money to get really nice sound on the XBA type earbuds since you need more drivers.

No wait, hold on, don't confuse the two issues.  As long as you understand that "better sound" does NOT equal "more bass" then everything will be fine.
Let me put it this way.  Let's pretend that the only IEMs in the whole world are the EX210, EX300, XBA-1, and XBA-2.  If I were in the market for better sound, I would choose the XBA-2, followed by the XBA-1, and not even look at the EX 300 or EX200.  If I were in the market for more bass, I would choose the EX300, followed by the EX200, and not even look at the XBA-2 or XBA-1.
BTW, if you haven't already, you should really check out the following two threads:
Originally Posted by DustinBroke /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But I thought it maybe would be better off getting something like the EX210B or so but I just don't know which one will give life like sounds more the XBA 1, 2 or EX210B.

I am pretty sure that the XBA line will offer you more "life like sounds" than the EX line, with the exception of the EX700/EX1000.
May 16, 2013 at 11:20 PM Post #4,519 of 5,364
I did look at the specs for the EX210B and they look the same as the EX300. Are you sure that the EX210B sounds worse than the EX300? Is it possible they were able to make the same sound at lower price now since technology has gotten better? I mean they look and specs wise the same also same driver size also.
May 16, 2013 at 11:22 PM Post #4,520 of 5,364
I suppose it's possible. The only way to find out is to try it right?
May 16, 2013 at 11:42 PM Post #4,521 of 5,364
hi everyone.
after wrecking yet another pair of px100 cans, I've had it with these flimsy cabled things. I love them for sound and comfort but these cables are way too prone to accidental damage in my experience. Same with Koss Portapro.
Can anyone recommend something in this price and size range that has a thicker cable? Looking at AKG portables but seeing too many mixed reviews.
Thank you in advance.

Got anything you're looking for in terms of sound or are you flexible? A budget would be helpful if it's being taken into account as well (otherwise will assume something along the lines of the PX100). Can't really think of too many choices if you want to keep the small form factor and get a more robust cable - the Q460s are similar in terms note thickness and all that, albeit a bit more aggressive and forward overall.
Hello Everybody,
I need advice for getting a new setup : mp3 player + earphones under 400$ budget ?
my last was RE-ZERO + ipod classic or samsung galaxy note 2.
i did some research and i ended up with :
Mp3 player
either a cowon may be x7 ,  pros : space and battery life    cons : device size
or a sansa clip+ with rockbox   pros : price and device size      cons : space and battery life
(i recently found out they made a rockbox  port for ipod classic 6G, so will this be enough, or the output sound quality of other mp3 players is better) ??
i like the RE-ZERO too much very clear and pure sound, detailed and high seperation of instruments.
i need something with better or same sound quality with nearly the same signature , a bit higher bass and better build quality.
i have read reviews for RE-400, etymotic ER-4S, etymotic HF5, Vsonic GR07 ? i don't know which suits me more.
i don't know anything about amps.
at the end i need a better sound experience.
open to other suggessions.

The DAP thing seems to be more of a preference thing in terms of functionality - you're probably going to have to balance your priorities and find a compromise yourself somehow, since it looks like you've done the research. I'm not sure if the 6G port is stable though so keep that in mind.
Otherwise, with regards to the IEMs - the RE-400s would most evidently be the more similar out of the lot. From memory they sound extremely similar, with the RE-400s boasting nicer texturing and body to the notes, a bit more warmer and filled out - likely due to the slightly pushed down treble. But otherwise differences aren't dramatic (I wish I had my RE0s to compare for you but I've either misplaced them or I did in fact put them in the loaner box - either way only one channel works so...). They also do boast better build. But it seems in your case the aspects you enjoyed on the ZEROs (that is, the analytical edge) has been compromised a bit in favour of a bit of added warmth -  for the sake of mass appeal on the 400's front. Not that I have an opinion on whether or not that's a good or bad thing as a whole, but in your case, the Etys take the characteristics you enjoy and focus on them a bit more. So my push would be for the ER4S (especially in the case of build - 5 years on my ER4P and still working like a charm).
The GR07s boast nice separation and clarity but they are markedly warmer than even the RE-400s, though I'm not sure if you're adverse to warmth or not. They also don't put as much as an emphasis on said clarity as with the Etys.
Originally Posted by TwinQY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, no problem at all.
Well you know which rec I'm going to stand by...

Any advice on upgrade cables for the ue 900? Is it worth it to custom make copper, silver plated, or pure silver for the ue 900?

I'm very much cable agnostic at this point so won't really try to comment on that. Ergonomics-wise, the UE cables in this case are really a cut above the usual stock CIEM ones though, nice and thick. 
Hey Guys,
Recently my apple earphones stopped working and so I started looking for a new pair of decent IEMs for a maximum of 100€ (living in austria, europe, but ordering them online wouldn't be a problem), but I really don't know, which ones I should get.
I like to listen to hard stuff (metal, hardcore,...) and edm (dubstep, drum and bass,...), but also mixtures between these genres.
So I would like to have a really nice clear sound but also a decent and deep bass, not too strong tough (my brother has got beats solo and I pretty much would like the exact opposite sound, as they have a really extreme and exagerated bass which I don't even like when listening to edm and the sound is not clear). 
I also do care a little bit about the design, but thats not that important, as long as they don't look like they are especially made for girls or something like that.
I hope someone is able to help me.


Originally Posted by warrenpchi /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hmm, well the opposite of the original solo would be something "n" shaped and mid-centric... but somehow I don't think you'd exactly want that per se.  I have a UE600 coming in the mail sometime in the next few days, and I think that might work for you.  If you don't mind waiting a few days, I'd be happy to post some impressions about them here when they come in.  TwinQY, got a rec for something with detailed mids and non-irritating highs with good bass extension but no boomy mid-bass hump?

Clarity, deep bass but not excessive - apart from the obvious recs for the UE700 and RE-400, the FXD80 would be worth a look as well. The JVCs and UE700s share a similar leanness in regards to note presentation, with more of a V-shape on the JVCs. Though they are a tad bit more aggressive, considering your genres that might be a plus or a con - depends on your preferences. I also really dig their looks (dug them up to listen to as we speak) - though that's also entirely subjective.
What are some good earphones for listening to music (hip/hop/R&B) for less than $50 to Australia?
I was looking at the JVC HA-FX101 ($24) and the VSonic GR99 ($28) but was not sure what to choose. Thanks

Any particular presentation in terms of sound/sound signature that you might be looking for when listening to said genres? Can't really direct any recs in specific when we're unsure of said preferences.
Hey, I am looking for an upgrade from my audeo pfe112 earphones. I don't mind going with sealed or iem as long as it sounds good. Transparency and balance would be my two priorities. I want something as close to natural as possible but I don't particularly mind whether leans towards the bright or dark side as long as it is close enough. My budget is $300-$400. I have been considering the se535, ue900, k550 and momentum. Any recommendations?  

Out of the lot the UE900s would strike more of a similarity to the PFEs, but I'd also look at something else especially if naturalness (and by extension, perhaps timbre?) as the timbre isn't drop-dead gorgeous due to the upper-mids. Not to say that they're deficient, just something to keep into mind. And while they retain some warmth, after a while when the pinhole fills, you really get a sense that the notes are leaning more towards clarity, leanness and transparency though never actually crossing the border.
In this case it really is tough - I'd say to compromise something but that wouldn't really be ideal now, would it? And I get the sense that we could probably make something work.
And regards to naturalness the K550s are also a victim with regards to timbre and the upper mids - this time the problem is the inverse of the UE900s - there simply is too much of upper-mids in general. Though considering the PFE112s are in the equation you might not mind that as much. In this case the SE425 or the 535 might actually work out fairly well if you mind an rather sizable increase in note thickness. For the most part they retain balance but the treble lacks. And it's not even a matter of being dark or not - they lack treble extension as a whole. 
I have some kns6400s that I absolutely love, however they are bulky and I grow tired of taking them out and about. To that end I need some hopefully similar portables perhaps supra aural. They will be driven by a leckerton uha6s mk2.
My Music: I need it sound good with most genres but spend most of my time with various types of metal,
Preferred Signature: Flat and analytical, detailed, clean/clear, I like great mids and slightly less bass, unforgiving is ok
Isolation: I need high isolation
Budget: Up to $300 but prefer around $200 if possible

Flat, clear, detail, analytical, not bassy, isolates - have you considered IEMs or is that completely out of the equation - you are describing the ER4's signature quite well so I am wondering. 
Otherwise, can't think of much supra-aural wise. It's a crying shame that there's so little choice in terms of analytical on-ears. Perhaps someone with WS99 or DT1350 experience might want to chime in here, as I haven't heard those myself though.
I know I'm asking for it but before I start, the crappy Bose headsets were given to me and I would never buy Bose headphones, period. I've always enjoyed my AKGs and look forward to trying Sennheizers, and Prados one day.  The crappy built quality of my Quiet Confort Bose QC2 (I believe) finally died in one ear, after a return, replacement and more problems then I care to talk about over the years.
Question 1: Has anyone ever successfully repaired one ear, i.e. opened it up and soldering the loose wire?
It is most likely a faulty contact. It gave up to me at a GP race where I heard fizzle and then nothing. I don't care much about the sound quality and mostly use the NC. I feel it shouldn't be this hard to repair a dead ear. Like I said, it crackled then fizzled, so I don't think it's the driver.
Question 2: What good quality NC does anyone recommend? As far as I can see, AKG makes an OK NC headset but it seems the verdict is still out for anything under $200. I use NC mostly for reading and meditating. I'll use my AKGs for music, listening and playing any other time. 
Also before you suggest IEMs, which are great, I develop in ear wax build up by using them. They are unfirtunately not a solution. Although those Etymotics sound great.
Should I post this somewhere else? Thanks, Nicolas

1) Re-cabling can be a thing for most cans, yes. Considering your case though, I'm not sure of many who have experience recabling NC units - that would seem like a massive hassle. I know Brain from BTG Audio generally does recables for most things but I've never seen anyone do anything NC-wise with him. Wouldn't hurt to ask.
2) Sad to say the QCs are probably some of the better sounding NC sets you'll be finding for the price. The "competition" in terms of the Parrot Zik, UE9000, or the MDR-1RNC all have thier "audiophile" credentials but also their vices. The biggest one being that their ANC circuitry are nowhere near as effective as any of the Bose, period. If you could make a sacrifice in terms of complete and total isolation and go into a bit more detail regarding any sound preferences/criteria (signature, any particular characteristics you prioritize within sound, etc) we could make something work, most likely. 
Hello all
I am a long-term custom-IEM fanboy, but I have decided to try venturing seriously into the universal IEM world.
Cost: 500 dollars
Music: 95% Electronic Dance Music, 5% Classical
Sound: Fun with a strong bass emphasis
Previous Headphones: I currently own the JH 16 + JH-3A so bass performance is near the top of my list, both in quality and quantity. Since these will not be my reference headphones, I just want something that I can enjoy with my EDM-filled iPhone. Oh and I will not be using any sort of amp, just straight out from an iPhone 5.
I have been considering the Klipsch X10i since it is $350 and many say that its performance is stellar while satisfying bassheads. I have also thought about the UE 900. I am open to any other options and your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

After reading the above post, I would like to ask you guys what the general sound signature of the UE 900 is? For example, is it etymotic-neutral, or mid-centric, etc.
Research has revealed that the klipsch sound is indeed a bass-heavy, fun sound, which matches my needs. But I am not sure about the ue900. Some reading does reveal that it is more neutral than an EDM-centric sound.

1) Oh boy, if you're paying $350 for the X10i you're paying too much. The vast majority have sprung for the $100 sale (the i versions, yes). They simply aren't meant to be compared with the likes of the UE900 (it's not really a price tiering thing though, the signatures are quite disparate so hard to compare).
2) The UE900s are U-shaped, but smooth. Sparkle but treble retains smoothness. Dip in the upper mids. Otherwise completely linear to these years. So probably not to your sound preference. I'm also guessing that having a microphone function is part of the criteria although you haven't stated it in specific - the two choices all come with the mic thing so I'm just assuming, 
I'd say go for the X10i, but wait a while as you certainly don't have to pay that much,

So I've narrowed it down to the UE 900 and Westone 4s..

Leaning towards the UE 900 with their more universally pleasing signature (I listen to a wide variety of genres, but mainly EDM), availability and price (I can get them new for $340).
Someone help me decide!
I'm coming from the Atrio MG7s which are currently being refurbished, which I was a big fan of (especially that deep, visceral bass & sub-bass).

The W4s definitely aren't winning anything in regards to extension. Mid-bass is the game and sub-bass takes a dramatic backseat. Very much disparate from the MG7 in almost every way.
May 16, 2013 at 11:54 PM Post #4,522 of 5,364
Because that's the kind of earphone you get when you only want bass and nothing else.

I don't know, I've never heard the GR99.

Do you have an Encel, AudioTrends, or Apple store near you?  They carry it (

According to joker's review the JVC HA-FX101 are very good overall and so are the VSonic GR99. I can get the RHA MA350 for $50 from these guys

Are the any other options I should consider such as the Brainwavz M5, VSonic GR02 etc?

The problem is I'm not able to listen to them before purchase so I'll have to go with what everyone says to make the most out of my money.

May 17, 2013 at 12:58 AM Post #4,523 of 5,364
Just out of curiosity, do you know of any significant difference in SQ between the X10 and X10i?  My understanding is that the iDevice remote is the only difference.  If that's the case, I'm not sure that the iDevice remote is worth the additional $220 as the X10 is only $130 on Amazon right now.  Haven't heard either BTW, just wondering why the X10i specifically...

Klipsch prices are always all over the map - especially at Amazon. Klipsch seems to have a rather weird sales model - they keep the prices too high for a while, then they have a huge sale and blow out their inventory of one model - then the price goes back up again. Wait a few weeks, and the X10i & X10 might swap prices! :rolleyes:
May 17, 2013 at 4:56 AM Post #4,524 of 5,364
I've had several Senn and AKG portables, and unfortunately they've all had rather thin cables, sometimes accompanied by questionable strain reliefs as well.  Since I agree with most of my fellow Head-Fiers - in that sound and comfort should still remain your first priority - I would suggest that you re-cable one of your existing units.  Here are some links that might help:
If you have no soldering experience and don't feel comfortable, maybe you could also inquire as to whether Brian from BTG Audio could do it for you.

thanks a lot. Appreciate the reply. I've actually sent several px100's to somebody who knows how to handle a soldering iron. He repaired them and they broke just as quickly. the problem is not always at the connection point or jack plug, but i often catch the cable in a zipper or even in the folding joints of the headband itself.
So unless I can somehow use much thicker cables, and from the instructions it looks like I can't, I'll probably give up on these which really is a terrible shame. So wasteful.
May 17, 2013 at 5:11 AM Post #4,525 of 5,364
I think that both the CAL and S500 are good choices, probably your best choices at that budget.  Both have been recommend to me by friends that I trust, so I would not hesitate to get them.  I say this because, we have no idea when the MJ751 price will drop.

I really have no choice, or buy CALs or S500: D

I contacted the user "Dsnuts" which has both headphones, these are his answers:
"HA-S500 .. I like them better than my old M-80 .. Sold them actually Because of my HA-S500. Cals are ok but the HA-S500 beats them up in dynamics."
"They are better in the bass department over the CALs The HA-S500 punch way above Their price point. Carbon Nanotubes When It Comes To bass is no joke."

So I think the S500 have more bass than CAL.

I buy the S500?
May 17, 2013 at 5:15 AM Post #4,526 of 5,364
Okay, I really want to say Sennheiser Amperior here, but it's kind of outside the target budget.  Maybe a V-Moda M-80 would be good for your needs.  A friend of mine who listens to Metal likes his M-80.  I enjoy my M-80, for some of the reasons that you specified above, but then again I don't really listen to Metal.

I found an amperior for sale for $330aud which I can do, thing is the beyer 1350 can be had for about that and I'm wondering how they compare
May 17, 2013 at 8:41 AM Post #4,527 of 5,364
Any particular presentation in terms of sound/sound signature that you might be looking for when listening to said genres? Can't really direct any recs in specific when we're unsure of said preferences.

I am looking for something that is a good all-rounder. I like to hear the bass as well as crisp sounding vocals. I am not an audiophile so I am not to familiar with the terms.
Basically looking for something with the best value-for-money at $50.
May 17, 2013 at 9:06 AM Post #4,528 of 5,364
Thanks for your input TwinQY :)

I took the leap of faith and bought the UE900s during my lunch break today. And boy am I glad I did...
After my Atrio MG7s bit the dust a couple of weeks ago, I've been spending some time with a pair of XBA-4s I acquired. They were quite alien to me at first listen, but I slowly began to appreciate them for their extreme attention to detail and wide, holographic soundstage. While I did appreciate them, and did enjoy listening to them quite a lot - there were certain songs and tracks that simply wouldn't stir any emotion inside me like my HE-400s did and still do so often. I often felt like I was sitting in the center of a large room with well positioned speakers, yet the vocals and mids in general felt like they were almost too far away (somewhat veiled, yet still extremely detailed).

The UE900s on the other hand were love at first note. The major difference being the truly intimate and luscious sound from the smooth, very slightly rounded top to the deep, respectably impactful bottom. The sub-bass impact of the Atrios certainly isn't there, but it is still very present, well textured and has just the right amount of decay to really pop out the bass-lines to the EDM I listen to.
Yet despite my affinity to EDM, I am taking tremendous joy in rediscovering a lot of my music library again, particularly tracks that are vocal-centric.
Here are a handful of tracks that have truly showcased the impressive technicalities and signature of the UE900; you will see that my choices are from a wide range of very different genres.
Minimal/Tech: Actor One - Stay (Gruber & Nurnburg Remix)

Comment: Amazingly textured, deep bassline with subtle effects in the background to showcase the detail, soundstage and separation of the UE900s.
Chill/Jazz/Vocal: Nicolaj Grandjean - Heroes & Saints:

Comment: The intimacy and emotion of this song is translated via the UE900s like no IEM I've heard before. Extremely well mastered and a great track to show off devices that are technically able to portray the nuanced instrumentals layered throughout.
Trance: Alex Morph - Monday Morning Madness

Comment: There is a lot going on in this song. Deep, powerful bassline. Swirling, synthesized female vocals and subtle pops and effects layered throughout the track. This would not sound so great on a vast majority of lower priced IEMs, yet the UE900 tackles the task effortlessly. No sign of the bass overshadowing the mids or the subtle highs.
So there you go, I was just here to say thank you and I somehow managed to type out a mini-review of sorts :D
Edit: I might add that my source for the UE900s is the HTC One (M7). The XBA-4s had fits with the HTC One, with sound cutting out and clipping at anything above 70% volume. They did however sound impressive through my desktop setup (Essence STX -> Matrix M-Stage) without any of the distortion or clipping at higher volumes. The UE900s had no issues with the HTC One at any volume.
May 17, 2013 at 9:27 AM Post #4,529 of 5,364
According to joker's review the JVC HA-FX101 are very good overall and so are the VSonic GR99. I can get the RHA MA350 for $50 from these guys

Are the any other options I should consider such as the Brainwavz M5, VSonic GR02 etc?

Okay, but he also said that the "bass is on the boomy side compared to sets such as the Philips SHE3580 and can be very intrusive" and noted it's bass bleed, recessed midrange,  and somewhat harsh treble.  IMO, it sounds like he might have been trying to excuse parts of it's performance at times.
I haven't heard the Brainwavs M5 or Vsonic GR02 so I can't really help there. 

The problem is I'm not able to listen to them before purchase so I'll have to go with what everyone says to make the most out of my money.
I am looking for something that is a good all-rounder. I like to hear the bass as well as crisp sounding vocals. I am not an audiophile so I am not to familiar with the terms.
Basically looking for something with the best value-for-money at $50.

Sure, I understand.  It's always a tough choice, especially so when you can't audition them first.  If I were you, I'd find a place (preferably locally) with a good selection and an excellent return/exchange policy.  You might have to pay a little more, but that added cost is like an insurance policy.
May 17, 2013 at 9:28 AM Post #4,530 of 5,364
Klipsch prices are always all over the map - especially at Amazon. Klipsch seems to have a rather weird sales model - they keep the prices too high for a while, then they have a huge sale and blow out their inventory of one model - then the price goes back up again. Wait a few weeks, and the X10i & X10 might swap prices!

Right?  I remember them (quite recently in fact) being insanely low... like in the double digits.  I was gonna jump on it, but then decided that I should probably save for something better.

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