BLADE Series on Spike TV
Sep 14, 2006 at 7:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


DarkAngel's a man, baby!
Aug 22, 2001
How many people here watch Blade?

Last night was season final, only 13 shows first season. The show is flawed but in many ways best series currently on TV. Very good action sequences, violence and gore as much as cable TV will permit, and of course some vampire sex thrown in.

- the actor who plays Blade is a bit "stiff" and mechanical, think Wesley Snipes in movies was better and more animated and emotional. They tried to give more dimension and color to Blade with the show about his childhood/father etc but didn't change the way Blade acted subsequently in later episodes. We need more personality from Blade next season

This was great idea for series, having "double agent" inside Houe of Cthon vampire nation. Allows interesting plot twists and conflicts, interesting character development.....wonder what next season will hold for her.
She has some "explaining" to do to Marcus with final scence of season 1.

This female foil/competitor to Krista was another great idea for series, very sick warped sense of humor which is very entertaining.......not sure where she stands for next season since she screwed Marcus & Krista and House of Cthon in season final.

This character needs a bit more development next year, just started to get interesting last few episodes with romantic ties to Krista and jealousy of Chase. Pretty cold character, but always seems to be one step ahead of enemies and capable of some surprises.

Many of the minor characters were interesting like the little girl vamp Charlotte and her "Lurch" caretaker etc.
Sep 14, 2006 at 7:24 PM Post #2 of 14
Saw the show a few times after Ultimate Fighter. Can't say I'm much of a fan (I hated the Blade movies, btw), but it seems to be about on par with most cable shows. I will say this: Sticky Jones is close to being the worst actor I've ever seen. I can't believe they couldn't find anyone else better than him. It's actually a little insulting seeing such a ridiculously poor actor.
Sep 14, 2006 at 7:34 PM Post #3 of 14

Originally Posted by EyeAmEye
Saw the show a few times after Ultimate Fighter. Can't say I'm much of a fan (I hated the Blade movies, btw), but it seems to be about on par with most cable shows. I will say this: Sticky Jones is close to being the worst actor I've ever seen. I can't believe they couldn't find anyone else better than him. It's actually a little insulting seeing such a ridiculously poor actor.

Sticky is no Wesley Snipes, he did start to become more animated as series progressed. Last night he actually showed some dark humor with a few sarcastic taunts before the I said above he needs more personality for next season
Sep 14, 2006 at 8:30 PM Post #4 of 14
I like it. A bit slow in the beginning, but developed fairly well as the season went on.

Krista is totally hot, and probably my main reason for getting hooked early on. Chase reminds me of a cross between Drucilla and Darla from BTVS - scary beeyatch.

I thought Charlotte got wasted fairly easily by a silver ninja star thrown by Blade. She didn't even make a move! This, after surviving a plane crash? And Marcus will never know that Blade was the one who killed her, not his planted bomb. Too bad, as she was interesting.

Good season-end cliffhanger. Leaves lots of storyline possibilities.
Sep 14, 2006 at 9:01 PM Post #5 of 14

Originally Posted by jpelg
Krista is totally hot, and probably my main reason for getting mildly hooked early on. Chase reminds me of a cross between Drucilla and Darla from BTVS - scary beeyatch.

Chase is a delightfully evil creature.......she reminds me of Callisto character from Xena Warrior princess series.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:18 PM Post #6 of 14
For some reason I really like this series! What I really like, though, is the fact that at the end of each episode, I don't feel a massive compulsion to watch the next. It's not Lost, thankfully
. I know the series is titled 'Blade' and all, but, the fact that Blade himself isn't the Blade from the flicks (both in character and actor), i.e. he isn't totally badass, lacks any sense of theatrical flair, and so on, allows the other characters to play a far bigger role in the story.

But, I returned to university a week ago, and for some mysterious reason the DC++ hub is not working. That means no more Blade for me, since I don't have a TV!
. I'm thinking of making a super strength antennae for a wifi dongle and hopping on to some unsecured hot spots to do some torrenting. So I think I *do* want to see what happens next
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:47 PM Post #7 of 14
I like MXC better

Sep 15, 2006 at 8:56 AM Post #8 of 14
Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones was in one of favourite shows last year, Over There. He did well in the role, but only because I think it was his natural personality (gangster from Compton who joined the army and got sent to Iraq).

When I initially heard that he was cast to play Blade I wasn't impressed. I have yet to see a Blade episode.
Sep 15, 2006 at 1:21 PM Post #12 of 14

Originally Posted by itay
So... i'm confused .. is the show worth watching or not ?

If you could stomach Sticky Jones, and the handful of unfunny, "why did they feel the need to write those in" one-liners, then it's mildly entertaining. I usually can't stand stupid one-liners, but for a show on Spike that's to be expected, so it's tolerable. To me, Sticky isn't, he flat-out stinks and ruins every scene he's in.
Sep 15, 2006 at 4:06 PM Post #14 of 14
I enjoy watching the show. I like everybody on it. I don't think it's the best show on the air but it is entertaining. And as far as the one liners...I mean come on, in the first Blade movie what was it he said?

"Some motherf@#$ers are always trying to skate uphill"

That has to be my favorite one to date. It's just so random.

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