Bay Area meets coming up?
Nov 13, 2003 at 5:43 PM Post #121 of 214
Hey everyone,
I would like to attend the meet. I am flexible and any weekend sounds good. I have a few things to bring. gpalmer, I can bring my Meridian and hook it up to your balanced Gilmore. I would really like to hear them paired. If someone could get a hold of a blockhead we can have some nice comparisons. If it helps anyone, I may come from either San Jose or Davis, which is near Sacramento.
Nov 13, 2003 at 5:45 PM Post #122 of 214

Originally posted by caliguy100
gpalmer, I can bring my Meridian and hook it up to your balanced Gilmore.

Ahhh, I've really been looking forward to hearing the two of them paired! Glad to hear you're in!
Nov 14, 2003 at 4:01 PM Post #124 of 214
Man, I forgot to check the meetings thread! I'm still here and alive! I'm 50/50 on being able to attend this meet. I'm working most weekends from now until Christmas, and the wife usually wants me home when I'm not working. Depending on if I'm working in SF or Palo Alto that weekend, I may be able to stop by for a short visit and at least bring some Eggrolls!

Sheesh- I brought about 8K worth of gear to the last meet, and all people remember are the Eggrolls!
Nov 14, 2003 at 5:01 PM Post #125 of 214
But you are the The Eggroll King, so we grovel before you.

Clearly, one must have priorities. It would not be a bay area meet without The Eggroll King, equipment be damned. if anyone was ever deserving of a custom status title, it is you. All hail The Eggroll King, long may he reign.
Nov 14, 2003 at 5:19 PM Post #126 of 214

[size=xx-small]Originally posted by the Eggroll King:
Sheesh- I brought about 8K worth of gear to the last meet, and all people remember are the Eggrolls![/size]

You brought gear?
Nov 14, 2003 at 5:38 PM Post #127 of 214
Hey drewski just bring yourself and maybe just 4k of gear, that Xindac would be nice! How about 2.5k worth of egg rolls to make up the difference; a lifetime supply for morsel. Any cooks out there?

Are you coming up, JMT? Be great if you could make it.

This is a most agreeable group as far as timeframe. How about Sunday, Nov. 30 at noon?
Nov 14, 2003 at 8:45 PM Post #128 of 214
I am going to give Moon Audio a call and see if Drew would be interested in sending out any cables for the meet.

UPDATE - I talked to Drew he will send a nice selection, although some of the cables he normally sends are either out for review or haven't returned from earlier meets.

Has anyone contacted HeadRoom yet to see if we can get a few of their ampliifers including the BlockHead?
Nov 15, 2003 at 12:18 AM Post #129 of 214
All I remember were Drewski's cables... Maybe we should call him Dr. Octopus.

Anyways, I'd love to come to the meet at bobjew's house. My inventory has increased substantially since the last meet. I have/can bring the following:

Grado HP-2, SR-100, SR225. Wide assortment of Grado pads (bowls, flats, comfies, senns, vwap)
If anyone really wants to hear Ety 4Ps, I guess I could bring them, but it's hard to audition, plus it could get kinda gunky.
Koss KSC-35
Philips 963sa (although Bobjew already has one)
iRiver IMP550
Melos SHA-1
Nov 15, 2003 at 7:57 AM Post #131 of 214
I should be able to make it, whenever you guys agree on a date and time. I have HD650s, Grado SR-125, an optimus 3400, iMP-550, Xin Supermini (if I still have it), possibly a Perreaux SHX1 (if I get it in time), and maybe some interconnects. And, of course, my music for testing. I'll see what else I can bring. Maybe the BP-3.5 power conditioner... weighs a ton. We'd probably sell a lot of them if I did... hearing is believing!
Nov 15, 2003 at 11:37 AM Post #132 of 214
i'm really looking forward to hearing the 650's or the CD3ks on my particular setup just so i can give myself another reason to get annother set of cans and go into more debt
i also love to plug my W1000's into some tubes, they really shine then(ex. ZOTL)!!!

bobjew, can't wait to see your place...and oh yeah, the headphone meet too.

nielpert, because we changed the date of the meet, will you still be able to make it? i hope so man! nielpert is the coolest, kindest, most sincere individual i've ever met. i just hope you all can meet him

also, again, if anyone needs a ride to the meet, and wants to contact me about getting a ride, let me know...i'd be glad to help out.
Nov 16, 2003 at 10:42 PM Post #134 of 214

bob, sorry I can't make this one. Make sure you take lots of pics for me, since it'll be at your place. And dont forget the Merlot, and the Krispy Kreme

If only you were holding it this coming weekend... are the eggroll king indeed. I think i'll drive up just to stop by your place again for the great eats!!!

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