Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay H6 Discussion Thread
Oct 7, 2015 at 11:31 AM Post #452 of 2,885
Thanks for the reply!

I have make sure to firmly insert the plug on the headphone end. (I use the left side, if that helps).

I don't know how much more deeply I could insert it, AFAIK it went in fully. Is there a special trick to do it that is not readily obvious?

The majority of my frustration is on the cable connecting the phone to the music player.

They seems to be very particular about the connection. Needs to be very firmly in. And sometimes even slight wiggle could unsettle it.

Very first time I ever experience this on a brand new (non-broken) device.

Was wondering if any other owner experience this.

...Kind of reminded me of the very first time I heard this headphone. I was at my local b&o boutique with my friends and the sales guy demo this new heaphone, we all thought that the heaphone is broken because it sounded so thin and frizzly. I immediately thought it could have been the iPad not supplying enough power or something. Now looking back, it seems the issue is could have been the jack not connecting properly. Can you imagine even the sales guy was having trouble?

Now what I want to know is, is the design/specification of the cable inccorect?

B&O sells alternate 'non-apple' cable (cheekily not incl.) will that be any better?
Oct 7, 2015 at 11:33 AM Post #453 of 2,885
Also, I tried with other earphone, iem, headphones. Even if I wiggles, rotate the cable/plug, I can't replicate the issue that the b&o has with any other headphones. (Sony, Apple, Senheisser). I would seems as though the jack dimension is not matched to iPods even though it is certified for it? :/
Oct 7, 2015 at 11:01 PM Post #455 of 2,885
Thanks for the reply!

I have make sure to firmly insert the plug on the headphone end. (I use the left side, if that helps).

I don't know how much more deeply I could insert it, AFAIK it went in fully. Is there a special trick to do it that is not readily obvious?

The majority of my frustration is on the cable connecting the phone to the music player.

They seems to be very particular about the connection. Needs to be very firmly in. And sometimes even slight wiggle could unsettle it.

Very first time I ever experience this on a brand new (non-broken) device.

Was wondering if any other owner experience this.

...Kind of reminded me of the very first time I heard this headphone. I was at my local b&o boutique with my friends and the sales guy demo this new heaphone, we all thought that the heaphone is broken because it sounded so thin and frizzly. I immediately thought it could have been the iPad not supplying enough power or something. Now looking back, it seems the issue is could have been the jack not connecting properly. Can you imagine even the sales guy was having trouble?

Now what I want to know is, is the design/specification of the cable inccorect?

B&O sells alternate 'non-apple' cable (cheekily not incl.) will that be any better?

Isn`t what you`re experiencing simply due to the fact that the H6 uses a 3.5 TRRS plug, not TRS, ie, 4 poles not 3?  If you try to play the H6 from a device that is not wired for TRRS, you`ll get mis-aligned contact, one side will be dead, or you`ll two-sided mono, etc.  
Oct 7, 2015 at 11:24 PM Post #456 of 2,885
What you are saying seems correct. It seems to be an alignment issue.
But isn't iPods compatible/uses TRRS 4 contact type? Even the apple supplied earphone that comes with it uses 4 contact type. None of the other headphone/earphone I have quite the same issue. What makes the H6 so different?
It would make sense that the connection needs to be more precise from the headphone end to the audio player. I tried wiggling/rotating pushing/pulling the the headphone connection. seems to work better now. but it just doesn't give me the confidence that it will stay put.
The ridiculousness of this issue is that if i plug it in too deep it will loose contact. If i pull it out just slightly more, it will loose contact again.
Other headphone i have/tried. I just need to plug the headphone until it clicks and that's it. Most of them uses the 4 contact patch (TRRS) kind.

Maybe I am just lucky with the headphone that i have until now? How common is this issue?

What do I need to do to ensure more proper connection? Is this acceptable/normal?
Oct 9, 2015 at 4:55 PM Post #457 of 2,885
So I just picked up a pair of H6 and have been using them daily for five days now. I posted to the Oppo PM-3 loaner program thread (it was relevant at first, I swear it 
) and got some responses. So I'm moving the conversation over here, both out of courtesy and in hopes that other H6 owners can add their informed $0.002:
I totally feel you. Had very similar reactions to the PM-3 and just picked up a pair of H6 to try for awhile. So far I really like the H6's neutral + treble sparkle sound signature. But I haven't put too many hours on them yet.

DrawtheLine87 said:
I'd love to hear your long term thoughts on these two headphones. After auditioning the PM-3, my thoughts seem to parallel yours. I think I'm someone who loves treble sparkle, and I've been looking for a closed back headphone with a neutral sound signature.

The H6 was the only other headphone that seemed to meet that criteria within that price range. I've heard the H6 has a larger soundstage... But I wonder how good the detail and bass are in comparison... Along with that treble sparkle you mention.

Raajgunnn said:
In addition to Draw the line's questions, how is the comfort? I thought the H6 were super comfy, but that was when I had them on for like 20 minutes at the B&O Store. Also, I've heard some report of annoying cable noise too....

As I said, it's only been about a week so far. And I'm coming mainly from using PSB M4U1's and Etymotic ER-4S IEMs. 
So far I really like the H6. For the first two days I was a little worried about clamping force - I have plenty of adjustment room left to make the overall fit bigger, but was feeling some pain from the headband. I've got a big, clean shaven head, so maybe that's part of it. Happy to report that I've been wearing them for a few hours now at work and there's no pain. Otherwise, I love how light and comfortable these are. I wish the ear cups were the tiniest big larger, but they're still ok (I have earrings in my left ear only and notice the cup a little on that side, but not the right). 
The sound signature is interesting. I wanted something similar to my Etys, which I love but don't want to wear for hours on end in the office where it's easier to pull cans on/off as I need to talk to people. The H6 fit the bill to a good extent in terms of clarity, separation, and accurate reproduction with tight bass, some treble sparkle, but no undue boominess or over-exaggeration of any particular frequencies. My level of audiophilia - and my hearing! - isn't refined enough to make proclamations of truth here, but these cans sound quite good to me.
I will say, to echo something I read elsewhere, that the H6 sound is a little bit thin, or delicate. I'm not talking about a lack of beats-style bass boom, but rather a somewhat odd overall restraint. It's not off-putting, but I am hoping they open up a little after more use. It's kind of hard to describe, but there's a little bit of a closed or compressed quality, especially at lower volumes. Compressed isn't the right word b/c it's not like a low-quality digital file. I just want the sound to open up a wee bit more. I wonder if the right amp would make a difference (I listen direct from MacBook and iPhone these days).
That said, I still prefer these to the PSBs, which felt a little strident up top and a little too boomy overall, with their "RoomFeel" tech. So far, so good!
Oct 9, 2015 at 11:21 PM Post #458 of 2,885

As I said, it's only been about a week so far. And I'm coming mainly from using PSB M4U1's and Etymotic ER-4S IEMs. 
So far I really like the H6. For the first two days I was a little worried about clamping force - I have plenty of adjustment room left to make the overall fit bigger, but was feeling some pain from the headband. I've got a big, clean shaven head, so maybe that's part of it. Happy to report that I've been wearing them for a few hours now at work and there's no pain. Otherwise, I love how light and comfortable these are. I wish the ear cups were the tiniest big larger, but they're still ok (I have earrings in my left ear only and notice the cup a little on that side, but not the right). 
The sound signature is interesting. I wanted something similar to my Etys, which I love but don't want to wear for hours on end in the office where it's easier to pull cans on/off as I need to talk to people. The H6 fit the bill to a good extent in terms of clarity, separation, and accurate reproduction with tight bass, some treble sparkle, but no undue boominess or over-exaggeration of any particular frequencies. My level of audiophilia - and my hearing! - isn't refined enough to make proclamations of truth here, but these cans sound quite good to me.
I will say, to echo something I read elsewhere, that the H6 sound is a little bit thin, or delicate. I'm not talking about a lack of beats-style bass boom, but rather a somewhat odd overall restraint. It's not off-putting, but I am hoping they open up a little after more use. It's kind of hard to describe, but there's a little bit of a closed or compressed quality, especially at lower volumes. Compressed isn't the right word b/c it's not like a low-quality digital file. I just want the sound to open up a wee bit more. I wonder if the right amp would make a difference (I listen direct from MacBook and iPhone these days).
That said, I still prefer these to the PSBs, which felt a little strident up top and a little too boomy overall, with their "RoomFeel" tech. So far, so good!

Thanks a ton for the reply. I meant to repost my question on this, but didn't end up doing it. My apologies. How do you think these would do with glasses? I wear contacts most of the time, but do switch out at home. Also, it's funny, I had the same thought about feeling the lack of size on my left ear due to my earring when I tried these on at the store :) Given your observations with the clamping force and the cup size. And cable noise?
Oct 9, 2015 at 11:27 PM Post #459 of 2,885
Thanks a ton for the reply. I meant to repost my question on this, but didn't end up doing it. My apologies. How do you think these would do with glasses? I wear contacts most of the time, but do switch out at home. Also, it's funny, I had the same thought about feeling the lack of size on my left ear due to my earring when I tried these on at the store :) Given your observations with the clamping force and the cup size. And cable noise?

I wear glasses. No issues at all. Also haven't noticed any cable noise, but I'm using them stationary at my desk, not walking around with them on.
Oct 10, 2015 at 12:15 PM Post #460 of 2,885
So just to update my case..
It seems my headphone come DOA.
I tried the one they had in my local store, it seems that the jack meant to 'click' when inserted.
The one i had didn't do this. Tried the right jack. It click just like the one it had in store, and it doesn't have the same issue that the left jack is experiencing.
Perhaps it doesn't help that this headphone is very sensitive and delicate. (you can hear a lot of detail in the music/sound)

Kind of put be in a bad taste about the brand.
Got a few stuff from B&O (made in denmark) also, they often have this little weird quirk.
Like label not being done correctly.
Switch On/Off the label says OFF/ON
Dirt/splatter of paint under the glass.
Panel where if you push just a tiny bit went sunken and not going to rebound. Unless you rebuild the case.

DIY screw retainer to install speaker, where the screw doesn't have and end. So you either screw too loose where it wobbles, or you screw too much and the fragile parts breaks.
All these...
... But they sound so good! T.T
  Thanks a ton for the reply. I meant to repost my question on this, but didn't end up doing it. My apologies. How do you think these would do with glasses? I wear contacts most of the time, but do switch out at home. Also, it's funny, I had the same thought about feeling the lack of size on my left ear due to my earring when I tried these on at the store :) Given your observations with the clamping force and the cup size. And cable noise

There is no cable noise that i would be worry about.

When walking the headphone is solid, it does not creak/rattle like some heaphone does.
There is a slight thump if you take a heavy step, the cable might transmit some sound if you hit/bounce the cable with your clothes/body. But it really sound muted.

The relatively thick cable they use also dampen noise when the cable brush against your clothes.

So no issue there.
This headphone is really good.
The type that makes you wonder whether the sound coming is real or from the speaker.
Really natural/transparent sound.
Early early in this thread I also see a picture of the caramel coloured leather being discoloured.
I am not sure what type of leather they use for the caramel version.
.. But I would like share this information;
if the leather is naked/untreated kind (it sounds like it is), the colour will transform from caramel to brown to black.
When exposed to age, sunglight, oil, etc. That is just the type of leather. It is normal. naked leather also absorb moisture. So if you wiped it with wet rag, just like your colored kitchen wipe, it will darken when exposed to liquid, They will fade again when dry.
Oct 10, 2015 at 12:29 PM Post #461 of 2,885

As I said, it's only been about a week so far. And I'm coming mainly from using PSB M4U1's and Etymotic ER-4S IEMs. 

So far I really like the H6. For the first two days I was a little worried about clamping force - I have plenty of adjustment room left to make the overall fit bigger, but was feeling some pain from the headband. I've got a big, clean shaven head, so maybe that's part of it. Happy to report that I've been wearing them for a few hours now at work and there's no pain. Otherwise, I love how light and comfortable these are. I wish the ear cups were the tiniest big larger, but they're still ok (I have earrings in my left ear only and notice the cup a little on that side, but not the right). 

The sound signature is interesting. I wanted something similar to my Etys, which I love but don't want to wear for hours on end in the office where it's easier to pull cans on/off as I need to talk to people. The H6 fit the bill to a good extent in terms of clarity, separation, and accurate reproduction with tight bass, some treble sparkle, but no undue boominess or over-exaggeration of any particular frequencies. My level of audiophilia - and my hearing! - isn't refined enough to make proclamations of truth here, but these cans sound quite good to me.

I will say, to echo something I read elsewhere, that the H6 sound is a little bit thin, or delicate. I'm not talking about a lack of beats-style bass boom, but rather a somewhat odd overall restraint. It's not off-putting, but I am hoping they open up a little after more use. It's kind of hard to describe, but there's a little bit of a closed or compressed quality, especially at lower volumes. Compressed isn't the right word b/c it's not like a low-quality digital file. I just want the sound to open up a wee bit more. I wonder if the right amp would make a difference (I listen direct from MacBook and iPhone these days).

That said, I still prefer these to the PSBs, which felt a little strident up top and a little too boomy overall, with their "RoomFeel" tech. So far, so good!

The right amp makes total difference with the H6. As I mentioned in this thread, the sound opens up incredibly. It will solve the "thinness" you feel. It solved mine. :)
Oct 10, 2015 at 1:18 PM Post #462 of 2,885
The right amp makes total difference with the H6. As I mentioned in this thread, the sound opens up incredibly. It will solve the "thinness" you feel. It solved mine. :)

Modi Magni for you, right?
Oct 10, 2015 at 9:03 PM Post #464 of 2,885
The right amp makes total difference with the H6. As I mentioned in this thread, the sound opens up incredibly. It will solve the "thinness" you feel. It solved mine.

The H6 is relatively inefficient at 97db (the Senn HD800 is 105db, for example) so they do scale with power. 
Oct 12, 2015 at 5:52 PM Post #465 of 2,885
Just got the h6. Used them with a bunch of ipods. It seems the cable/plug is really finicky. If it wiggles just slightly, the sound from the heaphone crackles/fizzles. Then the sound turns thin and output from the left/right driver differs.

Is this normal?

What can i do about it?

Am I missing something?

Your cable is not plugged in fully by the "sound" of it 

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