Aurisonics ROCKETS: Impressions Thread
Aug 21, 2014 at 5:00 PM Post #1,246 of 3,454
I agree on the last two posts. However, I really only care that the final product is an exact duplication of the sample unit floating around. I would hate to find them like the tenore or that the difference in "version" of body style inadvertently affects the sound somehow. I hope they are uber consistent and I'll be happy. I'm already sold if gnarlsagan's review is worth a beans (which i'm guessing it it) :)
Aug 21, 2014 at 6:10 PM Post #1,247 of 3,454
I agree on the last two posts. However, I really only care that the final product is an exact duplication of the sample unit floating around. I would hate to find them like the tenore or that the difference in "version" of body style inadvertently affects the sound somehow. I hope they are uber consistent and I'll be happy.

I hope hope hope units are consistent. So far there's no reason to think they wouldn't be. I don't recall any consistency issues with the ASG-2, besides that initial measurement debacle.

I'm already sold if gnarlsagan's review is worth a beans (which i'm guessing it it) :)

... if? :p
Aug 21, 2014 at 6:20 PM Post #1,248 of 3,454
I agree on the last two posts. However, I really only care that the final product is an exact duplication of the sample unit floating around. I would hate to find them like the tenore or that the difference in "version" of body style inadvertently affects the sound somehow. I hope they are uber consistent and I'll be happy.

I hope hope hope units are consistent. So far there's no reason to think they wouldn't be. I don't recall any consistency issues with the ASG-2, besides that initial measurement debacle.
I'm already sold if gnarlsagan's review is worth a beans (which i'm guessing it it)

... if? :p

Bwahaha. Don't worry gnarl, my money is on your impressions. :wink:
Aug 21, 2014 at 9:14 PM Post #1,249 of 3,454
I hope hope hope units are consistent. So far there's no reason to think they wouldn't be. I don't recall any consistency issues with the ASG-2, besides that initial measurement debacle.

I watched how they QC'd things and they should be relatively consistent. There may be some minor differences with the bass and differences above the 10k range but that should be about it. Anything that doesn't match 100% with their original FR chart doesn't make the cut.
Aug 21, 2014 at 10:06 PM Post #1,250 of 3,454
  I am in no way or shape an Aurisonics fanboy. I don't own any of their products and i value punctuality. With that said, people nowadays seem to have lost their capacity for patience. Sometimes unforeseen setbacks do happen and a small company like Aurisonics can handle those in two ways. They can either delay the release to make sure the customer gets the quality product they promised them or they throw caution through the window and rush it to the market without solving any of the issues that came up. It seems to me that the Rockets are shaping up to be an excellent iem that is reasonably priced, sounds great and is built like a tank. That's the important part. A few delays here and there only hurt our impulse for instant gratification... 

  i don't think people would have an issue with there being delays if they were a little more thorough with the pertinent updates. plus the latest update said they were "speeding up shipping" and "practically done" shipping out the first batches and yet you have super steal backers that still haven't received theirs. it just kind of contradicts what they were saying. i think people generally don't mind delays as long as there's transparency and no contradicting information.

Well, I'm the one who just asked about the mic version - and as I said on my KS comment, I'm not really expecting them this year at this point, but I definitely think that transparency would help.  As raisedbywolves said, they have kind of contradicted themselves, and they have also gone now I think it was almost 3 weeks without a real, solid update.  I'm not trying to get impatient - and if I hadnt lost my only other decent pair of IEMs earlier this summer on vacation I would be WAY less so - but the fact that absolutely NOTHING has been mentioned of how far along they were for shipping, or how far along the mic versions were was getting a little frustrating.  Which is why I was 'that guy' - to which I really appreciate Dale answering (even if the answer didn't help my hopes for getting the mic version this year).
So I can understand people being impatient, but I definitely think that they can express that impatience in a much better way...
Aug 21, 2014 at 10:26 PM Post #1,251 of 3,454
Well, I'm the one who just asked about the mic version - and as I said on my KS comment, I'm not really expecting them this year at this point, but I definitely think that transparency would help.  As raisedbywolves said, they have kind of contradicted themselves, and they have also gone now I think it was almost 3 weeks without a real, solid update.  I'm not trying to get impatient - and if I hadnt lost my only other decent pair of IEMs earlier this summer on vacation I would be WAY less so - but the fact that absolutely NOTHING has been mentioned of how far along they were for shipping, or how far along the mic versions were was getting a little frustrating.  Which is why I was 'that guy' - to which I really appreciate Dale answering (even if the answer didn't help my hopes for getting the mic version this year).
So I can understand people being impatient, but I definitely think that they can express that impatience in a much better way...

i mean, they've been relatively clear with most of their updates but at times they've left people hanging and that's frustrating. and i know on their part they probably feel frustrated too with all the having to interrupt their work to update people on what's going on, with all the various problems they've had with parts and all but they should have enough time for one person in their office to just go ahead and bang out some updates for people. i know dale himself likes to do the updates but there's nothing wrong with having an intern or someone in a less important position just keep us abreast of what's going on. but the people that are more or less calling them out and implying they're a joke of a company or something aren't really being fair. i've seen other campaigns that were far worse in terms of timely updates and transparency than the rockets campaign has been. not only that, but the rockets campaign has been really gracious in terms of listening to people's suggestions (the black cables come to mind) so i think people can afford to cut them a little slack. i realize it's hard when everyone is reading all these great comments of how good they are and i too was hoping to get them sooner rather later but i'd rather wait for a great product than have someone rush to deliver a shoddy one.
Aug 21, 2014 at 11:47 PM Post #1,253 of 3,454
Well, I'm the one who just asked about the mic version - and as I said on my KS comment, I'm not really expecting them this year at this point, but I definitely think that transparency would help.  As raisedbywolves said, they have kind of contradicted themselves, and they have also gone now I think it was almost 3 weeks without a real, solid update.  I'm not trying to get impatient - and if I hadnt lost my only other decent pair of IEMs earlier this summer on vacation I would be WAY less so - but the fact that absolutely NOTHING has been mentioned of how far along they were for shipping, or how far along the mic versions were was getting a little frustrating.  Which is why I was 'that guy' - to which I really appreciate Dale answering (even if the answer didn't help my hopes for getting the mic version this year).
So I can understand people being impatient, but I definitely think that they can express that impatience in a much better way...

Well I've seen both sides of the story and while I'm not saying lack of communication is right on Aurisonics' side, after what I've seen it's more then understandable. I've been writing up an article about my experiences there but just SOOO much has happened that it's hard to put everything into one organized post/article. The finalized thing is probably going to be a couple days away depending on how long it takes for me to get everything down and for things to get OK'd by Dale so I don't leak anything I shouldn't.
I'm going to summarize the situation I saw over there so people know what Aurisonics is dealing with:
The Aurisonics crew had roughly 11 people, only 7 of which are actively in the shop and of those 7, only 5 actively built products. The ROCKETS weren't the only products that Aurisonics was responsible for so the team was generally divided up between ROCKETS and ASGs going to the dealers. The first week I was there ROCKETS parts just arrived and NAMM was two days away so Andy was helping with NAMM prep so there was only 5 people building products even with me there. For the time I was there ROCKETS construction was left up to me and Dale as the others were busy constructing ASGs. Many of the delays were caused by the cable which came much later then expected which was caused by issues with manufacturing and trying to get the black cable to work. The original plan was crosshatched like the white but due to multiple issues that idea was scrapped but the overall experimenting took time as well. There was some backend changes to the cable and the molds used for the overmolding to make sure they had a good texture for the final product. I wish I could get better pictures to show it but the overmolding my ROCKETS I have has a rougher texture then the smooth texture all the current ROCKETS have. There were a good number of things they couldn't have tested without the final production cables which took extra time.
As for why don't they communicate better? Simply because they don't have the time. Aurisonics doesn't have someone that's dedicated to handling PR and that job is alternated between Dale and Chern Wei, Aurisonics' International Sales Manager who's in Singapore. Dale has a high standard for everything he puts out. That includes updates as well. There are a lot of talented people over there at Aurisonics but there are a lot of responsibilities that fall on Dale's shoulders because he hasn't found the right talent. One example would be painting the shells and the letters on the ASGs, all that's done by Dale at the moment because he hasn't found the right person for the job. I'm not even going to get started on product dev and how big a role Dale has.
I virtually shadowed Dale for 10 days and I was either working while he worked or I was watching how he does things and if I wasn't thoroughly enjoying the stuff I was learning and seeing I probably would have dropped dead half way through. If I were to sum up my average schedule it would be something like this: Dale generally picked me up at 10ish am when he leaves for the shop. Most of the time it's because he has a Skype chat with Cherns, some other important person or just because he needed the sleep after a long night. More often then not we would work until 8pm working on whatever needed working on before going to dinner wherever he decides to eat that day. After a short rest, more often then not, we would head back to the shop at roughly 11 to get some stuff done. There have been times where I didn't get back to my bed at 4am. While I mention "a short rest" after dinner, half the time it was a rest for me where I'd be watching Dale CAD stuff and prep renders. While I didn't have to do work, he did.
So I can't say that Aurisonics shouldn't have better communication but from what I saw, it was more then understandable that their communication would be subpar. Things should improve when Dale finds more people who can take over some of tasks that only he can do at the moment but that's not going to happen immediately.
Aug 21, 2014 at 11:55 PM Post #1,254 of 3,454
About the Rockets wait time, I'd like to reiterate that the Rockets are a seriously quality product, and long waits are pretty much par for the course on kickstarter products. While I definitely identify with those of you who have been waiting a while, I feel fairly confident that the wait will be very much worth it.

I wish I was waiting for a pair myself, but my wait will be much longer since I didn't buy into the kickstarter project. :/
Aug 22, 2014 at 12:30 AM Post #1,255 of 3,454
Well I've seen both sides of the story and while I'm not saying lack of communication is right on Aurisonics' side, after what I've seen it's more then understandable. I've been writing up an article about my experiences there but just SOOO much has happened that it's hard to put everything into one organized post/article. The finalized thing is probably going to be a couple days away depending on how long it takes for me to get everything down and for things to get OK'd by Dale so I don't leak anything I shouldn't.

I'm going to summarize the situation I saw over there so people know what Aurisonics is dealing with:

The Aurisonics crew had roughly 11 people, only 7 of which are actively in the shop and of those 7, only 5 actively built products. The ROCKETS weren't the only products that Aurisonics was responsible for so the team was generally divided up between ROCKETS and ASGs going to the dealers. The first week I was there ROCKETS parts just arrived and NAMM was two days away so Andy was helping with NAMM prep so there was only 5 people building products even with me there. For the time I was there ROCKETS construction was left up to me and Dale as the others were busy constructing ASGs. Many of the delays were caused by the cable which came much later then expected which was caused by issues with manufacturing and trying to get the black cable to work. The original plan was crosshatched like the white but due to multiple issues that idea was scrapped but the overall experimenting took time as well. There was some backend changes to the cable and the molds used for the overmolding to make sure they had a good texture for the final product. I wish I could get better pictures to show it but the overmolding my ROCKETS I have has a rougher texture then the smooth texture all the current ROCKETS have. There were a good number of things they couldn't have tested without the final production cables which took extra time.

As for why don't they communicate better? Simply because they don't have the time. Aurisonics doesn't have someone that's dedicated to handling PR and that job is alternated between Dale and Chern Wei, Aurisonics' International Sales Manager who's in Singapore. There are a lot of talented people over there at Aurisonics but there are a lot of responsibilities that fall on Dale's shoulders because he hasn't found the right talent. One example would be painting the shells and the letters on the ASGs, all that's done by Dale at the moment because he hasn't found the right person for the job. I'm not even going to get started on product dev and how big a role Dale has.

I virtually shadowed Dale for 10 days and I was either working while he worked or I was watching how he does things and if I wasn't thoroughly enjoying the stuff I was learning and seeing I probably would have dropped dead half way through. I were to sum up my average schedule it would be something like this: Dale generally picked me up at 10ish am when he leaves for the shop. Most of the time it's because he has a Skype chat with Cherns, some other important person or just because he needed the sleep after a long night. More often then not we would work until 8pm working on whatever needed working on before going to dinner wherever he decides to eat that day. After a short rest, more often then not, we would head back to the shop at roughly 11 to get some stuff done. There have been times where I didn't get back to my bed at 4am. While I mention "a short rest" after dinner, half the time it was a rest for me where I'd be watching Dale CAD stuff and prep renders.

So I can't say that Aurisonics shouldn't have better communication but from what I saw, it was more then understandable that their communication would be subpar. Things should improve when Dale finds more people who can take over some of tasks that only he can do at the moment but that's not going to happen immediately.

This was such an enlightening post that I had to link it in the KS. Dale really needs to shore up on members for the AS team. Man's gonna work himself into a grave.
Aug 22, 2014 at 12:38 AM Post #1,256 of 3,454

This was such an enlightening post that I had to link it in the KS. Dale really needs to shore up on members for the AS team. Man's gonna work himself into a grave.

He's looking feverishly for new people but he's got really high standards for the people he employs and the products he makes. To say he's passionate about what he does is an understatement.
Aug 22, 2014 at 1:52 AM Post #1,257 of 3,454
He's looking feverishly for new people but he's got really high standards for the people he employs and the products he makes. To say he's passionate about what he does is an understatement.

I can respect this.
Aug 22, 2014 at 1:44 PM Post #1,259 of 3,454
  I hope my comment was misinterpreted as anger or insane impatience...
Either way, I do appreciate the post jrkong, and I look forward to hearing more news about the rockets as the KS campaign continues

There's no misinterpretation, your stance is entirely correct. I could have quoted any post regarding the impatience but yours was a good segway into the post I made which is why I chose to quote it. So don't worry, I was in no way out to make you look like "the bad guy". If I was in your situation without this background knowledge I'd be pretty dang impatient as well but having seen what I have, it really wouldn't sit right with me if I didn't get something out to let others see a bit of what Aurisonics is dealing with over there.
Aug 22, 2014 at 2:07 PM Post #1,260 of 3,454
I'm not waiting, but speaking from my own business experience keeping your customers informed should be a priority. It doesn't take very long to put an update out via Twitter or Facebook. I love Aurisonics, G2 is an amazing phone. I have nothing but love for that company, but being too busy for a quick update when customers are waiting is not acceptable IMHO. It's not like 20 years ago where you have to call each and every customer or fax them...with today's technology it takes literally minutes.

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