Aune T1 USB Tube DAC+ SS Amp Discussion Thread ***See first post for FAQ--Updated on 02/14/15***
Jan 12, 2014 at 11:01 AM Post #4,186 of 8,309
Someone has never discovered how wonderful deoxit is! And Rob would probably already have it laying around from other uses since he likes vintage stereo equipment, so there was nothing lazy about it.

I think saying using deoxit is lazy was quite uncalled for. Do you churn your own butter, or just buy it?

I always keep DEXOIT two pack handy and the Magic eraser has ALOT of uses

Jan 12, 2014 at 11:37 AM Post #4,187 of 8,309
  Lwrs10...Not sure if I posted, but found the problem...was not the amp per se. It seems I had to reduce the signal OUT from the Surface tablet (which I thought strange) but at 50% and using the AUNE, it does sound great !! Didn't I post this last night or is this Deja Vu? LOL
BTW.,.I ordered one of these just to try - I had a REAL HARD TIME deciding between the EH and the SOVTEK. so I will try the SOVTEK first and if I need warmth, will try the EH
~~Sovtek 6H30Pi EB Cryo Single Super Tube

cool !:D Please let us know how it sounds when you got it :>
Jan 12, 2014 at 12:10 PM Post #4,189 of 8,309
Jan 12, 2014 at 12:33 PM Post #4,190 of 8,309
  Don`t take following personally but I call it consumerism with lots of brain-lazyness. People nowdays do not think about using what they already have. They are like robots pre-coded only to buy buy buy. Although, I think in general typical educational system there is lot of BS that is forced into your head and do not actually need in real life, there is still much you could use to keep your money and use/re-use that little you already have. In this case basic school chemistry (btw I sucked at chemistry lol). It isn`t hard to open kitchen cupboard and take 2 things, mix them together and put the tube with re-using your junk-paper/carton in it. Honestly, my method took me too only few minutes (not counting ~30min while tubes soak, I did other things meanwhile). Think, move and use your brain and skills you`ve been given! Don`t just waste it. Heck, you could teach some useful things to your kids maybe? Also you could clean your stuff this way, keep that 25$, go out on street and give it to someone who really needs this money (or maybe to some local charity)! Now, think about it - you`ve used your "useless" skills, teached something to someone, re-used your junk and helped someone who is in lot worse situation in life that you are - isn`t it all positive? By buying deoxit - you have given away your money to corporative system, fed chemical production, polluted nature by it, done no good to anyone, wasted time to shopping,teached nothing to nobody - isn`t it all negative?
Yes, it`s about choices and people should really step away from their comfort-lazy-zone and start to think further than their noses.
Just my little thoughts in this morning :wink:
Btw, I looked up some information about those stock main power supply caps and I couldn`t find that size (physical) RJB type Elna capacitor in Elna 2013 catalog.
It could just be cap from older catalog/production but maybe fake one too? Anyway compared elna cap specs to this Panasonic FR series (new) cap that I ordered and latter has better specs. Probably won`t make difference but I feel lot better knowing my Aune T1 has quality caps in it :) Will take pictures when I open my Aune T1 again and make a short "guide" how to take Aune T1 apart.

Actually, in arcorob's defense:  If he cleans the pots on stereo equipment on a regular basis he is going to have Deoxit around. As far as I know, & I certainly could be wrong, there is no efficient home-brew that we can throw together to clean vintage electronics that will do the job like Deoxit and be safe at the same time. I was glad to see his post since I have some old equipment here that always get the Deoxit treatment when I pick them up. Plus I have a slab of magic Erasor too. The defense rests :)
Jan 12, 2014 at 1:11 PM Post #4,191 of 8,309
Lwrs10...Not sure if I posted, but found the problem...was not the amp per se. It seems I had to reduce the signal OUT from the Surface tablet (which I thought strange) but at 50% and using the AUNE, it does sound great !! Didn't I post this last night or is this Deja Vu? LOL

BTW.,.I ordered one of these just to try - I had a REAL HARD TIME deciding between the EH and the SOVTEK. so I will try the SOVTEK first and if I need warmth, will try the EH
~~Sovtek 6H30Pi EB Cryo Single Super Tube

The EH and the Sovtek are the EXACT SAME TUBE. Only difference is the EH pins were dipped after the fact in a gold coating, and the label. They are 100% identical on the inside, and are even made on the same factory line.

And if people want to call BS, I can show you pics side by side.

To sum it up, do not pay the extra money for EH tubes...just buy the Sovtek ones.
Jan 12, 2014 at 1:34 PM Post #4,192 of 8,309
You all misread my post and didn`t get what I was trying to say. Oh well, let it be.
  Btw, I looked up some information about those stock main power supply caps and I couldn`t find that size (physical) RJB type Elna capacitor in Elna 2013 catalog.
It could just be cap from older catalog/production but maybe fake one too?

Any comments on this one?
About Sovtek vs. EH tubes - yes, they are same. I also have 2x Sovtek 6922 which are exactly same as 6922EH.
Jan 12, 2014 at 1:52 PM Post #4,193 of 8,309
The EH and the Sovtek are the EXACT SAME TUBE. Only difference is the EH pins were dipped after the fact in a gold coating, and the label. They are 100% identical on the inside, and are even made on the same factory line.

And if people want to call BS, I can show you pics side by side.

To sum it up, do not pay the extra money for EH tubes...just buy the Sovtek ones.

Yup..thats what I had read...not sure how the EH's can be defined as "warmer" but I don't need warm..mine is warm enough...I want detail and we'll see how it works...There is a Sylvania JAN 7308 I want but he only has a pair (decent price too) but don't want to spend any more ...especially paying for two tube..
Jan 12, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #4,195 of 8,309
You all misread my post and didn`t get what I was trying to say. Oh well, let it be.

Any comments on this one?

Btw, I looked up some information about those stock main power supply caps and I couldn`t find that size (physical) RJB type Elna capacitor in Elna 2013 catalog.
It could just be cap from older catalog/production but maybe fake one too?

Well, if they do not exist in an Elna catalog, not hard to figure out what happened here.
Jan 12, 2014 at 3:17 PM Post #4,196 of 8,309
Maybe it could be older production cap? Although, I got my unit 2nd Jan 2013 (bought it in Dec 2012).
Oh my! Forgot to celebrate my Aune T1 "birthday" ! 1year and 10 days old ;D
Here is little reminder of that day:
Well, I have been using it 6h per day at least... so, 375 x 6 = ~2250h. Even if those caps are un-branded/fake - I`ve had no problems with it and everything sounds great! :)
Jan 12, 2014 at 4:10 PM Post #4,197 of 8,309
Jan 12, 2014 at 4:40 PM Post #4,198 of 8,309

i am sorry because i entering with stupid questions here, but last one i promise :))))
i plan to order:
Platinum grade.

Is this smart option?
i see many great comment about this tube and i think that is what i need..

Just need confirmation from you guys :)

thank you.

drivers grade is good enough for aune t1.

Correct. I use the driver grade. It is $25 cheaper than the platinum and sounds excellent. This is because the T1 uses the tube as a buffer. The platinum won't offer better sound for this use.
Jan 12, 2014 at 10:03 PM Post #4,200 of 8,309
  can the outputs on this be used in conjunction with a powered subwoofer
say in a configuration with pc, powered speakers, powered sub...and the dac itself, no other components in the chain?

If the powered sub directly connects to the powered speakers, then yes.

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